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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. are these nine inch nails lyrics My phone is cracked and my poop is black. chill out kanye
  2. "i bang her long time ago when she was virgene"
  3. yea, communism has never harmed anyone "but we've never had full communism"
  4. nestle babby formula milk bar now serving customers babby mammas
  5. thois though.... https://www.tumblr.com/video/weirdness-is-good/175599510459/700/ you should watch it.
  6. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/08/health/world-health-breastfeeding-ecuador-trump.html
  7. Parents oldening in real time. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/donald-trump-mcdonalds-burger-kind-cleanliness-a6883396.html lol. really. LOL
  9. mine is by the bed. it helps me know. "may you live in interesting times" - fuck you that's not what you think it means.
  10. yes, a lot of people apparently want that.. are you willing to take responsibility for the violence that could and will ensue if "real disruption" comes along? Just a prank bro. Srsly though we’re already having unacceptable violence. I think a mix of prank style protesting like Abbie Hoffman in the 60s 70s with more aggressive resistance sit ins and occupy things. Things that disrupt daily life so people don’t forget what’s going on. I know it’s all fun and games until Robert Paulson gets shot in the head trashing corporate art. There are people in this country who are activist anarchists. Remember WTO protests in Seattle in the late 90s early 2000s? That was an escalation after many of those same groups tried to save a park from becoming a parking lot in Seattle. They chained themselves up in the trees. After several days police pulled down the protesters pants and underwear and maced the protesters genitals directly. Those groups took this as a signal that the authorities only understood violence so when the WTO happened they fucked shit up. This kind of thing will happen again. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. continued protests are a good sign. keeping people engaged. i'd like to see real disruption.. righteous indignation.. cathartic egg throwing etc.. rotten fruit.. eggs.. garbage etc.. silly string on fire etc..
  12. yearly family reunion thing is this week. flying off cross country tomorrow at 630am so this means i have to get up at like 330. taking my little dog. kinda stressed. have to give him a benadryl so he'll doze and stay chill. also, haven't slept much the past 3 nights so i'm fucking dead on my feet. also expecting weirdness from people because of my recent surgery to remove malignant tumor and taking a chemo medication. it's gonna be weird because i'm sure half of them will make a point to spend time with me in case i'm dead in a year or two. went to my discogs page for buried in time for first time in like 10 years and there a bunch of whiners asking for things to be fixed in submissions which i didn't even make and i don't even know how discogs works.
  13. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2016/nov/14/adam-curtis-documentary-south-park-american-honey it's pretty fucking scary.
  14. may they all have a stroke. edit: i expect more shootings though. there are plenty of people out there who are frustrated and see no other way to participate or make some king of impact. regardless.. the Adam Curtis documentaries about all this will be great. i expect there will be NTS sessions tracks in the sound track.
  15. Yeah it sucks. 81 is damn old though, I don't blame him. The blocking of Garland proved the GOP is just as willing to wipe their ass with the constitution as they are to idolize it falsely. RBG isn't bitching out like this. i wish kennedy would hold on longer but oh well. swing vote gonna swing.
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