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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. Trump's not generally pushing things to the right, just as he didn't start it here in the states, it's been happening for years...it's just all coming up to the surface and gaining traction. Trump and others like him around the world (and more importantly the isolationist/separatists/nationalist/racist groups) have benefited from Trump, yes, and he's having some causal effect perhaps, but he didn't start shit, he's just capitalizing on it. Everything else you mentioned I covered in my post, so tbh I'm not sure if you actually read it. Re-read it for answers. I did read your post yet I don't understand why you think that Americans are more entitled to speak about Trump than non-Americans and that it's weird that non-Americans express their opinions on Trump related topics. It's not weird even if it's about domestic policies. It's also legitimate to talk about Erdogan and Turkey without being a Turk or about war in Yemen without living in Yemen, wouldn't you agree? There is nothing weird about it, we live in a globalized world after all. And I disagree about Trump not pushing things to the right, it actually surprises me that you see it that way. The only reason you mentioned why it bothers you that non-Americans post int the Trump thread is that you want Trump to get less attention because you hope he would as a result say something so over the line that he will be impeached. That's a pretty weak reason and I don't think it works that way. And of course we all have a limited perspective. And external perspectives can be useful and interesting.
  2. Fuck, I remember thinking what the fuck is that high frequency sound near the bridges to the bazaar where that ridiculous Alexander the Great statue stands. Oh yes, that statue lol. The whole architecture in the city centre is so ridiculous and exaggerated that it's almost good again. Very new buildings in Roman style so they look old and historic but made from cheapest materials to attract tourists and give the impression that it's a historic city. And citizens throwing colour bombs at them for wasting the public money on this shit. I've never seen so many statues in my whole life. They literally build fences from statues. Fun city
  3. Why does it bother you when foreigners talk about Trump? His policy does have a significant effect on the rest of the world and even if it didn't there is nothing wrong with discussing things that don't have a direct and immediate impact on one's own life. Also Trumps effect on foreign relations isn't only the things that are immediately visible, he pushes a general right shift trend in the whole world even by things that on first sight look as if they only concern the US. Why wouldn't also people who don't live in the US talk about it?
  4. I liked the post that you deleted, it had a positive vibe which is rare on WATMM and usually results in instant ban
  5. If it's manufactured before 1986 you can as it looks Yeah, but you can't buy a new one and if you get one that was grandfathered in, then you go through a stringent background check. It ain't easy and it's convoluted is all I'm saying. https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2017/oct/02/difference-between-automatic-and-semi-automatic-we/ Yes, I found that out, too, after some research - I take it back then! But still, Kinder Eggs are prohibited and guns aren't, come on, that's very American! I kinda feel bad for Americans that they have to deal with people pointing fingers at the contradictions of their country, so sorry for that. But chocolate eggs aren't allowed :( what a time to be alive
  6. If it's manufactured before 1986 you can as it looks
  7. Yup, you can own fully automatic riffles but these are prohibited:
  8. In Skopje they have it everywhere in the city centre to drive off street dogs. But those lazy fuckers just lay there and sleep nonetheless. I kinda like this sound
  9. THANK U ZUCKERBERG!!!!! or should i say ... S U C K E R B E R G ? ? ? hahahaha lol
  10. There are a couple of Russian Sci-Fi films available on my Amazon Prime account but not in Russian, only with German dubbing which bugs me. I hate dubbing
  11. The Captain - Surprisingly good film. I didn't know anything about it when I watched it and I think t's best to watch it that way. The trailer spoilers too much
  12. Yeah The Sinner was nice. I like that it ended with season 1 and wasn't stretched out too much
  13. Fun fact: Over the past 20 years more people died in car accidents than in World War 1 Ok, admittedly no one died in WW1 over the past 20 years
  14. It surprised me that nobody in the Trump thread reacted to the Trump interview on Jamal Khashoggi
  15. fwiw, regularly haggling something down to 25% of the price is pretty damn impressive. You might want to think about antique dealing or public buying (like me!) It's not particularly hard in lots of places. Like in Vietnam a person selling t-shirts on the street might ask 5USD or even 10USD for a shirt because sometimes a tourist will come along and pay that price. It's peanuts to some American package tourist on an organized trip and they might even think it's cheap. But the seller will probably break even around 1USD so you're going to get it for like 2USD and they will still be happy with the deal. The strategy is to just say that the price is way out of ballpark, then do an extreme low-ball offer and sloooowly raise it and start to walk away if they don't agree to drop the price. They will come after you if they can make any profit on that price. How ethical is it to haggle the prices to such extent when the person selling the goods is some poor person on the street is another question.. but they will not sell it if they're not gonna make profit. So idk. Just pay what you think is fair, is my answer. Traveling in poor countries in general raises a bunch of ethical questions and some are hard to answer. Well, it confronts you with the unfairness of the economical systems but in the end tourism is what poor places need. Tourists = money
  16. The Grey - nice atmosphere and nature visuals A Walk Among the Tombstones - solid crime movie, nice cinematography City of Tiny Lights - pretty cool camera and effects that you rarely see made use of in that way, story was solid, recommendable Apostle - have seen worse
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