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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. yes. that idiot even made a statement about it and how he was "duped" and taken advantage of. https://politics.myajc.com/news/state--regional-govt--politics/lawmaker-duped-sacha-baron-cohen-this-why-trump-won/t4MGGDybLya3zuId1miJqM/
  2. welp.. that explains some of where this came from. puts those ideas that seem pretty evident in a lot of behavior from big corporations and billionaires all up in people's faces. hopefully that article gets some traction and her book too. dark times.
  3. not just that but there are differences between these people and they all make decisions that effect the future present etc.. so the wrong person getting the job is a big deal..i don't really need to provide examples do i? if gore became president instead of bush where might we be? hard to say but we'd probably not have invaded iraq. we'd have some other thing to be sick over maybe but it's hard to imgaine it being worse than what we did in iraq. anyway.. vote or protest or shut down from politics. pick your poison/remedy
  4. in the usa we've eroded safety nets and cut services while closing mental health hospitals and gutting education while fighting useless wars for my entire lifetime. it's been a steady diet of shredding anything that helps people who need help
  5. addiction, homelessness, mental health problems.. the same all over.
  6. i can answer any questions you have. basically the answer is the same. *there is no nutritional value **probably diarrhea
  7. thanks for linking that. interesting. lot's of places dealing w/all the same problems. portland has a big homeless/drug/alcohol/transient problem like much of the west coast. interesting seeing it looking the same in those pics
  8. O God, the FOMO would kill me I think. for me it would basically be "The Entertainment" from infinite Jest
  9. don't read the comments don't read the comments don't read the comments don't read the comments don't read the comments don't read the comments don't read the comments don't read the comments
  10. so, that's Melania, his daughter.. 2 playboy bunnies.. is the one on the far right the one he paid off after an affair? nice to see them all together.
  11. https://twitter.com/cameron_kasky/status/1019314229537529856?s=21 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. read something yesterday, i forget where, that says if there's no Pee tape then the kompromat that putin has on trump is that putin helped him win the election with all the various ways they interfered and assisted. hey, could be. it's as likely as anything or perhaps more likely. the thought that trump had back channel to russia before his campaign even got off the ground is plausible. a sort of "ok Putin, do your thing and I'll play ball if i win" type of scenario. i think that w/all the extra garbage criminal activity from the garbage criminal class of fixers, lawyers etc around trump makes for a big shady enterprise.
  13. that last segment about gun control and kids is amazing and flol funny at the character he created. it's mostly a good show. kinda cringe at the first two segments but only because i feel embarrassed for everyone! when he's talking about 'free bleeding' on the american flag i lol'd. i'd ask 'where does he find these people' but they're everywhere in the world.
  14. so glad trey gowdy is going away. fucking hack.
  15. it's gotcha time for a lot of people to them this 'proves' deep state is out to get trump and it's a conspiracy. don't forget there's a lot of stupid people who still genuinely believe obama is a secret muslim and can't believe we elected a man named barack hussein obama. also, fox news.
  16. You're wrong. Even moderate Republicans and a great deal of the Democrats are very right-wing reactionary. You're going to have to explain yourself better than that. There are literally millions upon millions of Republicans, and they're all 100% incorrect? And also some Democrats? What are you talking about? I didn't say they are 100% incorrect, I said it's not true that there is nothing wrong with them. And yet you're still not explaining yourself. Alright: Republicans = far right Democrats = centre right Both sides are against large social programs, real welfare, free education etc. but the Democrats are pushing personal freedom at least and don't actively and openly support racism which makes them the minor problem. A left party tries to push social reforms and redistribution of wealth and is antimilitarist. Some in the very left end of the Democrat party might be that but the Democrat party as a whole equals conservative parties of other countries. Everyone who supports the Republicans directly or indirectly supports racism and military buildup which is not what the world needs. And none of the parties really tries to effectively fight the bad side effects of massive inequality. That's wrong with being a Republican. and at some point you have to take into account all their corporate masters and the total fuckery of such a huge bureaucracy. there is a revolving door between congress, the pentagon and defense contractors. just an example of how fucked up this is.. every year the General Accounting Office does a super basic audit of every governmental department... just a basic list of budget accounting. how much money came into the department and how much of it was spent. the Pentagon became exempt from this basic audit in the 90s because they couldn't even account for how much money they got vs how much money they spent and the general accounting office got tired of asking so they just excused the pentagon from this basic yearly request. around 25,000 people work in the pentagon. this isn't including out buildings, military offices on bases etc. this doesn't include lobbyists for defense contractors. in washington DC there's something like 23 to 1 ratio of lobbyists to congress members. there's more than 12,000 lobbyists in DC. in congress they run every 2 years which means as soon as they are elected they have about 9 months before they have to start campaigning again. for many congress members it's a constant hustle/game to play to stay there so that maybe once in their career they accomplish a goal. some seats are of course sort of easier to win every year and the member puts less effort into elections. anyway.. where was i going w/this? i don't know. but generating a caucus to make something like universal halthcare or universal basic income even get to the floor to be discussed or committee etc is a huge deal. the dems putting together the affordable care act was a huge accomplishment even though it's totally watered down to what the original idea of medicare for everyone was supposed to be. all because money is in there pulling strings in form of insurance lobby etc... and there's a lobby for everything.
  17. kinda reminds me of brothomstates
  18. I can watch your dog... i think he thinks about tiny murder a lot
  19. I think he asked them for 4% of their GDP rather than 2% because it's an unreasonable request, which he will try to use as an excuse for pulling the US out of NATO when they point out how stupid it is. But congress came out overwhelmingly in support of NATO so I don't think he can just do that willy nilly. Even they know not to start WW3. It's a similar tactic the House Intelligence Committee is using on Rod Rosenstein. Ask him for a ridiculous amount of documents, many of which they don't have the clearance to see, and if he takes "too long" or stands up for himself, use that as an excuse to fire him. But Jim Jordan was the biggest asshole about it and then he got caught up in the college wrestler molestation negligence scandal of Doom, so fuck that dude. you know everyone has some dirt on everyone else and just waiting for the right time to drop it to the press if they don't play nice. seems to work on everyone except trump who is just made of dirt, sleeps in dirt, fucks dirt, shits dirt, eats dirt etc and everyone knows it except his loyal base of trumptards
  20. i'm sure he's thinking to himself "so woke i flipped the script at 4D chess 8 moves ahead!"
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