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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. The UK is pretty diverse for its size with different cultures & peoples in it. The multitude of different dialects/accents speaks for itself. Brits are similar to Germans, just more polite and passive-aggressive, also more talkative & less serious, by tendency, and different historical & political baggage. But individual differences always outweigh cultural ones. I wish to see more of the US. Next time I cross the Atlantic I wanna see New Orleans, Chicago, Seattle, maybe some of the countryside, too. I really liked New York. It was fun interacting with the people there but I know it's a left-liberal stronghold and is by no means representative of the whole US with 330 million people living in different climate and time zones. Maybe the national differences are generally less important than urban/rural differences, meaning British people in rural areas have more in common with American people in rural areas than with their respective countrymen in cities? Or a farmer from Louisiana has more in common with a farmer in Washington than with people living in the capitals of these places. Not sure about that, though. Also, rural in the US is different from rural in places like the UK or also Germany, where the population density is relatively high. In the US there really is vast no-man's-land. Who knows what sort of hillbillies hide there and occasionally vote? Also, let's not forget projective identification.
  2. Big Business playing governments like a fiddle. America is now great again. Thanks Obama
  3. ^So if Trump were more socially competent, polite, witty and charming while doing the exact same sort of destructive policies he is doing now the British would suddenly like him and vote for him? Probably
  4. You mean American? These days one could think that's part of the reason for your mouth breather reaction ?
  5. Audacity can convert FLAC, too Maybe you need to set up Ableton in a way that it works with FLAC internally?
  6. Such a hero fighting for justice in the name of the people.
  7. WATMM mods do a terrible job Flol at posting this at the exact same moment. Yes, smells like Squee One time he banned TheBro because he thought that he posted too many of his tracks. Then he deleted all comments criticising him for this
  8. The Stasi were amateurs compared to today's digital companies (and Joyrex ?)
  9. I'm so hungry right now that your messy kapsalon looks more appetising to me than my fancy stew the post below. Used to have them in Rotterdam super stoned, very satisfying but my stomach didn't approve (weakling)
  10. A pandemic is something that can easily be planned for but maintaining a framework of security, a level of preparedness for foreseeable (little uncertainty here) crises like a pandemic, or nature catastrophes, or climate change, or whatever, is expensive and doesn't generate short term profits for investors. The market doesn't work on the principle of fulfilling demands and needs primarily, as neoliberal propaganda keeps telling us, it works solely on the principle of generating profit for capital owners. Those demands that don't generate profit aren't fulfilled by natural market mechanisms, it's a lie. The market even manages to generate demand of things that aren't needed because this generates short term profit. Only political intervention can balance the problems that arise from this situation, but politicians more often than not seem uninterested in changing said situation, sometimes because they work in the service of the profiteers, sometimes because they hope to profit, too, or because neoliberal propaganda has turned them into useful idiots. We have an economic system that isn't thought out holistically, economy isn't thought as a form of society but merely as a machine that works uncoupled from the society it should serve.
  11. was looking for film recommendations and found dat ass. it's 1 juicy ass 4 sure
  12. Not all things are what they seem to be, but most things are unfortunately. ?
  13. Absolutely, the economic effects are already bigger than those of the financial crisis of 2008. Makes you question how good our economic systems enable us to react to crises. We have some of the strongest and most efficient economies yet they fail to provide a sufficient preparation for crises times, simply because you can't make profit with that.
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