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Everything posted by milkface

  1. Been watching so many Pixar films recently and they're genuinely so enjoyable. Because my sister is 5 years older than me, she always got to choose what was on TV so I pretty much hadn't watched a Pixar film since I was 7/8 years old so it's a nice refreshing revisit of things I liked as a kid.
  2. provided the internet is still up in like 150-200 years, researchers are probably going to scour internet forums to see how we spoke in the 1990s-2020s because language will have evolved so much as it always does and there will be so many forum posts, youtube videos, social media comments etc. in a completely different language from a bygone era
  3. the voices............. and aliens
  4. nah they just recommended it enough times for me to be like yeah whatever
  5. just been prescribed citalopram ?
  6. they're probably not in gaza but i remember reading about all of the weapons that disappeared after the civil war in yugoslavia
  7. solidarity with palestinian resistance to israel's apartheid occupation
  8. When I go on holiday to Greece people always give us free sides at restaurants because they appreciate us having taken the time to learn some basic Greek so we can interact with people politely and respectfully in their own country. I imagine they appreciate you not being a typical English-speaking person with the "if I point rudely and shout really loud in English then they'll understand me" mindset ?
  9. Lived in the UK my whole life and am going to be spending Sep 2021 - May 2022 in France.
  10. popular front -> left leaning podcast where british journalist jake hanrahan speaks to academics about political current events in the world such as coups, niche conflicts, terrorist organisations, riots, strikes etc. there's currently 115 episodes to sink your teeth in: https://www.popularfront.co/podcast the ricky gervais show on xfm -> karl pilkington, ricky gervais and steve merchant talked about everything and nothing between 2001 and 2005 on xfm. they did other podcasts afterwards but i find these ones to be the funniest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INfVabuCCSY
  11. Shit then... I made a thread about this EP then literally just seen your one! Anyways, it's a very solid EP but I still prefer the older version of Kosmos.
  12. well, you see, i tricked you. i have already read the book and it was so helpful that i stopped giving a fuck about reading the book when i read the contents page and didnt even start it.
  13. why u taking my posts so seriously? if you can't beat em - send a dismissive message then disappear for a day to waste peoples time
  14. this lol. what about all of the socialists who existed and still exist in south america, africa and asia. they didn't/don't seem like young educated white first-worlders to me. and besides how do you 'grow out' of a phase when you know better? liberals tend to be the most clueless and right wingers are straight evil because they're aware of what they're doing.
  15. Got bored of video games around 2 years ago but every now and then I'll stick on podcast or a good album and I'll fuck around on some Counterstrike Source servers. Surprisingly the multiplayer is still extremely active considering the game's around 17 years old now. Most servers I go on are full (32-64 people).
  16. Hiroshi Nagai (b. 1947) - Believe it or not, they're paintings! Quick edit: A lot of them have been squished to different aspect ratios by the forum so click on them to get the right proportions. \
  17. I absolutely LOVE iceage's music. Elias Ronnenfelt is a beautiful man in many ways. This is a really cool track from 2012 in a Sacred Bones compilation from another band he was in at the time:
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