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Everything posted by zaphod

  1. His reviews are masterful. The digressions, the spelling errors, the endless run on sentences and arbitrary capitalization, the made up stories about leatherface coming to his birthday party or being at every premier of every movie that’s been released in the last fifty years. Just a kaleidoscope of bullshit.
  2. people make weird associations. steely dan is like the most acerbic shit ever.
  3. he got a small loan of $1 million from his father to become an actor. i think they're all elite but there's something to be said for knowing where you came from and having that experience as opposed getting $8 million or whatever the loan was to start building/bankrupting companies. er, no. they're both elite. neither can relate to the average american or person. i'm not going to give clooney the benefit of the doubt here other than the fact that he's right, trump is an idiot.
  4. let's not kid ourselves, clooney is very much the elite.
  5. enjoying this one mainly for the drumming https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvGPAVTYfXI
  6. zaphod

    Now Reading

    you have to be careful about old editions of russian writers. there's a lot of debate on translations. the pevear and volokhonsky ones are the most widely read and the most "modern" but they're also very literal and quite awkward, resulting in a kind of halting, flat reading experience, though it's supposedly the most similar to the way dostoevsky actually wrote in russian. i recommend the oliver ready translation of crime and punishment if you're going to read that. otherwise p&v are probably the best for dostoevsky given what's available. the constance garnett translations are written in the tone of the english upper class and often leave out details found in the newer editions. i'm not a fan of magarshack either. a bad translation can be a major disservice to a good book. happened to me with master and margarita, a book i read in college (ginsburg) and hated and then reread a couple years ago (o'connor and burgin) and loved. with russian lit other than tolstoy, historical context is very important too. i don't think dostoevsky is as effective without some sense of history and biography (this could probably be said of literally all writers).
  7. it's so weird. i don't think i laughed this much at the entirety of world peace.
  8. zaphod

    Now Reading

    why not crime and punishment? if you haven't read it, you should. otherwise brothers karamazov is his best, but very different. notes requires some amount of context to really come to grips with. btw tolstoy is a completely different writer in almost every way possible. so if you enjoyed one that doesn't mean you'll like the other.
  9. yeahhh nah which is weird because https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WbCOqyGp5E
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CHrNBeYcN8 this shit made me laugh a lot not gonna lie
  11. rewatching sopranos. i don't remember the first season being this bad. it's trying so hard to be goodfellas. i can't remember when exactly this show found its footing (season three?). kinda rough...
  12. thing is i saw you too, at the place where we all do cardio
  13. zaphod

    Now Reading

    I really liked the ritual by Adam Nevill, at least until it went off the rails in the final third.
  14. destroyer - kaputt there are times when i feel this is the best album of the last seven years this is the only bowie album i like. something is probably wrong with me.
  15. nah i think i'm looking for post-rock black metal or something. who cares, wittr exist already so i'll just listen to that.
  16. white women staring deadpan into the camera while dancing like spastics. this is the best kind of comedy.
  17. who are these people making these dumbass videos about films?
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