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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. That is fucked up. jesus. fucking texas. wtf. i hope she wins her lawsuit. that's a pretty fucked up scenario and seems unprecedented.
  2. lol. true. and the price of that good work is she'll be answering questions about it for a long time. i think she had plans to run for something somewhere but i'm guessing this little scandal will follow her around long enough to be a monkey wrench. i'm guessing she gets a political appointment in the clinton administration if clinton wins.
  3. she fucked herself. the DNC is shit. so is RNC.. as expected.. big money politics at this level is a weird game. just a tangent story about business as usual. Obama actually banned certain contributions.. DNC rolled back the bans https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/dnc-allowing-donations-from-federal-lobbyists-and-pacs/2016/02/12/22b1c38c-d196-11e5-88cd-753e80cd29ad_story.html The ban was a symbolic way for Obama to put his stamp on the party in 2008 when he promised voters “we are going to change how Washington works.”
  4. inevitable? i thought it already happened. f o x n e w s and i guess there's a counter point to foxnews somewhere but i can't say what it is. no cable over here. guessing it's MSNBC?
  5. this would hand trump the presidency. edit: but i think a new progressive party is needed. what would happen is the dems would just remarket themselves and give more progressive candidates places on the ticket in state/local elections. it would be a clusterfuck for a while for sure. but at very least would send clear message to establishment
  6. yeah.. it's awful. if the final line of that wasn't "i hope you burn in hell" then i'd not have posted it. it's the only thing that makes it a post i can live with.
  7. i'm kind of glad she didn't pick warren for VP as i didn't want to see her get caught up in hillary's web of bullshit and then she'd have a cloud over her that would be tough to shake off down the road. this way she stays clean and can keep fighting the good fight and align herself with the progressives for the next goaround.
  8. wonder how much affect this kind of insider news will have.. not that this wasn't obvious to many voters. https://theintercept.com/2016/07/22/dnc-staffers-mocked-the-bernie-sanders-campaign-leaked-emails-show/ "A NEW TROVE of internal Democratic National Committee emails, stretching back to April 2016, released by Wikileaks show that the organization’s senior staff chafed at Bernie Sanders’s continued presence in the presidential primary. Staffers were also irritated by criticism that they were biased towards Hillary Clinton."
  9. all the polls they're running still have bernie easily beating trump. bummer he couldn't overtake hillary. oh well. i think this election will be a crap shoot. there's some calculation that has hillary easily beating trump and another that has things neck and neck with one or two states making all the difference. if the voter outreach/mobilization for the dems is effective then hillary may steam roll trump but i just think there's more to this equation
  10. fingers crossed he doesn't win. but ya know.. anything is possible. GWbush "winning" twice.. the first time via the supreme court. if enough people vote for the green party and the libertarians it could skew the results somewhat. i've spoken to some conservatives who've basically said "i'm a person w/o a country" and they plan to stay home and not vote. if there's lot's of voter obstruction in a few states that could upend some things too. cheaters gonna cheat. it's all a shit show.
  11. trump is gonna win https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxzQWIvD0ek "may you live in interesting times" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/May_you_live_in_interesting_times
  12. this pic of trump and family faces while waiting for the Cruz endorsement that didn't come is subject of a PS battle on reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/photoshopbattles/comments/4tuvec/psbattle_donald_trump_and_his_family_as_ted_cruz/
  13. forgot to buy tortilla chips at the store yesterday. i have two avocados and nay a chip to dip in them once i mash them up.
  14. old wine, new bottles. i guess nowadays you can even reboot speeches for the american public. besides, can we at least say it's clinton's fault? a lot of trump's slogans came from Reagan. "Make america great again" has been used 3 or 4 times i think over various elections/campaigns.
  15. bush getting put in office by the supreme court seemed pretty undemocratic to me.
  16. "trump is sent from god" according to a guy speaking at the RNC. duck dynasty guy, scott baio, antonio sabato jr. and the hits keep coming. 4 nights of this?
  17. ignatius

    elseq 1-5

    get it framed! worth it and it'll look great and last Sure
  18. bought last night. listened today. really enjoy it. there's some great melancholy melodics. really sublime
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