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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. i await the final solution white house press briefing.
  2. protesting the lockdowns by ruining some PPE
  3. “It’s just a suggestion from a brilliant lab from a very, very smart — perhaps brilliant man — he’s talking about sun, he’s talking about heat, and you see the numbers,” Trump told Rucker, referencing Bryan’s earlier presentation. “So, that’s it. That’s all I have. I’m just here to present talent. I’m just here to present ideas because we want ideas to get rid of this thing.” https://people.com/politics/trumps-officials-explain-why-his-idea-of-injecting-disinfectant-into-patients-wont-cure-covid-19/ Don't eat or inject yourself with disinfectant, warns FDA commissioner https://www.cnn.com/world/live-news/coronavirus-pandemic-04-23-20-intl/h_1d2d1c2779b624b151a1f72557aabe0d
  4. doh. meant to put this in the EKT New Releases where the others are. oh well. shrugit.
  5. bleach shortage incoming in america! gonna be like the opioid crisis.
  6. i'm waiting for him to make the leap to him not being infected because he uses a tanning bed or something. i hope he tries to inject himself w/bleach to 'clean' himself on the inside.
  7. lol..just read this https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-coronavirus-inject-disinfectant-bleach-treatment-sunlight-a9481291.html?utm_source=reddit.com
  8. i can live w/that ? it's just what happens. Ae always get mentioned when someone reviews one of my releases. i can recognize ae influence in lot's of stuff but i don't think anyone really sounds like ae.
  9. Thanks. That one is full of stuff in the far ends of the stereo field. Some of that was a happy accident.
  10. we will definitely still have covid19 in teh fall
  11. mostly recent-ish stuff i've done. a few older tracks though. It'll be Pay What You Want ($0) until Monday 4/27 when it'll be $5 this is a mix of computer and modular things that i think work together. https://ignatiusmusic.bandcamp.com/album/bundle-drift-ep
  12. ignatius


    finally giving these a more attentive listening in the studio. these are all so good. there's much depth in these. really amazing. it's amazing how there's a beat but there's not really beat in some of this stuff. all these other things are doing the rhythmic work real sneaky like.
  13. i'd also add that the banks should not be allowed to bundle their mortgages as products and then sell them. they're doubling down on fees everywhere. the mortgage crisis is a good example of what happens w/lax regulation and mortgage back derivatives and essentially making morgages into junk. it's a huge scam. yes... i'm that guy who's seen "The Big Short" like 3 times and is still pissed off about it. banks shouldn't be allowed to do all the shit they do. the different parts of the banks should be split up. there has to be a way to have an agile financial/banking system that doesn't get too big to fail in every direction. these people can't be trusted to pass on temptation for huge profits doing sketchy shit.
  14. modular patch w/a bunch of old samples and some derp sounds turned out alright.
  15. probably gonna see more of this in the coming weeks. wish people would listen to the experts instead of foxnews and trump.
  16. not sure why but it won't embed w/the little speaker to activate audio. https://imgur.com/dODTfBi
  17. https://imgur.com/dODTfBi
  18. hard to watch. there's a less brutal compilation of the RKO stuff but i couldn't find it.
  19. figured might as well pile on this
  20. that's just new york/new england.
  21. bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb iran bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb iran bomb iiiirrraaaaaaaa aaaa aaa aaaa nnnnnn The president's Wednesday morning tweet came shortly after Iran announced it had successfully launched a military satellite into orbit for the first time. https://www.npr.org/2020/04/22/840955446/trump-instructs-u-s-navy-to-fire-on-iranian-boats-if-harassed
  22. praise be... NSFW (language)
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