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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. 3 mass shootings in last 24 hours. USA! USA! USA! the ladies getting in on the act now.
  2. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/sep/19/donald-trump-urged-spain-to-build-the-wall-across-the-sahara Stable genius Trump with solid suggestions he might be the dumbest person in the USA.. children included.
  3. something like 4 million chickens drowned in the hurricane in NC.. and countless hogs. also the swine waste pools were flooded and spilled over and are merging w/flood waters into rivers. so, along w/millions of animal carcasses and toxic concentrated animal waste.. there's full on vaporwave running wild in the streams and it's only a matter of time until the toxic avenger is made real.
  4. this is my hometown i'm just worried about the rear tires on that buggy. deflated rear tires can lead to a rollover accident when turning.
  5. https://weirdness-is-good.tumblr.com/post/178179865429
  6. hard to say. we sell some records in the synth shop i work in and a lot of young people come in and buy older music. we have a small heavily curated record selection. lot's of classic electronic music, old old computer music and 60s/70s stuff and noise/power electronics and more recent aphex/clark/autechre/boc etc etc.. a lot of younger people are still discovering 'our' classics. :) but i don't think any music sells like it used to. except lil xan suburban mumble rap and the eagles hotel california represses.
  7. there's aluminum in deodorant also. i wonder if deodorant is salty tasting? gonna go lick some armpits. will report back
  8. they're pretty much tone deaf in regards to those kinds of things.
  9. They seized his property and a bunch of cash. Like 46 million or something. He’s a pretty fucked up guy. The texts released have crazy stuff in there. His daughters calling the family money “blood money” because where it came from. And discussions about how their mother is basically raped in gang nang orgies that their father (Manafort) films. She had a severe head injury or something and he’s apparently manipulated her ever since. The texts are crazy. His own daughters talking about how to rescue their mom, how sick their dad is and enjoying their blood money. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. no witnesses? whenever i have farts like that i think about my friends or brothers. "this one's for you homie!"
  11. jfc. is that guy racist much> he's fucking clutching his pearls and shit.
  12. you know naan is bread.. i mean.. it means bread. so you're saying "i had some bread bread". this is not quite true. "roti" is bread, "naan" refers to a specific kind of bread. granted, brown people generally don't say "naan roti" and usually just say "naan", but I think you can get away with being a gora and saying "naan bread". you cannot, however, get away with saying "chai tea", that shit sounds dumb every time. chai literally means tea. dammit. now i have to go post in the FWP thread about being a smarmy smart ass dick and being wrong about it. HYPE! HYPE! It's a test pressing so it's not out yet. But if everything goes well it'll be out in a couple of months congrats! i hope it goes well. i hope the pressing is up to snuff.
  13. because it's on purpose. daughters of revolution.. How Southern socialites rewrote Civil War history https://www.facebook.com/Vox/videos/972931962894406/?t=2 https://www.vox.com/videos/2017/10/25/16545362/southern-socialites-civil-war-history
  14. you know naan is bread.. i mean.. it means bread. so you're saying "i had some bread bread". pay no mind.. just being a dick. also salsa = sauce. so don't say salsa sauce though i've seen mexicans crack a smile at gringos like me when it happens. oh, 1st world success... i bought new wipers for my car yesterday. it started raining today. my windshield is clear as can be. there should be a parade in my honor.
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