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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. and starbuck's coffee is terrible. Yeah I always take my coffee black. And I'm afraid if I order it that way at the 'Bucks that it'll taste like ass. That's why they have to cream-and-sugar the shit out of all of their beverages. Their only drink I really like is the matcha, but even that is sweeter than I'm used to. I also found out a few months ago that their iced coffees that you buy in glass bottles at gas stations & shit has 46 grams of sugar each. That's the same sugar content as a can of Mountain Dew. that's a lot of sugar. the little double espresso + cream is pretty good. the tiny two sip can. those have helped me on some long drives i read a thing about matcha.. that it's not good to drink all the time. apparently the tea trees leach lead from the soil and this is OK when making tea in bags or whatever because the lead doesn't really filter out of the tea leaves which we discard after steeping (sound splausible?) but since matcha is actually the tea leaves getting ground up to powder and then consumed it means when consumed there's a lot of lead.. so if someone has like 2 matchas a day for a long time it can add up to toxic levels.. or so the article said.. seems plausible. i saw a story on 60 minutes or some news show about a kid who loved tuna and ate a can of tuna every day. his teachers thought he was stupid because he was just out of it and couldn't think straight and was a goof.. turns out he had mercury poisoning from the tuna. he went some chelation treatment and smartened the fuck up in no time. developing brains don't do well w/the mercury perhaps donald trump eats 2 cans of tuna every day. i read that he uses propecia for hair growth (it was listed as a medication on his physical when that got released) and side effects for propecia are forgetfulness and brain fog.. he's taken that shit for 30 years or something. i'd be OK if he had a stroke on live tv and fell over on his face. donald trump face plant would be pretty satisfying and make a great meme. this startbucks fuck better fuck off though.
  2. i find starbuck's to be burnt as fuck. over roasted bitter and acidic and unenjoyable. from the drip coffee to their espresso.. it's shit. they burn the fuck out of their beans. they're black icead tea is pretty good though. there's way better coffee but i live in a part of the world that is spoiled for such things. still.. i will only drink starbuck's if i'm in an airport or in the midst of a terrible caffeine withdrawal headache or something. pete's is fine. i thought seattle's best and pete's were the same/merged but i haven't kept up on these things..
  3. i finally grabbed this last night when i went to grab the mira calix from bleep. that first track hooked me big time. already listened through it twice this morning. it's really nice and hypnotic and kind of cinematic but has a groovy detached vibe. really digging it. it's minal and simple in some ways but complex or crafty in others. sleek but fuzzy. nice record. will be in heavy rotation
  4. it really is an amazing part of our time that young americans are obliviously hanging out in disinfo dens where posters are paid by authoritarian regimes to assault democracy by way of the weakness that is public opinion yep. cyberpunk gothwave ghostwave urban warrior ninja hacker times. it'll be curious when/if all this evolves or diffuses or people become aware of it or not. i doubt the impetus is there to educate people about the way it works because all sides want to more or less do the same kind of manipulation. i watched a ted talk of this sort of futurist tehcnology guru shaman type of dude (my characterization) who is a well respected as one of these early pioneers of our information world and silicon valley blah blah.. and his closing statement was something like "2 people who want to connect on the internet shouldn't be mediated by a 3rd super rich person who wants to manipulate them". here it is.. it's kind of fabulously weird in that silicon valley way but through his techno hippie world view he actually seems passionate about this and makes a good point or two. fucken silicon valley though.. wtf. https://www.ted.com/talks/jaron_lanier_how_we_need_to_remake_the_internet?utm_campaign=tedspread&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare That was a really good video. What's very unfortunate is that for software engineers one of the easiest ways to get high paying jobs is to work for these behavioral modification companies (Google, Amazon, Facebook). Google wants you to click more ads so they get fees, Amazon wants you to buy more stuff so they get fees, Facebook wants you to click more ads so they get more fees. Anyone have any suggestions on where to work that isn't making all of its money through AI-assisted behavioral modification? PornHub. ? i have a friend who works for an internet security firm that processes payments and stuff. the biggest part of their business is the adult industry. it's all a bit like that monologue in Good Will Hunting, isn't it. finding an "ethical job" is challenging for a lot of people i think.. and a lot of people probably only think about it on some level. But, there's probably less "fun" code/computer/datavault type work everywhere... it just depends on how bored you're willing to be. there's trade offs. I have a friend who's worked for a few different big companies.. HP, IBM, Intel etc.. doing various things. currently he makes 6 figures and mostly telecommutes. i don't even know what his job is but i think it's help desk/datavault stuff for IBM or something. he gets lot's of vacation days and can work from anywhere. a couple years ago he went on a road trip all over the US and just planned to be in places that had fast internet. he would wake up at whatever time he had to log in to work.. do his job for 8 hours then go see stuff. he did this for about month w/o taking any time off work. stayed we for a week. just set him up on the kitchen table. pretty good gig for him i think. anyway.. i don't have an answer. i think people just find the job they can live with. i imagine working for any of these places is a strange experience for someone who's had a typical 9-5 corporate gig. it may be worth it to check out what it's like and see how it all works. maybe the culture isn't so bad maybe it's terrible and you find out what you don't want to do with your time and skills. or move to russia and be a hacker. i can only guess the USA has it's own cyber people tracking and hacking and stuff. that doc about the virus that blew up the iranian centrifuges is really interesting if you've not seen it i reccomend it. stuxnet.. Zero Days
  5. it really is an amazing part of our time that young americans are obliviously hanging out in disinfo dens where posters are paid by authoritarian regimes to assault democracy by way of the weakness that is public opinion yep. cyberpunk gothwave ghostwave urban warrior ninja hacker times. it'll be curious when/if all this evolves or diffuses or people become aware of it or not. i doubt the impetus is there to educate people about the way it works because all sides want to more or less do the same kind of manipulation. i watched a ted talk of this sort of futurist tehcnology guru shaman type of dude (my characterization) who is a well respected as one of these early pioneers of our information world and silicon valley blah blah.. and his closing statement was something like "2 people who want to connect on the internet shouldn't be mediated by a 3rd super rich person who wants to manipulate them". here it is.. it's kind of fabulously weird in that silicon valley way but through his techno hippie world view he actually seems passionate about this and makes a good point or two. fucken silicon valley though.. wtf. https://www.ted.com/talks/jaron_lanier_how_we_need_to_remake_the_internet?utm_campaign=tedspread&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare
  6. That stuff from the lawyer is good. She put the thread on her blog in blog format. https://terikanefield-blog.com/reading-the-roger-stone-indictment/ Stone has forever had the rep of a snake. I heard one commentator who’s known him professionally over the years say that “Stone had his idealistic phase when he was in 2nd grade and quickly abandoned any political idealism and he’s been a shark ever since” - paraphrasing. He’s garbage. World class asshole. Very south Florida type of personality. Also, this must watch video. Can’t embed because reddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughTrumpSpam/comments/ajxefx/arrest_me/ It’s this with curb your enthusiasm theme https://twitter.com/yashar/status/960680566327795712?s=21 And just for some fucked up perspective https://twitter.com/drrjkavanagh/status/1088841156388179968?s=21 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. r/the_donald somehow had a post make it to the front page today. It was about roger stones arrest and the “disgusting and unnecessary show of force by the fbi” and they kept saying it was part of operation Mocking Bird being carried out by true enemies of America- the intelligence services. They claim there’s “no such thing as a former intelligence officer” and the CNN reporter who was outside Stone’s house at time of arrest is a former FBI agent who was an assistant to JAMES COMEY(!!!!). “Zomg connect the dots idiots!” Meanwhile cnn credited a different reporter “but of course they would do that because CNN is the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party” Honestly it’s all batshit and makes no sense and I’m sure there’s some bots in there but it’s full on trump train tinfoil hat territory 24/7 over there. We’re in for lots of insanity as the indictments pile up. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk And never forget. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. lol.. mueller said that they've seen several different pee tapes that we re fake and likely made to try and look real by whoever made the real one.. or something similar.
  9. He apparently references it a lot as part of a pick up line about being “the only guy you’ll ever meet who has a dick on the front and a dick on the back” Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. he's possessed by a bunch of demons or something.. i saw a bit of a preview as well.
  11. beware all of it.. it will suck the time out of your life and in 2 days something new will beg for the same attention... is best to turn it off and wait until some day down the road to pay attention to this shit show. otherwise you risk riding a roller coaster forever.
  12. https://twitter.com/akkcrystal36/status/1087421465799131142 https://twitter.com/MattBors/status/1087129258252632065 https://twitter.com/bcmerchant/status/1087274530219782145
  13. i actually youtube'd a landr ad and watched a 4 minute ad waiting for the "sample is a brain" comment but it never camed so i watched that for nothing. this thread is now generating 1st world problems.
  14. here's the whole 'debunking' video crosspost from the "what does world think of america" thread.
  15. 15 minute long song. i will not make it shorter.
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