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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. made a shit ton of my releases "Name Your Price" on bandcamp as in "free" so if something catches your ear go grab it for zero money. https://ignatiusmusic.bandcamp.com
  2. so that guy who was part of some kind of attack event in philly.. is nuts of course.. check out some screens of his tweets. it's a strange world these people exist in.
  3. welcome to my world. it's least IDM for sure. aging is most IDM though.. i mean.. IDM is old now made by old people mostly isn't it? i guess there's some exceptions but mostly it's the olds. but it's all just techno right. right. right.
  4. he said trump should start his 2nd term and as a warning put people's heads on pikes starting with dr. fauci.
  5. dude.. this fucking asshole and all these assholes are just emboldening the psychos https://www.newsweek.com/bannon-calls-fauci-beheading-1545287
  6. there's more to it.. the 2nd part she starts talking about demonic confederacies. these people just spin up a whirlwind of shit and everyone breathes it in
  7. yeah.. the senate will make any change difficult. getting any kind of programs passed that are progressive etc will be full of turtle ass licking to get it through meaning lot's of concessions to republicans.. but biden has a lot of friends on the hill so who knows.. if he can get a couple to go against the turtle then we'll see but he can just bury shit or not even call it to the floor for a vote. seriously hope he dies but i think he's made of the stuff they make those Real Dolls out of so he'll probably never decay.
  8. "oh, i don't vote" or just nod.. and go "uh huh" and change the subject to anything not politics. you can even just listen and wait for them to stop talking and then just start talking about something else. "Have you heard the new autechre.. lol.. it's called Sean Pls" or, if you can.. just have headphones in all the time.. even if there's no music playing and say "MOST IDM 2018 REPRESENT"
  9. so, it's seeming possible once all the ballots are counted that Georgia and Pennsylvania could go biden or be really close. there's till like a million votes left to count in PA and they're all mail in ballots and dems have won like 70% of those.. similar situation in georgia. so, tomorrow morning could be more than just nevada for biden which also has mail in ballots from clark county (las vegas) to count which should be most dem voters. fingers crossed. i won't celebrate until Jan 20th if/when trump is no longer president and biden is inaugurated
  10. US Cyber Command conducted a pre-emptive attack on foreign hackers to disrupt them prior to the election. the future is here!
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