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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. he did change the world of journalism. no one has done that as well as he has since then. but it has its critics too since some stuffed shirts never got over the journalist being in the story. he had a powerful insight and could turn that lens on america and what it means with greater accuracy than most. he knew how to communicate and he struggled a long time before he found that voice. and he was pretty fucking hilarious at times. he was indeed a fucking mad man in a lot of ways and he knew it. he often quoted Samuel L. Johnson "A man who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being human". he probably had as much affect on the world as a journalist can have other than bringing down a president like woodward/burnstein with watergate. i enjoyed a lot of what he wrote. some wild stuff and some sweetly sad things and lot's of "here's america as a meat grinder" anyway.. HST RIP. it'd be fun to see him get under trump's skin in some way. seems like the kind of guy who's buttons hunter could push pretty well.
  2. not disputing that he was an addict.. just saying "perhaps" to the world being that much different if he'd had sobered up. i'm sure his personal life would've been different for sure. that book Gonzo takes a really hard look at his relationships w/secretaries/assistants/girlfriends etc. and how cocaine and alcohol took a toll on them. also, he was in near constant pain for a long time because of a hip/thigh was bone on bone and worn down to a slope according to some reports.
  3. maybe. he did have a very long run of keeping his shit together during long states of altered consciousness. i wonder what would've happened had he won the election for sheriff. the book put together by Jann Wenner "Gonzo: The Life of Hunter S. Thompson" is a really interesting look of who he is. It's a look at him from perspective of all the people in his life. long interviews put in chronological order. Hunter S. Thompson: I wouldn't recommend sex, drugs or insanity for everyone, but they've always worked for me.
  4. posted a pic here last night which i guess got deleted though it's a pic of a guy's crossed legs. one of those "wtf perspective" pics. click me for image too scandalous for watmm
  5. he did savage that group of hacks and cronies though. but yeah.. i should add a qualifier.. "I wish he was still alive and in fighting shape" because he wasn't really in fighting shape even though his mind was pretty sharp and his commentary insightful and unique to the end. his voice is missed and it's hard to see anyone who's taken up the slack
  6. more like Go Diabeeetus Weekend am i right?? wtf how many catch phrases that one woman have?
  7. oh and LOL at adrenochrome.. it's something hunter s thompson made up in Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas. i wish he was still alive so he could savage some of these fucks.
  8. never read the comments. it's always awful. side note.if you need some wholesome detox after too much awful then go watch some tabitha brown on tiktok which is the only reason i've ever looked at tiktok. i heard her get interviewed on NPR and had to investigate. she has a great voice. she had something go viral for wholesomeness and now has millions of followers. it's mostly vegan recipes. she talked about int he interview how she didn't know how to cook and only learned when she got married.. then she went vegan. https://www.tiktok.com/@iamtabithabrown/video/6827323030595816709
  9. 4 day work week would be nice way back...
  10. looks like a pretty accurate road map. america is fucked every day more and more. this next year is going to be brutal.. as if it hasn't already been rough all over. good way to stoke class divisions. force poor people back to work, middle class still work at home, rich people continue doing rich people things. healthcare workers already stressed and under supporrted get another year of being traumatized by death and exhaustion. Step 1: Remove income support, so people have no choice but to return to work. Step 2: Hide the facts. Step 3: Pretend it’s about “freedom”. Step 4: Shield businesses against lawsuits for spreading the infection. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/may/03/donald-trump-reopen-us-economy-lethal-robert-reich
  11. didn't know Macklemore was British.
  12. it is so childish. so many 'adults' act like children. my brother was a cop for 15 years in miami and more than half his job was conflict resolution between adults who lived together and were fighting over something really really stupid.
  13. Florida's scientist was fired for refusing to 'manipulate' COVID-19 data https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/05/19/florida-covid-19-coronavirus-data-researcher-out-state-reopens/5218897002/ BREVARD COUNTY, Fla. – The scientist who created Florida's COVID-19 data portal wasn't just removed from her position on May 5, she was fired on Monday by the Department of Health, she said, for refusing to manipulate data. Rebekah Jones said in an email to the USA TODAY Network that she single-handedly created two applications in two languages, four dashboards, six unique maps with layers of data functionality for 32 variables covering a half a million lines of data. Her objective was to create a way for Floridians and researchers to see what the COVID-19 situation was in real time. Then, she was dismissed. "I worked on it alone, sixteen hours a day for two months, most of which I was never paid for, and now that this has happened I'll probably never get paid for," she wrote in an email, confirming that she had not just been reassigned on May 5, but fired from her job as Geographic Information Systems manager for the Florida Department of Health.
  14. eventually there will be a showdown and some of these people will get purged. if the gun toting idiots go too far sooner or later the confrontation will turn violent. maybe that violence will be sustained in further protests or maybe it'll be a one time thing that leads to terrorist type attacks in the future. nothing good will come of it unless there is real anti terrorist action at federal level and a willingness to wield the power of the state to squish these people. it really depends on who's in charge at the time.
  15. This 66-Year-Old Woman Is Suing All Gay People—Yes, All of Them https://time.com/3848666/nebraska-woman-sues-gays/?utm_source=reddit.com
  16. Controversial study shows rats prefer jazz to classical music, when on drugs https://www.classicfm.com/music-news/rats-prefer-jazz-beethoven-cocaine-study/?fbclid=IwAR3AqqdmR1J7uQf2Kl0BKSmlDaIRpYrAEnW2QwLg6UoqiaBXIdSnoX-6foA
  17. Valhalla DSP released FREE Supermassive delay/reverb plug in. it's really great. I did some minor beta testing of it and have used it for a couple weeks and it's really really lush. https://valhalladsp.com/shop/reverb/valhalla-supermassive/
  18. Trump is refusing to unveil Obama's portrait at the White House, breaking a 40-year tradition https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-refusing-to-unveil-obama-portrait-at-the-white-house-2020-5?utm_source=reddit.com
  19. downloaded this movie "Proximity" thinking.. oh this will be a dumb syfy thing to put on in the background while editing some sounds.. holy fucking shit.. it starts charmingly enough but quickly reveals itself to be trash. filmed well, nice VFX (more on that) but the story is 1 plot hole after another. it's as if a 10 year old took a screenwriting class and this was the final project. it's so dumb and so cliched at every turn. i had to keep watching. spoilers - as if anyone else will watch this - it's about a guy who gets abducted and gets obsessed w/finding answers. i'll skip the plot and just say after getting kidnapped to costa rica by a secret agency and flying by a tiny cessna 172 prop plane w/water landing gear.. back up to north america and british columbia.. oof.. wtf. they find this guy they've been looking for who was abducted in the 70s and has learned to decipher alien messages they find out the aliens are coming back. so they have a sit and chat w/the aliens who are searching for something and through some type of mind meld we see jesus as he rises to heaven.. so, the fucking aliens are traveling the universe looking for jesus. when asked why the aliens say something about "he's the common thread of purpose throughout all humanity.. blah blah blah" after laughing out loud and forehead smack i do some googling and the guy who wrote and directed the movie is some hot shit VFX guy who's worked on all these block busters for quite some time. like A level shit go to kind of guy for VFX magic. it fits. the writing is super weak. it's awful. not a logical thing about it. even just the plane flight from costa rica in a tiny plane that seats 4.. it would've taken forever. plane goes like 180 mph max speed in ideal conditions and about 800 miles on one tank of gas. costa rica to BC is like 4000 miles. it also rips off THX1138 stylistically in some scenes. super rip off. i'm not butt hurt about it just kind of astounded that it was made and that i fucking watched it. the script is the laziest bunch of horseshit and the jesus message is absurd of course. even if the aliens want to know who jesus was they could just pick up a fucking bible or abduct a priest. so my FWP is this movie exists and now i'm thinking about how it came into existence and now i'm watching Threads to scrub my mind.
  20. One of the reasons trump fired that guy is because he wouldn’t push that drug. So could be! “Health Dept. Official Says Doubts on Hydroxychloroquine Led to His Ouster” https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/22/us/politics/rick-bright-trump-hydroxychloroquine-coronavirus.html
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