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Everything posted by Polymershapes

  1. most likely coincidence but i came across these images and concepts today. reminded me of exai/lelevent cover art http://www.mathpuzzle.com/ scroll down to Turmites section. also see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turmite http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Langtons_ant http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Busy_beaver
  2. utterly stunning Joe Meek production from 1963
  3. steve roach - snow canon should be of interest to anyone into aphex melodies and early autechre melodies
  4. pil - careering, specifically this bbc version with the insane synths wire http://youtu.be/SeVY6Es6bSA devo - hardcore series especially foetus - deaf the rough mix of X - adult books and the 7" and of course JD
  5. it's fun to make this an unsanctioned 45 minute mini-album by appending 6852 and Ts1a to the beginning
  6. can you put out something that sounds like this looks next album?
  7. i had some (mayb too many) questions on page 67, seemed to have escaped notice, can they have a second look? really curious about these especially:
  8. do either of you read fiction, aside from aforementioned pkd? anything strong enough to rearrange the way you thought about the world from that point on?
  9. not to spam but i forgot my friend dean had wanted me to ask you to share any thoughts you had on "death and sexuality and empathy"
  10. 1. do you like The Knife? 2. Sean, on Andrew Mckenzie's podcast you mentioned using phone apps like SunVox and Jasuto. Have you used these on any tracks you've released? Would you? Jasuto can do some mad things. 3. Which Tarkovsky films have you seen and which do you like best? I love them all but Mirror is a favorite, only slightly above Solaris/Stalker/Sacrifice. What do you think of Artemyev's soundtrack work? 4. I love mego too. What are your top mego albums? 5. Sean, the unreleased BBC BASIC piece Horizons sounds intriguing. I'd buy it as a digital ep from Warp/Bleep for up to $7-8 USD -- Can't you release it under the AE moniker? I'm sure Rob wouldn't mind. 6. Speaking of mego, do you also like fals.ch? Do you happen to have archived the free releases, my collection is missing some.. pm? Also what do you think of pxp - while(p){print"."," "x$p++} and Wavetrap stuff? 7. Do you like Popol Vuh? Which albums? 8. Can you recommend some gamelan music you like? 9. I can't afford Max/Msp - How do you like PureData? Are there things you're doing in max that would be impossible in Pd? Have you used it for anything in the past? 10. What's up with Xektes Sql - how was it made? I love it and it seems to be unique in your discog soundwise - more aquatic or submerged sounding. Thank you both for taking the time to interface with your fans directly - this is way more 'social' than any of the usual so called social media. We really appreciate it. ps. Can you name my friend here. Sorry :
  11. can someone explain how this kind of isolated stuff turns up... where is the whole set it's from? it's torture.
  12. more than ready to see them again in new york.... '05 was a fever dream
  13. well, if you cut it out in a wave editor it loops seamlessly. just sayin'
  14. I'm not really sure that bit of silence is intentional
  15. [youtubehd]bDvZ6-O06Yw[/youtubehd] this and other stuff on rechenkonig reminds me of l-event . like unfleshed artifact skeletons to l-events juice meat
  16. tac Lacora: meat grinder assembly line rube goldberg DMT construction kit wasp factory
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