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Everything posted by zaphod

  1. oh my fucking god alex jones running is the greatest thing i've ever seen
  2. nick has his antiques store and posts mainly on instagram thats about it oh shit I might actually follow that I think whatever legitimate ire to be had over it's cancellation was completely negated how fucking godawful MDE fans are, and how much Sam feeds off that and his own increasingly apparent ire toward, well, everything. As someone else pointed out, I can't blame the Buzzfeed guy at all anymore. I like the old stuff, not just the TED talk but some of his short skits, the stuff with thankscomputer still holds up: "moms" and "officer maggot" are works of art. The latter is a bit surreal to revisit though - in the past it was more like a really offensive Louis CK bit - hilarious but challenging pushing the boundary of funny versus outright disturbing. Now it's like he was warming up for how he really is IRL. Old MDE is like like early 90s Burzum. We can all look back and say "well regardless this stuff is still great in and of itself" Now Sam has the same vibe as Varg's youtube channel. This baffling existence that appeals to a lot of fringe people and is worth a few laughs of irony and absurdity (queue image of dad gut sporting Varg hurling rocks to demo post-apocalypse self-defense) but for the most part is devoid of any real artistic merit anymore. nope buzzfeed guy is still horrible
  3. it's obi wan as a force ghost, haunting the men's toilets of mos eisley
  4. I'm going to start calling out neo nazis for stealing valor
  5. beyerdynamic dt 880. i have had the same pair for almost a decade. the best headphone i've ever used.
  6. RIP Terrorist Wittels. Just re-listened to the U Talkin' U2 To Me commentary episode he was in. It's so damn good. I was also just listening to this. Lake house part had me lolling.
  7. This season of norm is really bad so far.
  8. we need to talk about capitalism then, it's no longer exclusively an american problem i think we can solve this tonight on watmm btw
  9. I think that's why I find his presidency so troubling it is really attacking our basic ideals and values, or at least flippantly disregarding them. Really really cringe at the thought of him being assassinated. He would be martyred by a few and history will forever have that aspect of his presidency attached to it .He needs to be imprisoned and shamed. It's not just I don't condone in assassination but I feel like an assassination on the president is also an assassination on the institution of the president. It's just wrong, even if he's a terrible person. trump already assassinated the institution of the president
  10. maybe limpy was right all along. time for our special boy to come home.
  11. he'll be back at mom's making vertical videos soon enough but they won't be ironic
  12. https://twitter.com/mde_never_dies/status/896565058523811843 https://twitter.com/mde_never_dies/status/896582487329001472 too bad tim heidecker got the show canceled...
  13. i mean it is, completely. there are heritage sites that i think need to stay up that have historical significance and then there are things like the statues of confederate leaders that should probably come down but are placed in areas like monument ave in richmond where an entire intersection is built around them where it might be logistically and financially very difficult to take them down. but there is a double standard where, for instance in richmond, there is no memorial to the black troops who saved the city from completely burning and being looted, there's no grave anywhere for nat turner, and on and on. so of course that's a problem.
  14. yeah but i specifically said the word "poor". i actually don't like the label white trash but whatever, i'm not going to get into an argument about this shit. i'm just sick of seeing woke twitter or whatever vilifying poor white people when i know for a fact that the people at these rallies are privileged upper middle class pieces of shit.
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