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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. they're talking about the 'decoupling' of number of cases from hospitalizations. the rates are changing.. so, fewer people who get infected will need to be hospitalized.. though SOOOOOOO many people are being infected that there will likely be more hospitalizations than previous surges. 1 million new cases in USA. unvax'd people going to get hit hard of course.
  2. i've made/deleted dating profiles because of this. "i wonder what that person is up to?.. i'll re-enable my account.. yep.. there she is.. still there.. ok.. guess i'm done.. delete account" years ago my friend was telling me how her dad or someone old in her family gave her advice.. saying "if you're lonely.. just go home with one of your friends sometime" and i kinda think that's good advice these days.
  3. there's more details in the numbers. yes it's definitely exploding in cases but a small part of the cases are because everyone who goes into the hospital for anything is being tested so many asymptomatic people who test positive are being discovered. at all age ranges including children. so, a kid who goes to get stitches for a wound or someone breaks a leg or gets in a car crash then goes to hospital.. they're testing everyone.. however, it seems omicron is less deadly than delta. it's much more transmissible but is less deadly in vaccinated people. it outkirts the vaccine but then does less damage.. typically. not always but overwhelmingly it's less deadly. many vaccinated/boosted people are having breakthrough cases but are just getting the sniffles essentially. less than a bad flu. some more severe symptoms but nothing like delta. time will tell of course. but what usually happens w/viruses is they get less deadly and more transmissible so the most transmissible variant out completes the more deadly variants which is what appears to be happening w/omicron and delta. omicron is i think now the dominant variant. hopefully the trend continues w/less deadly variants emerging as more vaccines are made available to other countries. that's where the most good can be done i think... getting as many vaccines as possible to other countries where vaccination rates are low. time will tell though.. and i won't be surprised if it goes totally differently than expected. i read somewhere that omicron is basically as transmissible as the measles and it can be spread easily in the air.
  4. wtf. starting off 2022 w/a bang. back in august i had to have the door latch/unlocking mechanism on my car fixed. it no longer responded to the keyfob thing and i was told it would eventually break completely and the only way into the car would be to crawl in through the rear hatch. so, 5 months later, i go to get in the car this morning and the latch is fucked. not responding to the keyfob and so i figure fuck.. it's probably busted again already.. at least i can just use the key until i get it fixed again.. nope. key barely goes in.. had to climb in through the rear hatch. lols. i guess i can just leave it unlocked until i get it fixed. i checked to see if it's been tampered with and there's no signs of someone trying to break into it or anything. so dumb. there's no keyhole on the passenger side.. only the driver side and the rear hatch. rear hatch lock responds fine to the keyfob.. so there's that. happy new year. edit: update.. stopped by the repair shop who are really good and he immediately determined it's the keyfob.. put a new battery in it and all is well. this is good. i'll take any win i can.
  5. years ago in north carolina i saw many "Hannity/Coulter" bumper stickers around
  6. audiomulch is pretty immediate. it's all macro level stuff really.. and saving snapshots of devices then automating them. there's some good control options built into audiomulch and you can do a lot w/the built in effects etc.. it'll host vsts though and if you have some software midi sequencers you can hamfist together some things to make patches more melodic w/vst synths.. i miss using it sometimes because it was so immediate to use and easy to jam with. i used it for a good while and made lot's of tracks w/it. if you are running an older OS you can probably get it to work. i haven't used it in ages as its unsupported and hasn't worked on mac for a long time really. it'll run on my old ass windows laptop but i haven't turned that thing on in forever. most of the tracks on 'disencumber' are made using eurorack modular.. well. tracks 1-5.
  7. waiting for some hooligans to spray paint "CHINA GAY" on a football field large enough for that thing to pick up. just a prank bro.
  8. when i was a kid i broke my ankle pretty severely learning to drop in on a halfpipe on a skateboard. i practically blacked out from the pain.. but i remember my whole leg being on fire.. and when the doc set the bone in the emergency room my whole leg went ice cold and it still is the biggest feeling of relief i've ever felt.
  9. it's hilarious.. he asked for privacy during this trying time or something.. you know who needed privacy.. sandy hook parents.
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