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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. whats funny is john wayne was a huge drunk and dodged hte draft in WW2. raging alcoholic. everything about him is a myth. he was a real asshole too.
  2. yeah.. i only wanted to point out its endurance as a thing and how it's tailored to fit whatever moment the white supremacists choose.
  3. the pink tarps would collect fish and the fish would die on top of the pink tarps so it would stink pretty bad. i forget how long the islans stayed wrapped. i don't think it was super devastating for the environment but wasn't great. people did protest it though. i think i remember some active voices saying "it's not worth it to do this even if it's pretty". these days it might be more difficult to do something like this. the local miami dade dept that is in charge of looking after water ways is actually pretty active and fines people for littering/polluting into the water even in marinas and stuff.
  4. replacement theory has been around for like 120 years. always used by racists and white supremacists whenever it's convenient. it was actually a theory very much outspoken in the USA for a while back when there was a panic that chinese people would become too prominent on the west and "dilute" the white race or whatever.. even at time used to scare up resentment towards italians who weren't considered white by these people. for a while it was tied in w/eugenics and other unsavory shit. but it's always about gross white supremacy and 'othering' anyone who doesn't fit a certain mold. these people using it today know exactly what they're doing and should be punched in the dick.
  5. as a kid i remember seeing more than one story about how the pink tarps around the islands killed a bunch of fish.
  6. have enjoyed many episodes of his podcast. if you haven't checked it out it's a good one to scroll through the episodes and find one that interests you. always interesting discussions about art/tech/music. also, fuck cancer
  7. memory is a weird thing. sleep deprivation, depression or things that i do automatically as muscle memory like locking the front door or turning on the alarm etc.. i often forget i do them then have to do that thing where i double check. i've made it a habit to mentally be present when i'm doing certain things so i don't forget about them. taking my daily meds is one i have to focus on because it's so automatic how i take them.. immediately after dinner.. that sometimes i forget if i took them because i'm essentially day dreaming and my body and brain are going through this process and performing a task. so, i try to shake out of it and remember. i've had it happen where i suddenly go oh fuck.. did i take my meds.. and i try to retrace my steps and can't actually remember.. because it's the same way every day so i could be remembering yesterday. it's kind of hilarious in way. once or twice i've double dosed myself. so it goes. anyway.. it's not dementia. it's just how life is and how the brain works after this long period of isolation and very much routine day to day schedule. there's a lack of punctuation to mark the beginning and end of a days events. the other day i went for a bike ride and didn't remember turning on my bike lights but they were on.
  8. apparently michael jackson was taking a ridiculous amount of xanax every day. like 40mg or something. a 2mg bar will knock most people out for a day. i'd guess a person would have to take it a life time to get dementia and then it's probably partly dependent on a person's genetics or whatever.. other factors. we're probably all going to get dementia from microplastics or some kind of plaque in the brain or whatever.
  9. it sucks but if the thing to do is get off them then it's worth it and you'll feel better eventually. exercise helped me a ton once i was read for that..
  10. Takes a good 12-18 months to detox from benzos if you’ve been on them long term. You have to step down slowly. It’s the only way. I’ve done it. It was challenging at times but totally doable. I broke them in half then in half then skipped days eventually normalizing the GABA. got to where I would take like half a .25 mg Xanax once a week. obviously consult your doctor first.
  11. RIP Fred Ward. So good in so many things. also was The original Neo.
  12. is this pic here somewhere?
  13. i wish it got more exposure but that's true of a lot of music. tough to rise above the noise these days as much as ever..
  14. some of the salves and oils work pretty well but only if they're a mix of CBD and THC. i think the CBD works better when it has the other cannabinoids in the mix.. seems like it 'activates' the magic. at least in the ones i've found. you need a one to one ratio or just high thc and reasonable CBD amounts. and rub it in pretty deeply. i've experienced some pain relief this way that was amazing.
  15. double edged sword though. there's something so mind numbing about those kinds of things that it can feel like a trap which causes anxiety and need to change the channel and watch something else as means of relief.
  16. sadly this became my experience as well. was nightly user of weed back in the day then in my late twenties it betrayed me. every now and then i give it another chance and always regret it. seems to highlight every kind of pain in my body. joint pain, back pain etc.. and causes acid reflux and paranoia. such a drag because i used to love weed. was the thing that helped me sleep and relax or have fun and be goofy. so it goes...
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