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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. The "free" market is not a person and cannot speak and it is entirely unfitted for governing societal and political matters. The fact that Donald Trump was president was the result of an all too free market where those who manage to accumulate the most capital also have more political power. It's the free market that undermines democracy and restricts freedom.
  2. I think your stupidity would be pretty funny if you weren't a danger to others. Also, stop downplaying fascism. By calling everyone that doesn't share your retard opinion "fascist" you make fascists appear harmless and devalue the word, which helps fascists.
  3. As much as I like oceans, I think it's a bummer that we are geographically separated. I'd like to be much, MUCH closer to you.
  4. That's egocentric of you. As a functioning member of a collective you should be concerned about your own health as much as about that of other's so you can invest maximum energy into the well-being of your surroundings.
  5. But God wanted humans to invent vaccines and use them.
  6. Your question makes no sense because the alternative - getting Covid-19 - can also have long-term effects that might only manifest after a number of years. So why seeding doubts? Just try to be a little rational
  7. ur completely wrong
  8. I wanna ejaculate piss onto his voluptuous pair of arse cheeks
  9. It is sincere advice. If you combine every little thing that you can do it might decide if you belong to those with a dangerous course of disease or those who don't have symptoms. I mean vitamin supplements won't do that much of a difference either
  10. Breathing exercises & cold showers boost the immune system drastically, too, and also increase the blood's ability to transport oxygen (can't be wrong if you have a hard time breathing)
  11. This site lets you upload fairly large ones: https://imgbb.com/
  12. It's a mistake of the left to let the right occupy old symbols and mythology. Celtic and Norse art is pretty, why let them use these aesthetics for their hate?
  13. You have only fantasised about receiving them, so far? Let's make this happen
  14. Not into receiving them or not into giving them? Could you by any chance piss in my mouth?
  15. They should put some of these terrorists into Guantanamo to torture them and see if they have more information. They got way closer to do serious damage than most Al Qaida or other Islamist terrorists. Since the US is all about antiterrorism and inner security that would be the logical path.
  16. Good job that only four people got shot. The security personnel seems to be well trained otherwise more would have died. I personally only have a limited contingent of compassion to give and I save it for people who deserve it more.
  17. You are making fascists seem pretty harmless.
  18. We need to talk about your posting behaviour with regards to quantity and especially quality. It's getting out of hand and I'm worried
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