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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. I need a bigger dick. It's already huge, tho. I fuck kittens
  2. I really like this one. The other The Knife stuff is also very good. Thanks for posting this
  3. Why is that kitty inside of such an ugly cage calling for its mom?
  4. Let's do a WATMM gathering in Illinois and be socially awkward together because we smoked too much weed ?
  5. I see you like going the Neapolitan way. Very good
  6. I really like making dough. Kneading it is very good.
  7. Can you upload the PD patch? PD is a total enigma to me, I want to see what exactly you did. The notes your patch generates sound proper. Probably rarely would listen to the full 40 minutes but thats because ambient usually isn't intense enough for me, also I don't really like these piano like synth sounds. The drones that occasionally form high pitched overtones when they overlap are nice, though. I also like the panning
  8. She has a tight arse, aye
  9. In the new year I want to restructure the way my memory works so that positive memories get more prominent than depressing ones. I advice others to do that, too. Surely, negative memories are important for survival but I think in modern times we don't need that as much as in the times when these traits developed.
  10. I think the trick is to use different news outlets, both independent and large ones, preferably from different countries. Also, more left leaning media is usually less biased (even if that sounds like a contradiction). Still read right-wing media occasionally to see what it's up to As a genuine source of information definitely avoid media that is associated with Rupert Murdoch, which pushed the Iraq war, Israel's right-wing government, Brexit and general brainwash.
  11. Sounds terrible. Get well soon. Hope you are just somatising complex holiday feels
  12. Who doesn't enjoy a good stab every now and then? It is a highly enjoyable activity after all.
  13. Makes sense. Weight distribution is probably easier to control when forging. But I don't know. I still think that knives are very good.
  14. I got this one, mostly because the handle is luxurious (only losers have knives without a luxurious handle): Why is a forged one better except from probably being more beautiful? If you have a good sharpening stone and sharpening rod and learn how to use them you can make both extremely sharp. And that's the idea
  15. Everything that's long represents the phallus
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