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Everything posted by milkface

  1. God I hate the neighbours behind my house so much. Most people in the neighbourhood are students like my group of friends in our house, but these cunts (bearing in mind they're all 21/22) are so loud and disrespectful to neighbours around them, always throwing random shit into other peoples gardens (we throw everything back into theirs), blasting music 24/7 and screaming and shouting over the most stupid shit. Bunch of posh entitled cunts who weren't disciplined as kids. As soon as I heard the Surrey accents when I first met them I knew I was in for a year of shit. Fuck rich kids.
  2. facts, power is intertwined with all kinds of different types of inequality. your example of the cop resonates a lot with officer coffey in boyz n the hood
  3. milkface


    imagine if squarepusher was called circlepuller.......................................that would be funny i think...
  4. it was getting like this though i couldn't see cause it was always in front of my eyes lol
  5. barber gave me a shit haircut. to rub salt in the wound i literally could've asked my friend to give me a haircut for free which would have been 1000x better. i have no idea why no barber is capable of giving a good haircut EVER it's crazy i will never step foot in a barbers ever again
  6. look what you did. he saw your message and turned himself into brick top from snatch #stopbodyshaming
  7. dissociative drugs make u think even harder in my experience. my worst thoughts have been whilst on ketamine it makes your head all cloudy so you can only focus on one thing at a time and if thoughts come in ur head then ur full attention is on that
  8. aphex twin went so hard on this one
  9. exactly. this post was made by anti-quantize gang
  10. i am honoured, not only have i received the infamous cazepalm, but an eassaepalm react too! nice to be reminded that im right ?
  11. you don't need to change humans, you need to remove the incentive+reward to being a cunt. imperialism and neo-colonialism happens because it makes money. exploitation of all kinds (prostitution, modern slavery, war etc.) happens because it makes money.
  12. what's everyone on about? the new album's been up since midnight UK timezone. is it region locked? anyways, 4932jksdfsxlksdjf [cockslapp3r mix] is my favourite one on the album so far!
  13. there's a reason it's called capitalism... cause it's all cap ??????
  14. For real, Thomas Sankara + Burkina Faso in general got royally fucked over by France.
  15. Good Time (2017) - I assume most of you have seen it considering Oneohtrix Point Never did the soundtrack but it's good if you haven't already seen it.
  16. as are the people that defend them! (steven crowder mocking the murder of george floyd earlier this week for those out of the loop)
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