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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. But do you think that China's role as the new leading world power would be inevitable? There is still India and Europe. Both are democratic and less ruthless powers, the power vacuum the USA would leave would sure make them rethink their security needs. I'm more worried about an alliance/complicity of USA and China against the rest of the world
  2. They are responsible for some really atrocious crimes of the past and present century. The Chinese secret services would like to see the US have no secret services anymore, though, and they aren't much better, if not worse. I propose better parliamentarian control of secret services rather than abolishing them. Because a country with no secret service is even more vulnerable to interference into its political processes from outside forces and from traitors within
  3. What do you think about the tracks in YLC, Squee? Spill the beans, tell us how other people suck and you are greater than them. Then make a generic dub track with corny as fuck piano drops, lol
  4. Yes, Michael, it's not a competition!
  5. pathetic and disgusting, what a shitty kid
  6. The repetitiveness really hammers the message into the brain. A+ brainwashing
  7. - some Emojis show as question marks - on the mobile version the front page is full of the pinned threads instead of the newest posts, kind of inconvenient imo
  8. to cazepalm - to inadequately facepalm all posts you disagree with, preferably more left-leaning political posts
  9. If slavery was still legal caze would probably facepalm everyone criticising this.
  10. Police guy is now charged with murder. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/former-atlanta-officer-who-shot-rayshard-brooks-charged-with-murder-other-offenses/2020/06/17/abb1a638-b0c2-11ea-856d-5054296735e5_story.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/06/18/atlanta-rayshard-brooks-walkout/
  11. This is not the cops job per se. It maybe isn't their job per se but it was their job in this specific situation. The guy was drugged and they should have known better how to handle him because that's something policemen are trained for. The sole purpose of a police is to reduce harm and provide safety, if you think about it. No, the situation was calm until they handcuffed him in a rough way. With a drugged brain being what it is that made him panic. Of course it's impossible to know for sure but I think the probability would have been higher if he had the knowledge that he doesn't have to fear the police and if they hadn't have shown aggression by handcuffing him and threaten him with tasers. It may be convention to handcuff any suspect in the US but this guy's reptilian brain clearly couldn't go the mental step of rationalising. Agree
  12. Just get rid of the car, that way you don't have such decisions to make. Let go of all materialistic tendencies. Just send me all your money and belongings. You will feel like a weight was taken from your shoulders and finally you can breathe freely, trust me. Just give me all you have, so you can finally be free
  13. I dunno either. I just think that the policemen could have done a better job if they were trained to act rationally and competently in situations non-trained people couldn't. To stay on topic, I don't really see the racial aspect of it, though. None of their behaviour made me think their intentions were racially motivated but a mere result of poor training
  14. He was relatively calm and responsive. He also was under the influence of alcohol and probably drugs, also he just woke up from deep sleep. Being put into handcuffs can make you panic in such a situation. The cops' job is to deescalate and prevent harm. They could have talked to him calmly, make him go into the car, bring him to the precinct, let him sober up and then sort it out. Instead they decided to put him in handcuffs for no apparent reason. And then they were incompetent enough to let him take away a weapon from them. The way they tried to put him on the ground was amateurish. Every little girl who went to a karate course for half a year could do better
  15. I can't open a bottle of beer with my eye socket ?
  16. Explain to me why they put him into handcuffs in the first place.
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