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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. [bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=1144593212 size=small bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 track=2957034461] that doom shit slaps. thanks for the link.
  2. ^^ congrats. i hope it continues to be a smooth process.
  3. Showtime doc on the trump tax story. https://thehill.com/homenews/media/409595-showtime-to-air-documentary-on-nyt-trump-investigation I agree about his new business being populism and outright theft/money laundering etc via political power of the presidency. He’s enriching himself and his family in numerous ways even if his trump brand is being tarnished Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. "we need to get him in there to stop abortions, umkay" so, a lot of people don't really care if he's unfit or guilty of rape, sexual assault etc.. they just want them fetus to come out the vajeen. single issue voters are the suck. https://youtu.be/opi8X9hQ7q8?t=22m54s jump ahead to 22:53
  5. i just grabbed this other day.. lo's of gems on it. also huge compilation [bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=2819598232 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small] this other exm release is killer. [bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=604201003 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small] it's totally worth picking through the releases on this label. some nice stuff thoguh varies for my tastes but will surely appeal to some here. https://kaer-uiks.bandcamp.com/music the free mtch release is dope. [bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=39378143 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small]
  6. Perfect aging Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. meh, it's garbage anyways. it's better than nothing and certainly has saved me from having to sell my house to pay for care. previously i got denied coverage by every provider because 'pre-existing conditions'. it was a step in the right direction but is so watered down compared to what they started with. they gave up a lot and the dems totally shit the bed with making it right when they had the chance.
  8. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2017/10/12/1705902/-Former-Wharton-Professor-Donald-Trump-Is-the-Dumbest-Goddam-Student-I-Ever-Had
  9. Kudos to the women who confronted him before the vote. No idea what his intentions are so I won't give too much credit but nonetheless he's not completely falling in line. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk my friend said "props to the two women who broke flake's dick off in the elevator" seems about right. they were all deep feels w/personal experiences that were undeniable.. bordering on tears when speaking/yelling at him. righteous indignation.
  10. this is super good. https://touched.bandcamp.com/album/ff0000 [bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=1857499357 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small]
  11. we can all just throw in the towel and roll around in cocaine and heroin hopped up on viagra? "You should really follow your dreams now that nothing matters - Trump Pence 2020" "Let's do nothing.. because it's too hard to do something"
  12. Every single woman in that photo has some level of concern on her face. that's his mom and his wife and a group of the women who wrote a letter supporting him. the blonde women on far left is his mom
  13. yep they do need to fill the seat asap for political reasons.. kavvanaugh is the guy who thinks presidents can do anything and are immune to investigation etc.. so trump would like him in there if it comes down to the court and his ass is on the line. we'll see. kavvanaugh is also shady as fuck w/his gambling problem and his debts of like $200,000 being suddenly paid off from nowhere. it's all fucking weird. these motherfuckers all need to get rolled up in a rug and buried in the woods.
  14. crazy twists and turns which lead to... a delay. seemingly. wouldn't be surprised if they start positioning someone else to take Kavanaugh's place now Exactly, yeah...I try to keep up on international affairs but I'm no expert, but my impressions are that Iran don't take well to the threats and would be much more likely to escalate things, either directly or indirectly, quickly. They're likely feeling pretty attacked lately with multiple pressures being put on them economically from the outside, from their own people, etc., and they just strike me as possibly just going 'fuck it' and start dropping bombs. It may all just be the impression I'm getting and they're just talking some trash like Trump/NK/most countries are wont to do at various times. and yet it's the saudis who did 9-11. there's hardliners in iran and they have a lot of power. what's interesting is the lifting of sanctions brought the internet.. instagram etc.. and instagram is huge in iran now and things were changing.. people, young people, got a taste of the west and now that's being rolled back because cheeto mcdickface pulled out of the iran deal. the west was gonna do it's thing w/the "Kill them w/kindness" and use the western freedom as a weapon to eat away at the power of the hardliners.. now that's been undone. as for proxy wars.. the USA is doing that as well... Iran is certainly neck deep in some interventions via jihadists in syria but that whole things is a fucking shit show of epic proportions. and then there's yemen. largest humanitarian crisis because of USA letting saudi bomb children w/weapons they bought from USA contractors.. hat will trump admin do? who knows.. bolton has been wanting to invade since he could use a toilet on his own and has said things like "by 2019 we'll be celebrating in tehran!". fuck that wingnut hawk. he should choke on his own mustache and die. btw just watched an interesting 2 part frontline series on iran.. worth a gander. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/our-man-in-tehran/ I watched part one but haven't watched part 2 yet, a bit of where i'm getting my (small amounts of) info. good doc so far, as usual with Frontline. more up-to-date perspective and jabs back nd forth has been a little under the radar so far over the past weeks... not gonna happen. they're gonna ram that shitbag through. might delay if someone other than that flake fuck ask for an investigation. but i doubt it. those republicans on the committee don't care. lindsey graham told the assault survivor who confronted him to "go to the cops" and turned his back and walked off. grassley is as tone deaf as anyone. needs to wither up and die in the dirt.
  15. lol https://www.engadget.com/2018/09/28/zuckerberg-facebook-page-hacker-livestream/
  16. who is that kid? he's annoying as fuck.. but how does he have access to $40 million in automobiles?
  17. Exactly, yeah...I try to keep up on international affairs but I'm no expert, but my impressions are that Iran don't take well to the threats and would be much more likely to escalate things, either directly or indirectly, quickly. They're likely feeling pretty attacked lately with multiple pressures being put on them economically from the outside, from their own people, etc., and they just strike me as possibly just going 'fuck it' and start dropping bombs. It may all just be the impression I'm getting and they're just talking some trash like Trump/NK/most countries are wont to do at various times. and yet it's the saudis who did 9-11. there's hardliners in iran and they have a lot of power. what's interesting is the lifting of sanctions brought the internet.. instagram etc.. and instagram is huge in iran now and things were changing.. people, young people, got a taste of the west and now that's being rolled back because cheeto mcdickface pulled out of the iran deal. the west was gonna do it's thing w/the "Kill them w/kindness" and use the western freedom as a weapon to eat away at the power of the hardliners.. now that's been undone. as for proxy wars.. the USA is doing that as well... Iran is certainly neck deep in some interventions via jihadists in syria but that whole things is a fucking shit show of epic proportions. and then there's yemen. largest humanitarian crisis because of USA letting saudi bomb children w/weapons they bought from USA contractors.. hat will trump admin do? who knows.. bolton has been wanting to invade since he could use a toilet on his own and has said things like "by 2019 we'll be celebrating in tehran!". fuck that wingnut hawk. he should choke on his own mustache and die. btw just watched an interesting 2 part frontline series on iran.. worth a gander. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/our-man-in-tehran/ anyway.. don't read the comments..
  18. sniveling frat boy entitlement https://www.newsweek.com/ive-witnessed-him-stumbling-drunk-brett-kavanaughs-classmate-says-supreme-1143159
  19. that sucks and is annoying as fuck and needlessly stressful. yesterday had my dog at the vet for ultrasound (has liver issue and gallbladder) and had to take him back today to do a test. so, 730 this morning about half mile from my house i'm behind a car and can't see far ahead down the road. big truck next to me. suddenly BIG rock.. bounces under my car loudly.. 20 seconds later i get the warning lights "STOP CAR - OIL PRESSURE" so i manage to limp into the shop which is fortunately on my way.. all the time hoping my engine doesn't seize.. made it.. so i grab up the dog and whatever junk in the car i need and get a Lyft to the vet.. drop off dog. get lyft back home.. get call from the shop w/quote of $590 for new oil pan and clean up of underside of car which is covered in oil. they might be able to finish it today. hope so because i work all weekend. yay. so hopefully it's done before i need to go pick up my dog which is the far south side of town. i live in north portland so i have to drive through/around the city on friday afternoon in middle of traffic later to pick up Mr fantastic the wonder dog. if it's not done today then i lyft to get the dog.. lyft home.. bike to work tomorrow and sunday. on wednesday next week i'm having a medical procedure, cardiac ablation, where they go in through the femoral arteries with tiny cameras and tools and zap the little nodes inside the heart w/high freq radio waves or ultra cold freezing balloon thing.. so both my parents will be in town all week (they're divorced but act like adults) and my boss will watch my dog while i'm in hospital that day. all things considered it could be a lot more complicated or worse. but the last 12 or so months has been the universe saying "ah.. let's fuck w/this guy a while" or whatever asshole is controlling the simulation is mucking around w/stuff because bored and wants to see what happens.
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