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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. I can't tell. I'd probably try a dynamic EQ or just make the bass line slightly quieter. Most speakers have a cut in that frequency region anyway. But after listening again I'm not sure anymore, though I think there is something about the first impression that you get of a mix that can be very revealing. The more you listen, the more you lose perspective it seems. It's very well done and kudos for the tedious work.
  2. The bassline that starts at around 1:15 is a bit off. It's too loud and there is one note that resonates much louder than the rest of the melody (should be around 170Hz)
  3. bestiality is rarely well-received in my experience, at least in public
  4. I wish you and everyone else a good new year as well
  5. - drink a lemonade more - deep-fry more - solve more quiz
  6. He isn't wrong, though. There is something entitled and complacent about terrible street musicians that ruin the day of thousands of pedestrians (usually some dumb ass "countercultural" neohippis). They have no respect and pollute the soundscape of the city with their noise. They should be assaulted more frequently
  7. I think it started when they removed the group function and forums.
  8. I used to get a lot more comments and likes on soundcloud when I was worse at making tracks and uploaded very simple tracks.
  9. Yes, it is used as a treatment against paranoia and other psychoses.
  10. The statement on individual identity is neither nonexistant nor distinct.
  11. I guess it refers to the colour white being associated with cleanliness. In the western tradition black means death/grief and white means innocence/purity (in Asia white is the colour of grief). Maybe the true origin of racism is religious colour symbolism that made its way into the collective unconscious ? I feel that relaxing the stomach and diaphragm relaxes the back as well As far as I understand it, their whole bodies are full of highly sensitive nerve endings, I bet they have pretty good sex.
  12. I agree with everything you said, though the encouragement shouldn't be given based on what under-represented group the artist belongs to. It feels wrong to say: "I wouldn't have commented on your track but since you're black I feel I need to encourage you, you guys have been through enough already.", or: "Normally I wouldn't have bothered listening to your track but you females need my full support, society treats you so badly."
  13. Dunno, I think there is something paternalistic about encouraging people because they belong to a certain group of people, you ascribe weakness to them. Who says they need your encouragement?
  14. female women is all I think of during this global pandemic
  15. women are slightly better than men, all things considered
  16. The sound design is extremely satisfying and the mix is perfect. I like it a lot. That bass
  17. Thanks! Makes me proud to hear that from a professional
  18. You fucking asshole. A kitten lost its leg and all that comes to your mind is saying that it's no longer cute? What sort of disableist are you?
  19. Something I've been pondering. Should I get a food processor or a hand-held blender with attachable jug (no leaky thing on the bottom)? The former can probably do more things but the latter doesn't take away much space and can do other things a food processor can't. ?
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