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Worlds Most Johnsson

EKT Plus
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Everything posted by Worlds Most Johnsson

  1. Been keeping up with the latest watmm talkies and some Will Ferrell Cabin in the Woods - Kind of cool and fresh. Blades of Glory - Loved it! Very funny. Talladega Nights - Didn't hold my attention. Step Brothers - Really good. Elf - Too sweet. The end sucks. Bad Biology - Not a good movie but one worth experiencing. Prometheus - Beautiful crap. V/H/S - Not very good.
  2. Streets of Rage Remake 5.0 It's.. awesome download: http://download.techworld.com/3249269/streets-of-rage-remake-50/
  3. This freaked me out when i went to asia (bonito flakes) http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=uDr3zB3_nHw
  4. speaking of burgers...... i don't mean to brag i don't mean to boast (but i do) one of my life's anecdotes will be when i took on the one kilo burger (+bread, salad..) in Norway. The Suicide Solution you had to eat it within one hour and then sit at the table for one more 15 min without throwing up. it was a $50 burger and you got your money back if you manage it within the hour. I'm still at the bottom of the hall of fame chart. 59 minutes: http://www.insiderock.org/component/content/article.html?id=70 yeah! one friendly guy gave me three tequila shots after to thin out the fat. i think that's what kept me alive.
  5. MaX's Delifresh Low Carb Burger. It has no bread but extra large salad leafs instead. Tastes good but is messy to eat. edit: and again, not served with ketchup!
  6. The place served fries in a paper bag but i saw they had plates and i felt like trying the fries on a plate but there where not enough room on the plate for the burger and not enough room on the tray for another plate and then everything derailed
  7. Whe I was a kid i remer it as the ketchup always came on the burger unless you ordered one without. Now the burgers always comes without ketchup if you don't specifacly order it with ketchup ..exept for the small ones at McD, BK and the fancy ones in resturants? Is this an international trend or is it just over here?
  8. tonight i dreamt of Venetian Snares. he was wonking a falafel shop and looked very tired.
  9. i usually do this with my old ones. comfy
  10. it's wierd when Aphex turn up in dreams. he's always an asshole in mine.
  11. Tonight i dreamt i was a sorcerer in an alternative Harry Potter Universe. Spells were cast by putting your arm between pages in the sorcery book. (like the way Kim Basinger reads in My Stepmother Is an Alien) I knew teleportation. The spell for it was "Mortum Nolltum". I tryed to memorize it in the dream. Mortum = death Nolltum = zero thumb (swedish) Reason 4 dream: The day before a friend gave me this comic he'd drawn.
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