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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. we know this already but it's a fresh dose/reminder of the kinds of people trump gives license to come out of the racist moron closet http://www.nytimes.com/video/us/politics/100000004533191/unfiltered-voices-from-donald-trumps-crowds.html
  2. At least they didn't fuck up the first American Idol. If Justin won it could have set a really bad precedent. That was post 9/11 pre Iraq war though. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk hoping this holds true. was 538/nate silvers doing forecasts for idol then?
  3. America loves trainwrecks though and the public is a morbidly curious bunch. But yeah I can't imagine there being a huge revival of Trump in any way in the polls. Back to near 50/50 maybe but nothing as close as before he fucking insulted parents of a dead American war veteran. I still can't fathom this kind of shit is actually happening. the 'morbid curiosity' is on the verge of taking over. after seeing the reaction of the bernie bros to convention adn hillary's nomination.. a lot of them are in sync with trump supporters. "hillary is worse than trump" "lock her up" etc etc.. the hardcore supporters are disconnected from reality and don't seem to care that by not supporting hillary they give trump a better chance of getting in the white house. and when asked about "well, what about all the muslims and latinos who could be rounded up and deported? aren't you free to not support hillary because that won't effect you because you're white?" they acknowledge that and says "yeah we're in a bubble". it's fucking crazy. other people interviewed were sort of committed to having a shitty 4 years if trump is elected but to spite hillary they're fine w/that. so, i'm hopeful that enough people aren't interested in seeing the car crash administration of donald trump and would rather have 4 years of some kind of status quo but honestly i'm not going to pretend it's in the bag for hillary because i just don't feel that way yet. if she doesn't win i won't be totally surprised. i think americans are capable of making really awful decisions out of boredom, stupidity, rage, racism etc.
  4. Trump: "Why can't we use nukes?" http://www.cnbc.com/2016/08/03/trump-asks-why-us-cant-use-nukes-msnbcs-joe-scarborough-reports.html sorry world. oh and tangent... not sure yo've seen this but it's sort of a classic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18qD9hmU9xg
  5. it's difficult to imagine alex jones sleeping. there just be an assistant or handler that turns off the alex jones machine at night.. flips a switch and it shuts down.
  6. punchy bouncy melodic chords techno house stuff or whatever jan jelinek is up to.
  7. ignatius

    elseq 1-5

    lmao. that's intense.
  8. you guys seen the vic berger time heidecker stuff? it's pretty amazing especially towards the end. a nice alex jones moment too.
  9. ignatius

    elseq 1-5

    yeah. these aren't 'sealed' really. just attenuate outside noise. i use these headphones for everything so the volume on my ipod lives in pretty much the same place all the time. it's easy to remember to check the volume before pressing play which is what i do before i press play on anything ever regardless of what it's plugged into ;)
  10. ignatius

    elseq 1-5

    lol, I was just thinking the same while reading his post It feels... well, I won't trust his reviews in the future, that is for sure i have etymotic er4 in ear ear buds so they block out about 28 db of outside noise. I was thinking about getting inears too but I am paranoid about what would happen if I forgot to decrease the volume on my portable player after listening on different headphones (I switch them often) and then blasting the inears super loud in the ear canal, or if a youtube audio glitch suddenly happened... I would love for headphones to have integrated limiter by default (similar to BBC standards for their employees). no big deal. they aren't that loud. these aren't in ear monitors for stage like singers use. they're just good headphones inside an ear plug. i've used them for more than 10 years. they just came out w/a slightly improved version.. info here https://www.headphone.com/products/etymotic-er-4sr-studio-reference-earphone you can find them cheaper some times on amazon etc but headphone.com has good reviews and is good for research. they trash headphones in reviews and will stop carrying them if they really don't like them.. but leave the review up. points for honesty.
  11. ignatius

    elseq 1-5

    lol, I was just thinking the same while reading his post It feels... well, I won't trust his reviews in the future, that is for sure i have etymotic er4 in ear ear buds so they block out about 28 db of outside noise. like wearing good ear plugs with headphones in them. i love them great on planes or anywhere. makes the music feel like it's inside my head. also, my pressure washer is a dinky little thing so isn't an air compressor type thing.
  12. this election can't get here soon enough. america.
  13. ignatius

    elseq 1-5

    there were some tracks that i jelled with right away but can say that after listening all the way through a few times and several times to big chunks of it that it all really jells after a while. the personality of it as a whole comes through a bit more now. it's really great to listen to if you have some house chores to do or something like painting a room. yesterday i pressure washed the house/walkway/patio and it took quite a while so i was nicely transported out of the menial tedious task of it into a digital autechre weirdness headspace for most of that time.
  14. the choice is more nuanced than that. but.. everything is really.
  15. there are ways to capture loops of random sequences and loop them then reseed and let it wander then capture a chunk of it again and repeat. easy example is a turing machine in eurorack. this demo lays it out in a pretty straightforward way. i'm guessing someone proficient in max could make something like this but for a performance patch.
  16. gotta say... Michelle Obama laying down some fire w/this speech. no zingers waiting for laughs.. just laying it out like a person with an actual thing to say and some vision. picked apart trump w/o even saying his name.
  17. many of those "fight at fast food restaurant" videos on youtube. countless really. but that "live from the taco bell drive thru" is surreal. stupid people are everywhere. :( some great real time commentary here this kind of thing is scary what is it about fast food restaurants that brings the drama?
  18. post convention bump. we still have a few months of things bouncing around though. who the fuck knows at this point.
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