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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. next debate is sunday. he's arrogant enough to stay in and just blame and point fingers when he doesn't win. https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/56dqes/megathread_donald_trump_leaked_comments_from_2005/ sexual aggression score is high. http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/trump-hot-mic-when-you-re-star-you-can-do-n662116 this fucking guy..
  2. futurama? obviously, you mean Waterworld starring kevin costner
  3. many lols. that Narcos pic killed me. just watched season 2 recently. timing is everything.
  4. it's sad. watching the kid get forced into the other side of the car. happy ending? idk. it's more WTF than funny. but is kinda funny in a "oh look at the human tragedy all around us" kind of way
  5. the 1st world problems thread motivated me to try and fix my headphones. it was just a clogged/damaged filter. replaced it. all is well with my headphones. thank you watmm for saving me $349.00 for new headphones.
  6. one side of my 10 year old $300 etymotic er4 in ear headphones has died. not sure i can fix it myself and i'm lazy and will end up just buying new ones since they're supposed to be better and i'll tell myself they are and logic trick myself out of buyers remorse/guilt at not having fixed my broken pair somehow. "but i'm busy and don't have time" - then watches too many tv shows wtf. shoot me in the face.
  7. i enjoyed it. watched it last night. pretty interesting stuff. nice take on the ideas. great cast etc. hopefully it stays that way :)
  8. nice rant from dan savage about 3rd party candidates for president: http://www.thestranger.com/slog/2016/07/19/24362128/dan-savage-on-jill-stein-just-no
  9. appears trump didn't register his charity foundation. http://www.npr.org/2016/10/03/496420873/new-york-attorney-general-trump-charitable-foundation-violated-law?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=npr&utm_term=nprnews&utm_content=202603 ordered to stop fundraising in NY http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/trump-foundation-ordered-to-halt-activity-by-new-york-prosecutor_us_57f29146e4b024a52d301870
  10. those are all lies from the lamestream media afraid of the truth.
  11. reddit comments mostly call bullshit on it. https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/55jywp/lawsuit_finds_millions_of_uncounted_bernie/ edit: i'm not saying there was no scam/fraud/cheat or whatever.. but this article doesn't really lay it out
  12. what is that website? everything on it is surrounded by click bait. is it reliable? what sources for that information?
  13. there's an episode of Ancient Aliens about the sasquatch... interdimensional time travelers :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jh34Qh89_J4
  14. yes! my dad told me about this yesterday. basically, you can replace Hitler with Trump in the review. good times.
  15. jebus - we're so fucked if we hand over things to this guy https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/10/02/as-news-of-trumps-taxes-broke-he-goes-off-script-at-a-rally-in-pennsylvania/
  16. favorite? idk.. that's a stretch but it is fascinating for its weirdness
  17. interesting: IF YOU know that Donald Trump is ignorant, unprepared and bigoted, but are thinking of voting for him anyway because you doubt he could do much harm — this editorial is for you. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/a-wrecking-ball-in-the-white-house-the-damage-trump-could-do-from-day-one/2016/09/30/1c69e9cc-85b5-11e6-a3ef-f35afb41797f_story.html?utm_term=.ce40c4251367
  18. i laughed and winced because i'm sure i've been that kid.. minus the "earn the win" t-shirt.. which kind of makes it for me.
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