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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. they need to go back to Cuntopolis or whatever inbred shitstain town they're from. edit: btw don't read the comments. don't rread thecommenenrnrnsnsnntntntntsssss
  2. nah, just more same old max (algorithm-computer music program) sounds. generative bot "jams" if you will, so not much structure. no wonder they hand it out for free,,, else not many listen. Hey thanks for the help man, I was struggling over here with these NTS vinyls, trying to figure out why that sound kept coming out of my speakers, and you figured it out for me! It's not music, it's just data, that was the problem all along. Is there a converter or something you guys could recommend to turn this stuff into good music? Thx. ur speakers need support MAX program, invented by mathemetatian k.h. stockhausen waaay back in the 80s! nah, just more same old max (algorithm-computer music program) sounds. generative bot "jams" if you will, so not much structure. no wonder they hand it out for free,,, else not many listen. lol track is one big structure tho i thought it'd be obvious i was trying to be funny. true impressions be 2 pages back. wuvit. deadpan
  3. nah, just more same old max (algorithm-computer music program) sounds. generative bot "jams" if you will, so not much structure. no wonder they hand it out for free,,, else not many listen. Hey thanks for the help man, I was struggling over here with these NTS vinyls, trying to figure out why that sound kept coming out of my speakers, and you figured it out for me! It's not music, it's just data, that was the problem all along. Is there a converter or something you guys could recommend to turn this stuff into good music? Thx. just type GONK into your kb and chill.
  4. nah, just more same old max (algorithm-computer music program) sounds. generative bot "jams" if you will, so not much structure. no wonder they hand it out for free,,, else not many listen. lol track is one big structure tho
  5. silver surfer has arrived! https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/weird-news/746841/NASA-conspiracy-alien-news-iss-international-space-station-blue-object-cut-live-feed-video
  6. listening w/headphones finally. gotdamn... that entire intro section is before the gonk donk gunk wonk snare comes in is deep. definitely a different take/approach/whatever to that bit of the 2015 live sets but sounds incredibly refined and focused. the wub wub shredding waveforms or wavetable splatter wavefold bass or whatever the fuck it is is a syfy doom. love it. last night i watched bits of Terminator Salvation.. and that scene where the big terminator thing comes up from the ground and starts blasting shit w/the shoulder canon and makes that bass bonk... this song is like 12 minutes of that. if you haven't seen the terminator salvation movie it's worth checking out just for the sound design in places. pretty epic stuff. edit: this scene. particularly at 55 seconds.. but all the sounds that thing makes are gold.
  7. 0 ========================================================================o> 0
  8. slow payer on ebay. accepted the offer and sent the invoice and it's been an eternity of 1.5 hours and no payment received. ;) also, tumblr is changing it's policy and will no longer allow porn posts starting in a week or something. also, my dog is shedding and it's kinda insane and absurd.
  9. i'm generation X i think.. no one talks about us anymore.. we're the middle child watching the millenials and baby boomers fight it out.
  10. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8235296/plotsummary?ref_=tt_ov_pl
  11. fuck! that's tough. i painted my basement w/this hardcore sealant before finishing it and it helped a lot. i was high for like 3 days though because of the fumes. painted it on like rubber goop and it hardened filling any little pock mark or hole.
  12. it's stupid.. the synth shop i work for ran some ads on instagram and it forces a link to a FB account which is the FB page i have to manage and use for promotion. instagram is our most active social media account and anytime someone posts a response or comment on an IG post it shows up as a message in the FB page which gives me a notification on thingy on FB (i have every notification in every app ever turned off so i don't actually et push notifications on my phone). so it's a thing i have to click on and mark as "done" on FB. it's fucking stupid. i can't wait to quit FB and delete myself from the page. it's a shit show.
  13. ignatius

    Now Reading

    currently reading thomas ligotti's The Conspiracy against the Human Race: A Contrivance of Horror" and loving it. it's darkly funny at just the right times and i've lol'd while reading it but it's also super dark at times if i think too hard. https://www.amazon.com/Conspiracy-against-Human-Race-Contrivance/dp/0143133144/ref=pd_lpo_sbs_14_img_0?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=6ZN5ZFY361177J38KN1P here's a snippet i posted to instagram. oh, a while back i read another Nikola Barker book.. "wide open" and liked it a lot. i just like her style a lot and so far just enjoy whatever story she's telling. i loved Darkmans.. should read that again when i can.
  14. i once promoted a release on FB and the label. went through all this crap and selected the demographic info and had a budget of like $75 or something. it was pretty useless. i think if i did that again i'd do it on instagram instead but i won't do it again because i don't want to support FB and i'm waiting patiently for the opportunity to quit that shit. i think i'm gonna go watch that FB special on Frontline or whatever it was show on PBS.. "The Facebook Dilemma" to reinforce the "quit that shit" vibe i've had lately. anyway.. i found the process of placing an ad on FB to be a clusterfuck.
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