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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. also: “White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows stunningly admitted this morning that the administration has given up on even trying to control this pandemic, that they’ve given up on their basic duty to protect the American people,” https://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/us-elections-government/ny-meadows-surrender-control-pandemic-biden-20201026-7gtpapqabjgy3pknehwimrffvi-story.html
  2. wtf stream of consciousness tied to a kite and let go into a hurricane forever ascending up into the edge of space.
  3. then his math was wrong or his xbox price was wrong. everywhere i've looked on line has spotify at that .003 cents base royalty rate. shrug. if you google you'll find the answers in detail or even just check spotify $0.003 is accurate. royalty for radio play is way way higher. there's always more details. https://www.rollingstone.com/pro/features/spotify-million-artists-royalties-1038408/ here's a royalty calculator https://tunemunk.com/spotify-royalty-calculator/
  4. i thought it was even less than .003 cents. i think the base rate is pretty low. some people have better deals though... different tiers google says this: Every time someone listens to a song Spotify, it generates royalties. As of January 2019, Spotify reports that it pays out between $0.00331 and $0.00437 per stream to rights holders. https://help.songtrust.com/knowledge/what-is-the-pay-rate-for-spotify-streams
  5. that was very informative. thanks for sharing. lot's of good points that he makes. especially the changing nature of spotify as a media conglomerate giving joe rogan $100 million for exclusive rights for his podcasts. craziness. it makes it pretty clear who is paying for such deals.
  6. [looks at catholic priest] and yea. .i mean.. it's true.. in america and many parts of the modern world people are the worst and our lifestyles wreck the planet. so, sure.. the call is coming from inside the house. but who do you think is going to try and change human behavior to the benefit of the natural world and the future of humans? would be the donald or the biden? seems obvious to me.
  7. so write one of them in. it's easy enough to see who is closest to things you hope for and vote for that person. i'm not in love w/biden but i think the world will be better off w/him as president.. not to mention all the really vulnerable people in USA who have it a lot worse than I do. it'd be selfish not to vote for the greater good imo. also, even if it was yang or sanders USA isn't going to get off capitalism. as much as the rhetoric says 'socialism' i'd expect either of those guys to be very pragmatic with achieving change were they to be president. USA getting off capitalism would take a generation. i'd expect we'd move towards a much better social safety net and more equal society etc and getting off capitalism would have to wait. any change will be a challenge to achieve.. just look at the ACA and what that took to get and how it might not even be around in another month. USA is a big ship full of people and half of them are pretty fucked up. getting them to agree on which direction the shipshould turn is no easy task
  8. lol. all the more reason you should vote for SOMEONE. there's more than just biden/trump on the ballot in every state. being sick of the messaging doesn't mean it isn't worthwhile to vote. it's tiresome.. i get it.. i'm sick of the ads and the rhetoric and all that shit.. but if i don't vote and choose someone to take things into the future then it makes suffering through all the bullshit extra meaningless. you're buying into the division pushed on you so maybe just ignore it and make up your mind w/o spite etc. or stay on your high horse and take your ball and go home and complain some more.
  9. sort of.. but it's more like you believe in and hate the easter bunny and trump believes in and hates the easter bunny too so you vote for him because he'll kill the easter bunny... a thing that doesn't exist.. and you'll feel better.
  10. kid throwing watermelon = genuine lol
  11. yeah.. same. it's because trump can't interrupt like he did before. but at times his face turns read while he's waiting and i enjoy that moment.
  12. he's nuts. doing better? idk. he sits there fuming waiting for his mic to be unmuted which is kinda fun to watch. trump is really speaking to his base. he's doing fine in that regard i guess. he's not answering any of the questions about not having a plan for anything but i'm sure his base is ignoring that. biden is doing fine. holding his own even looking 'strong' and making sense and not stumbling too much. he's making good points within the context of the debate. gotta say it's all pretty tiresome though and i can't wait for it to be over. i do hope trump has a stroke soon.
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