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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. what you talking about? lot's of blacks support trump.. like this lady..
  2. the polls could be wrong. watched that adam curtis doc "century of self" i think it was? i can't recall.. anyway.. in it he talks about UK election of john major and how he was down 5 points or so but it was because the people polled had all been too embarrassed to tell to the truth that they planned on voting for Major so the pollsters had bad data. or that's what he says in the doc. is it actually true? idk.. seems so.. since all the polls were wrong. hopefully the polls are right here in the USA. though i read something on Vice news about early voting in florida has trump up by 5 points.. but no idea how that factors in since early voting by mail is probably a certain demographic that always votes one way or something.. ??? idk.. fuck it.. i voted (vote by mail in oregon is best thing ever) and now i'm just waiting. aargh.
  3. ballot completed. sealed. signed. election is over now right?
  4. ballots came in the mail on friday so i can vote this weekend and then just cross my fingers for a couple weeks and hope for the best. also, masks! CHINA!
  5. love this record still. classic end to end.
  6. ^^^^^^^^^^^^ classic "I am of the earth" "I have all the rights of a US citizen w/o having to follow any of the laws"
  7. the thing about gun laws in chicago is kind of bullshit. they have tough laws sure.. but all anyone has to do is go one or two states over.. buy 30 handguns as "Straw purchase" and take them back to chicago and sell them on the street for 100% mark up. why do you think they have so many guns in chicago? or NYC? because people drive down to north carolina where the laws aren't so strict.. they buy a shit ton of guns and then go to the city and sell them. same thing w/gun shows.. you have strict laws but then a gun show comes to town and you wander in.. buy a gun w/o a back ground check or waiting period then you go home. i found it pretty interesting that the media fact checked clinton's claim of 33,000 gun deaths by saying that 64% of those gun deaths are suicides.. like that's some how better and not more fucked up. if there was a federal gun law uniform across the country and real background checks and mental health checks etc things we quite down some on the gun front.. if the cops didn't have to arrest 800,000 people a year for weed possession and could focus on gun crime and had room in the prisons and the courts had time to process the cases then things would quite down.. but priorities are all fucked up and private prisons and blah blah blah.. we can have guns and not have it be all hysteria all the time but people are irrational and think that heaven forbud the FBI or ATF has a list of everyone who owns a gun that it means they aren't free. wtf. the 2nd amendment wasn't even an issue.. neither was abortion.. until a bunch of conservatives had a conference call and said "hey, what issues can use to rally the base and the religious people so we can build our conservative movement?" and they started throwing out topics... "how about guns.. how about abortion" this is documented and there are interviews with conservatives discussing this very thing. they make an issue out of something and use it as a wedge. and a fund raising tool. and 20 or 30 years later here are. all hysterical and stupid. yay! is this shit show over yet? 20 more days right? fuck. edit: the NRA used to be a gun safety organization.. when they got all radical a bunch of the safety people who were hunters making sure kids didn't blow off their fingers.. left the NRA.
  8. it's gonna be hard for them to swallow if (when dear god please) he loses.
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