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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. also, https://www.politico.com/news/2020/08/21/trump-black-voters-turnout-2016-398520
  2. Of the 3,128 signatures West filed with the elections board on July 20, one review found 1,928 of them were invalid, leaving him 1,300 signatures short of the 2,500 needed to become an independent candidate on the Illinois ballot. https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/chicago-politics/kanye-west-kicked-off-illinois-ballots-in-presidential-race/2326172/
  3. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/08/new-postal-service-plan-is-setting-off-election-alarms
  4. are you being sarcastic? of course Harris is eligible to be vice president. she's from oakland right? natural born citizen. all this fake drama about the press etc is just nonsense. also, i think as for 'if trump is in trouble' nah.. this seems like a move to unload all the data/reports etc far enough before the election to see if any of it gets traction to use as ammo against him.. or perhaps convince a handful of voters here and there who are somehow undecided and can't figure out what issues are actually important to them. i listened to an interview w/some get out the vote people this morning who are going out into places that voted against democrats but were kinda on the fence. the worker who gos out into neighborhoods and knocks on doors went into some details about various conversations she had.. one woman she spoke with ran a small dairy farm and voted for trump in 2016 thinking he'd be the voice for small farms like hers and she was sad to find out that as time went on he only helped out the mega corporate farms etc. the conversation apparently lasted quite a while and eventually got down to what issue was actually important enough to make it more than a coin toss vote for her.. for whatever reasons she didn't trust democrats. so, it came down to healthcare. the woman's health insurance for her family was around $2000 a month. she said she hadn't been to a doctor in years because she was afraid of the bills etc even though shad insurance. so, they had a discussion about the plans of each candidate.. of the 2 candidates trump doesn't have one. there was some discussion about the early lives of each candidate and all that and the woman decided she was going to vote for biden. not sure what the point of relaying all that was.. just was in my head.
  5. another civil war wouldn't look like the last one w/north vs south.. it would be everywhere vs everywhere.
  6. This fucking guy. Jesus. “Get the oil” is what he said about every war over there. So here we are. https://www.newsweek.com/syria-trump-stealing-oil-us-confirms-deal-1526589 In remarks delivered Tuesday and sent to Newsweek by the Syrian permanent mission to the United Nations, representative Bashar al-Jaafari told the U.N. Security Council that "the U.S. occupation forces, in full view of the United Nations and the international community, took a new step to plunder Syria's natural resources, including Syrian oil and gas" through the recent establishment of a company called "Crescent Delta Energy." This firm, "with the sponsorship and support of the US Administration, has entered into a contract with the so-called 'Syrian Democratic Forces/SDF' militia, an agent of the US occupation forces in northeastern Syria, with the aim of stealing Syrian oil and depriving the Syrian state and Syrian people of the basic revenues necessary to improve the humanitarian situation, provide for livelihood needs and reconstruction," he added Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. lol Kanye West Gets Thrown Off the Ballot in Wisconsin West won't qualify for the presidential ballot in the swing state, on account of missing the deadline for dropping off signatures by 14 seconds. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/n7w5qd/kanye-west-gets-thrown-off-the-ballot-in-wisconsin
  8. Obama gave a great speech as expected. It’s the only one I’ve watched. Inspiring. His passion comes through talking about America, democracy and change from young people. You can tell he’s upset. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. my brother apparently had it in february. he was here with my mom visiting at the time. both of them had been sick with a respiratory thing like bronchitis. later he got tested and was negative but got tested for antibodies and was positive. my mom tested negative for both. they were on cross country flights to visit me. i don't know how i didn't get it if my brother had it while he was here. I was sick a bit after they left and knocked out but my immune system handled it which was nice since i'm on a chemo drug and that could've sucked. i know a few pople who had it. no one local. another friend in miami and a friend in texas who has a toddler and works from home. he lost his sense of taste/smell for like a month. both recovered fine. my friend in miami said it was like weird sinus thing but otherwise he was fine.
  10. i stole that observation from the reddit comments. had to fess up.. my conscience is guilty enough
  11. ^^^ back to the future 2020. someone trying to get the fuck out of 2020.. probably succeded
  12. ignatius

    Brexit :(

    found this really interesting to read. as an american it shed some new light it all. seems his take on it 4 years ago was pretty accurate ay?
  13. https://www.businessinsider.com/former-dhs-trump-floated-trading-puerto-rico-for-greenland-2020-8?utm_source=reddit.com
  14. there's a million tutorials for max.. lot's built in and tons on youtube.
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