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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. Whole family got tested before we met, all negative. Was a relaxed xmas eve. Good wine, some traditional food, nice chit chat and next round tomorrow ?
  2. I like your art. It's always interesting. You might have talent ?
  3. Maybe he always did an exception for you because he likes you but now that you seem to take it for granted it annoys him. You should take him out for a romantic dinner to set things straight again.
  4. I can't emphasise enough that all drums need to be tuned to the key of your track, there is much more depth to the sound that way and mixing is easier: Everything sounds less muddy, and much clearer.
  5. But there is no deal and that is the problem and my entire point. If you have no agreement you can't make exceptions, exceptions have to be part of a legal document (and then they aren't arbitrary). That the UK has no deal with the EU is only their own fault. They consciously decided to be treated like the Congo or other third countries with no particular unilateral trade deal. Both sides came to a fair agreement but the UK preferred to have no agreement at all (which has nothing to do with a decision the EU made). I don't see why the UK should keep all privileges of being a member without being a member.
  6. dingformung


    I suck at music theory, too, and I find it hard to talk about music because I lack the vocabulary, but I read a bit here and there for the same reasons as you. From what I know, there are roughly two kinds of polyrhythms (that can be combined): One layers different time signatures but the divisions match, they just repeat at different times (the bars have different lengths), e.g. you could combine a 4/4 rhythm with a 7/4 rhythm and their first notes will only meet again after 4*7 bars. If my mathematics are right, I suck at math, lol The other one uses different divisions within the same time signature, so it repeats at the same point in time (bars have same length) but each track divides these set time periods differently with a combination of odd and even numbers, e.g. 4 on 5. It immediately sounds super polyrhythmic and "African". In Cubase you can mess around with the quantisation settings and add your own "N-toles", which is useful when you sequence per hand in piano roll. Reaktor Blocks has a module called Clock Divider, that lets you use abnormal divisions; modulating the division numbers is fun. I've never worked with tracker software, probably has a totally different work flow.
 If I’m not mistaken (again, I suck at the simplest of math) 90bpm is the triplet version of 120bpm, or at least you can think about it this way (triplet quarters at 90bpm are indistinguishable from duplet quarters at 120bpm, quadruplets at 150bpm equal quintuplets at 120bpm, etc.). So, as you said, messing with the BPM and the BPM/time division correlations can be a way to trick drum machines that don’t have this stuff integrated. Edit: Sorry, totally off topic and not meant as a lecture. Was more structuring my own thoughts
  7. The reason isn't the pettiness of EU officials. You can't simply import stuff from third countries just like that, it's the outer border of the largest economic area of the planet and protects 27 countries and the standards of procedure that the EU members agreed to have to apply here. Of course there is a procedure for treating goods from third countries and of course these procedures are applied to all third countries, including the UK. The laws wouldn't make sense if you could just arbitrarily make exceptions, it's not how a state of law works. I'm sure with a sensible Brexit deal lorry drivers could take sandwiches across the border. A lot of time had been spent to make such a deal but the British government didn't accept it. The pettiness really isn't on the EU side here
  8. Which is silly. People are much better off in the modern UK than they were at times when the UK was the world power. The dominance of a country on the world stage is only loosely related to the life standard of the people living there. I don't get people's emotional attachment to royal families, either. All monarchs should be disowned of their royal property. Turn their castles into museums and use their money to do something useful.
  9. dingformung


    With polyrhythm I don't mean they use odd time signatures, I'm referring to irregular divisions. To me it sounds more like varying between and layering abnormal divisions. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuplet But of course that's only my take, you could be right. By the way, 100% swing literally results in a perfect polyrhythm of duplets and triplets. At 100% swing every second 1/16 is replaced by a 1/24: You're combining normal notes with triplets. By adjusting the percentage of the swing you slide every second note between the triplet and the quadruplet position.
  10. dingformung


    Doesn't sound like swing to me. Sounds more like polyrhythms that sometimes syncopate in a swing like manner.
  11. Nobody: Creatures walking the earth: I better have ears to sense sound waves
  12. What a Kraftwerk copycat, so uncreative. Kraftwerk did what he does decades ago, only much better, and I find it silly to copy that style. I dislike
  13. His victims may not be dead yet, though. Maybe they reached the legal age of consent by now. Imagine you were abused in your childhood and see that the person who raped you gets constantly praised and honoured despite that it's known what he did. Would probably make you feel like there is no justice and that society doesn't give a shit about child abuse.
  14. The dude boned 13-year olds and was married to a 15-year-old (how is that even possible?)
  15. German has that, too. It's useful because the spelling gets updated and isn't hundreds of years old and actually matches the pronunciation. I think the biggest privilege of speaking a language that doesn't have many speakers is that you know other languages, too, almost by default. Learning English is easy for you because there is no dubbing and you probably consume more foreign media than people who live in larger countries anyway. And because your language is so small almost everyone learns a third language at school, too, often to a fluent level. Imagine being born in the US. There is no reason to learn a different language because everyone speaks English and everything is in English and there are only two countries bordering it, and one of them is English speaking. To some extent that's also true if you're born in France or Germany: You can get through life pretty well without any language skills because everything is translated and there is a large body of literature/movies/music/art that's in French/German, either originally or translated. David Hasselhoff isn't German, though, he is US American. He isn't even popular in Germany, as far as I know. It's a weird stereotype because it's so random.
  16. He might be rude and offensive (and even worse: wrong about grammar) but wishing him a transient ischemic attack (TIA) goes too far. Nobody should ever have temporary neurological dysfunctions that are also called "mini-strokes", ever.
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