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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by eczem

  1. I'm sure it's part of the fast food addiction mind control conspiracy continuum. feeling so w0k3 right now
  2. My cousin has a blofeld, and iirc he's used one or two software editors, to mixed results, but still better than menu diving in the interface.
  3. eczem


    Yuh That last one sounds so much like Lil Wayne hollyweezy.
  4. Definitely no old sounds in this. It's all 120% next level. Well you certainly have better-tuned ears than I probably do, so it's likely I'm hearing things that aren't there. I heard one or two sounds on my first and second listens that made me think the same thing. Listening through again, can't find much. There's a few moments that remind me of On, but nothing concrete. Best I can come up with is the sound palette on pthex is very much close to Syro (not "old" i know). I keep thinking i'm going to hear that sound at 3:48 of s950tx16wasr10 [16397][earth portal mix] Shoot man, I think Richard is playing tricks with our minds. Such a signature sound. Almost like he knows how to echo ghosts of his former works without actually sampling or using the same patches.
  5. @ignatius That meme roll had me pretty hyped, and then I almost spit my food out at the Michael J. Fox one.
  6. Forgot about this vaporwavey collab i was a part of two years back. https://pvrem8ds.bandcamp.com/ It's basically a horrible monstrous revision of Pure Moods. No real reflection of effort or artistry here, was just pure fuckery and fun. edit: not sure why it's all single tracks to be honest, was supposed to be a collection.
  7. Any one else getting a pop/crackle on shimripl air for NTS 3 vinyl?
  8. Pretty sick. Maybe that set of shapes was the necessary "drilling the basics" for top creativity. Jeet kune do origami.
  9. I had a really bad trip on the former two; any time i would do the latter it was an instant flashback/ retrip.
  10. Shrooms and ecstasy ruined weed for me. Although, it has been about 10 years -and it's legal in CA/WA- so maybe time to give it another go.
  11. Makes me think of Aliens, they could kind of specialize but only in a host-genetics appropriation way. Also:
  12. Yeah, the typical seafood restaurant serves fish and chips as "fish & chips." Thinner chips/fries oftentimes. Malt vinegar yes, mushy peas no. Might be a little harder to come by from a fast food joint, though I know WA state has a place called Ivar's that's pretty okay. https://www.ivars.com/locations/seafood-bars/seafood-bars-menus Re: chicken and fries: was pretty much my ultimate food ever since I was a little kid. "Popeye's" is the spot that still fills that void for me, but shit I gotta stay away from that place.
  13. Yes. Just listened to NTS3 a/b on vinyl yesterday on my home theater system. Been listing to NTS a lot on headphones, but it already felt like a new experience in the living room, particularly for clustro casual.
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