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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by eczem

  1. Yeah, i think they absolutely are. In fact I kept expecting violvoic to shift into 48:00 of Nagano for a while for some reason. I tried to find an AE_LIVE where it shifted from something like the second half of violvoic into it, but no luck. Guess it's all in my head. What do you remember?
  2. Yeah, I love it when an inverse prolapse folds your ejac back onto you in even umbrella distribution:
  3. Yeah, love that banger first track off of Orch. V. Hmm, maybe i should email him for the downloads http://wyrdingmodule.psybertron.co.uk/
  4. Really loving Digital Music Vol. 1 right now. The fact that they escaped my radar for so long is a testament to how patchy my listener-ship is. Thank you for teh halp fix me.
  5. Dankest thread ever. So far this page, amidst stiff competition, Barbie Dream HearseTM gave me the biggest lol. also, I want to wear that modified Trump hat. also:
  6. What's Eating Gilbert Grope Reality Bytes Dingles
  7. Is he talking about the part of the 13th amendment that results in prisoner slave labor? He's a fool if he thinks Trump is going to challenge the prison industrial complex.
  8. Not sure if I remember the cornucopia. What I will grant is that i didn't question it in the image at all; it still looks right.
  9. @hello spiral Crazy! Never had hair that long, must have been tough? I once shaved my cousin's hair, about the length yours was, before he went into the army.
  10. Definitely got some elements i like in there. Kinda hazy, vapory, but hits hard.
  11. Hahaha. The secret is to keep lush pads wide. Keeping the stereo field covered has always been a goal of mine as well.
  12. Yeah, i always kind of look like that, red skin and eye issues plus sleep deprivation. Tbh, though, both of my grandmothers passed away this year, so it has been kind of hard. Not trying to turn this into the mental health thread though. Sorry to hear about your gran. I started trying to smile more and people told me to stop because they thought I was up to something Thanks Stick. lol yeah, no point in forced smiling for me either. Bruh def would not have done that pic having known that. Condolences and apologies. It's all good man, there's know way you could have known, I had recently found that 10 year old pic, and i set myself up by posting it. I'm not easily offended and also like fucked up humor, so really no worries. We were close and she had a good life. She experienced a fair amount of hardship, but she taught me a lot. She was super analytical and we discussed things like religion & atheism in a way i could never do with my parents.
  13. Zay-G Derp Snoggie Snogg Soup Douggie Dougg Will Layne Reesespiece Pubic Anenome
  14. Yeah, my initial reaction was "cool, glad they made a track like this." It's sort of exceptional in how unassuming and gentle it is. Not my favorite track on NTS, but I appreciate it and enjoy it. Wow, comparing to T ess xi, I want to say they are sibling tracks cut from the same cloth.
  15. in pursuit of the tangent, women also have a hand in enforcing the social behaviour in men they don't like. (i.e., don't call men you perceive as not living up to typical gender roles "pussy", and then wonder why they end up lacking empathy down the line). Probably not to the same degree as men though /shrug. So yeah, the problems are fully embedded into society.
  16. Every single woman in that photo has some level of concern on her face. All these women are related to Kavanaugh, btw. So in reality they're mostly empathetic to Kavadrunkrapist. source: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/sep/28/kavanaugh-testimony-candace-owens-dana-loesch-response-rightwing-republican-women- Oh okay, so they just look like that then. Must be that even his friends were disgusted by that display. Yes, this is what i will tell myself.
  17. I like the woman looking at him with disgust to the left.
  18. Yeah, i always kind of look like that, red skin and eye issues plus sleep deprivation. Tbh, though, both of my grandmothers passed away this year, so it has been kind of hard. Not trying to turn this into the mental health thread though. Sorry to hear about your gran. I started trying to smile more and people told me to stop because they thought I was up to something Thanks Stick. lol yeah, no point in forced smiling for me either.
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