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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. My mates who work in healthcare are all sorta traumatised, people die like flies. A lot of people on the palliative stations can't even receive visits from their family in their last days and die alone. It's so terrible. It's especially enraging if you think that only a small percentage of the spreaders are responsible for a large percentage of the transmission. It only takes one of these people who for whatever reason spread their germs more uncontrollably than others to infect a nursing home and end the lives of dozens of old people. I wish people were less stupid.
  2. Don't try any further, @chenGOD, you're clearly out of your element. In principle I agree with you that it's not necessary to use the comma, but, you know, technically it's the correct way to do it.
  3. It's still technically correct, though, sorry (though I wouldn't use the comma myself because it reads as a pause). I was hoping to add clarity by mentioning the vocative case English used to have (to illustrate the grammatical situation) but it seems I have confused you even further, my bad. Also, you're on the wrong path with prescriptive/descriptive, it has nothing to do with that.
  4. The problem here is that @chenGOD's grammatical explanations were very off, nonsensical even. Maybe for someone who has no clue about grammar whatsoever the things he wrote might have seemed as if he knew what he was talking about, but for everyone else it looked like a typical Dunning Kruger situation: He knows so little that he is incapable of seeing how little.
  5. I feel you, brother. It's why I usually have a bowl next to my cutting board where I put the vegetable peelings that I later transfer to the garbage can/bin. It is the clean and safe way to do it, trust me. Preferably you start with the onion so the peel of the other vegetables is on top of the onion peel.
  6. Mine doesn't. Seriously, though, you don't call the dots a colon is made of "periods". It's only called a period/full stop when it has the function of marking the end of a sentence. Otherwise they are just dots.
  7. It might even be more difficult because experimental music is literally just pressing a button that makes random noise. Jokes aside, key is to tune your drums. A kick drum isn't just a some bass impact, it's an instrument that has to harmonise with the other ones, same goes for the snare and all other drums. Tune them. I'm saying that without ever having made a good dance track.
  8. Don't worry about it, it's already forgiven. We have all been wrong at some point in our lives, and you should view it as an opportunity for you to grow. As Confucius once said: "Walking among three people, I find my teacher among them. I choose that which is good in them and follow it, and that which is bad and change it.".
  9. Ridiculous, chenGOD. Your grammatical understanding is clearly minimal. I am disappointed.
  10. It doesn't actually matter whether it's in imperative form or any other form, "google" is still addressed.
  11. So what? View it as an ellipsis more than as a sentence if that makes you feel better. ? It doesn't have a vocative as a grammatical form but it has vocative expressions, which just don't have their own ending anymore. While it is true that "fuck you" doesn't necessarily have to be interpreted as an imperative, your explanation is wrong. Both "fuck you" and "fuck yourself" can be interpreted as imperatives. "Fuck you" can also be interpreted as an interjection.
  12. If English still had a case system, "Google" would probably be in the vocative case here, which in modern English is expressed by separating the expression with a comma. Often the comma disturbs the flow of reading, so it's left out. With the imperative "fuck you", he addressed "Google". Even if he didn't mean to literally address Google, in the grammatical sense he did. What happened to people asking questions inside sentences? Because I find it happens pretty often in my personal dialogue. You don't really need it mid-sentence, but I've seen it done in literature.
  13. Grammatically that doesn't matter. It's normal to leave out the comma but technically, "Google" should be separated by a comma because vocative expressions are treated as their own sub clauses. Where IDEM is wrong is that it's a rule. It's more a suggestion.
  14. But you would have to be pretty stupid to read it as "Fuck, you Google".
  15. English tends to be much less strict than German when it comes to comma placement. Rule of thumb is you can do whatever the fuck you want as long as it reads well. But you are still right. Using an exclamation mark for all imperatives is also a German thing and not necessarily done in English. And even in German nobody does it.
  16. I didn't know that. Do you think it's realistic that Scotland might become independent in the mid-term future?
  17. Even if this unrealistic scenario that Scotland becomes an independent sovereign state was reality, it would still take all EU members to agree to let it become part of the EU. And Spain would never support any separatist movement because their central government doesn't want to encourage their own separatists. They don't even recognise Kosovo while almost all other EU members do.
  18. If the EU still exists then. Right now three world powers are simultaneously trying to destabilize it.
  19. I don't really feel bad for them, though. It's still one of the richest first world countries and they'll do just fine. Let's not cry that they have less access to delicacy foods. Sure, it sucks for business owners who depend on the EU market, but they will still have a splendid life compared to people from most other places in the world. Let's not forget that a lot of the Brexit movement was motivated by xenophobia and racism (mostly in context of the refugee waves).The referendum was close and xenophobia could well be the momentum that decided it in the end. They just didn't want more brown people in their country and were willing to sacrifice some of their life standard for that. Fuck them I'd say.
  20. They should join the US with these levels of reality denial. Thinking the EU will steal all their codfish and therefore having to defend the fish with 80-metre-long armed vessels == satirical levels of paranoia. I like buying good wine and cheese for very little €€€
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