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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. screen grabs of some of the comments on on the debate from leading white pride nazi scumbag site http://theconcourse.deadspin.com/even-stormfront-thinks-hillary-clinton-won-the-debate-1787121521
  2. half the people in Port St. Lucie look like that.
  3. a classic for me. i haven't listened to it in quite a while. listened to it endlessly in the 90s though. it's important to me for some shared experiences. part of why i haven't listened to it in a long time. but no doubt about it.. it was the thing that got me into autechre and a whole swath of other music and opened my eyes to a lot. it's pretty big banger home run for a 1st album imo.
  4. i really hope that thing on his head strangles him in his sleep. jokes and jokes and jokes and jokes. but really wtf.. this guy is awful. if every moderate reasonable person doesn't come out and vote they better stfu for the next 4 years.
  5. the shuffle vs hardstyle vs jumpstyle whatever the fuck is secret culture. those pants. can't dance w/o them i guess. ;)
  6. my copy of incunabula is in nice shape so didn't reorder. i have most everything AE on vinyl. i've always bought upon announcement of a release being available... AE is still a blind buy. don't have to hear it i know i'm gonna buy it. i'd love some of the EPs repressed as one or two of mine have a skip here or there and it's soooo nice to pitch some of them up/down.. looking at you yeesland!
  7. after looking at the condition of my copies i had to go and order Amber and Tri Repitae. shrug. i'm going to have to have a kid to give all this stuff too.
  8. don king is a special kind of asshole. stomped a person to death on his front porch. conned many people.
  9. if you're leasing shouldn't your landlord pay for the wood in your floor to be redone? or you work something out? come down to portland.. the legal weedz are cheaper.. but i guess factoring in your gas money/time kinda evens it all out. legal grow ftw! my girlfriend's hippie parents have legally grown for years thanks to medical cards and they share with people too poor to buy for medical use. their motto is 'never for profit' plus i think that's the law down here.. can't grow your own for 'personal use' then turn around and sell it.. i find that i have to pile up the projects then just get them all done in one lump of time span with proper amount of coffee and music in the headphones. i have several waiting to commence.. i'm almost ready to install the replacement (shipped to me free under warranty) repair of the top part of the storm door on the entry way door that, god dammit, pulled apart at the corners and where the fancy retractable screen curls up into the top via some kind of engineering magic from Pella. My landlord and I have a weird understanding. He's greatly discounting my rent to compensate for when I decide to do the work and he's paying for materials. He also doesn't care about the little grow. This is pretty much just for myself and few close friends/family. I would rather just pay for electricity and have it for pennies than pay for weirdos to grow my state-sanctioned and taxed cannabis. I think the solution is to take a 3-day weekend and not work so much then pretty much force myself to get this shit done. nice situation w/the landlord. i don't smoke weed but last year i grew 4 plants because it was legal. they turned out pretty well. my GF's dad harvested them and dried etc and put it in jars for her. if you look around you can find a good strain to grow.. clones. a goodnight's sleep and strong coffee got me through man-chores a while back.. i'm already working this scenario into my near future "1st world problems to overcome" scenario.
  10. if you're leasing shouldn't your landlord pay for the wood in your floor to be redone? or you work something out? come down to portland.. the legal weedz are cheaper.. but i guess factoring in your gas money/time kinda evens it all out. legal grow ftw! my girlfriend's hippie parents have legally grown for years thanks to medical cards and they share with people too poor to buy for medical use. their motto is 'never for profit' plus i think that's the law down here.. can't grow your own for 'personal use' then turn around and sell it.. i find that i have to pile up the projects then just get them all done in one lump of time span with proper amount of coffee and music in the headphones. i have several waiting to commence.. i'm almost ready to install the replacement (shipped to me free under warranty) repair of the top part of the storm door on the entry way door that, god dammit, pulled apart at the corners and where the fancy retractable screen curls up into the top via some kind of engineering magic from Pella.
  11. is it over yet? this election? can i just vote already and stop hearing about it?
  12. trump's "other people's money" plan for syrian refugees
  13. made this release "pay what you want" as in free. 4/3/22 new release of some weirdness on Buried In Time. collaboration between myself and jason goodrich (Technicolor Yawn) pretty stoked on it https://cascadedata.bandcamp.com/album/cmd-altz
  14. the thing to be careful with the supplements is they sometimes mimic tranquilizers like the thing you're trying to ween yourself off of.. so it can have negative relationship to the stepping down dosage plan. what you wan tot do is slowly let your GABA normalize and even out to regularity. taking the supplements can mess with this process. so, just do all the relevant reading.
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