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Everything posted by zero

  1. yeah, no doubt there's been a lot of messed up emotional baggage that has resulted in what we get from him now on a daily basis. sorry, just had to blow off some steam. sometimes I just get so sick of reading about what stupid thing he's said or done today. it just never ends.
  2. I just can't believe how one person can be so fucking stupid. he's such a complete and total fucking idiot. edit: I'm talking about trump
  3. now the fun part is thinking about it every time you get in the car, watching it grow, seeing how long you can hold out until you bite the bullet and shell out for a replacement... never understood those windshield fixer guys that sometimes hang out in parking lots, they don't fix shit.
  4. lol...I posted in this thread earlier about our new dog. I was reading online about this breed and came across this:
  5. just to echo some previous comments - I've never liked streaming services as I always enjoyed searching out new music myself. reading articles/reviews on music sites, getting recommendations from other people who had similar taste in music (like a lot of you here), then listening to samples before deciding to buy is all part of the fun process of discovering something new. I don't view this as irksome or time consuming, but a hobby I choose to spend my time on. I also value the album as a whole, and would prefer to have the entire thing to listen to as the artist intended. but to each their own... I get that people who aren't as invested, don't view collecting music as a hobby, or don't have the time to spend doing this would instead prefer to be recommended what to listen to next based on a track they liked or favorited (or however it works). I don't want to wade too far into the money making/capitalism debate, since I'm not as knowledgeable on this side of it, just throwing out thoughts as to why I don't want to use a streaming service.
  6. +1000. can't stand this. especially if you're trying to watch something late at night, when other household members are sleeping. have to keep the remote easily reachable at all times. never bothered me before when I lived alone though.
  7. that show is definitely in my top 10, no, top 5 shows ever. I've been waiting for the right time to do a re-watch. I only re-watched S1 right before S2 came out, haven't done the whole thing. for me it's a winter show. must be the NE setting and bleakness of a lot of the weather in it.
  8. he was tweeting out his support to promote some NYC pizza place shortly after news of Cain's death broke (a president's not allowed to endorse things like this BTW), so safe to say there are 0 fucks given on his part.
  9. damn...Malik B from the Roots: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/malik-b-the-roots-dead-age-47-cause-of-death-not-released/
  10. kinda funny how that one infamous comment still gets referenced here almost 20 years later. not saying it shouldn't, just interesting how those 2 words "quite good" are so ingrained in this website's lore. I wasn't here at the time to hear it told as the event unfolded, only heard numerous variations of it told over the years. it's like some old wives tale that gets passed down from generation to generation.
  11. I haven't followed anything Madonna related in quite some time, had no idea she's turned into a total nutter. but this made me realize I haven't listened to Madonna - Madonna for years, threw it on the turntable now. never understood why "Think of Me" wasn't a bigger hit. always loved the bassline in that song.
  12. I liked the idea the seeds might grow into giant flesh eating mutants but yeah, you're probably right
  13. I've been wondering when the lizard people were going to pop up again in the trump news cycle world. they've been eerily quiet for awhile now, was only a matter of time before they started stealthily reappearing. from the article @ignatius posted:
  14. I would probably plant one of those seeds in a flower pot just to see what happens
  15. the whole thing is WTF. China sending packets of seeds to random people in USA seems like the plot to the beginning of a B-horror movie. the seeds grow into evil corona virus spewing monsters that terrorize the country. crazy orange american leader retaliates by dropping nuclear bombs on them.
  16. 100% correct. I've said it before but if we lived in a sane, rational thinking world, then trump would be polling around 0%. but no, we live in a world filled with people who think they know right vs. wrong more than you or I, and corrupt politicians who lie to get elected in order to serve themselves. the fact that anyone, anywhere would still support him after all this is insane. or maybe I should just adjust my brain to go along with it. bring on the reneducation center.
  17. China's begun its attack on America with...seeds https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/27-states-issue-warnings-about-residents-receiving-unsolicited-seed-packets-n1235094 so no planting, no throwing away, just wait for USDA agents to show up at your door to collect them. I can see this going very, very well...
  18. George Clanton & Nick Hexum from 311 (yes that 311) put out an album together: https://georgeclanton.bandcamp.com/album/george-clanton-nick-hexum
  19. donnie's just waiting for that artifact to be reclaimed by the Kenyan government. plus the darkish tones don't really mesh well with melania's all white christmas tree this year, which donnie and the boys will undoubtedly feast under with quarter pounders w/cheese and overcooked steaks with ketchup + diet cokes...
  20. this is all getting too higher level thinking for the trump thread...let's dumb it back down again
  21. nevermind the whiskey, that's some serious willpower right there to be able to resist eating something after getting thc'd. I don't remember it being a thing back when I was a young buck, but now it makes me hungry AF. maybe the ol' metabolism changed gears after passing the 4-0, I dunno, but I usually end up eating one too many a taco after taking an edible...
  22. hilarious stuff here...donnie rambles on incoherently about how doctors are "amazed" at how smart he is: https://www.politico.com/news/2020/07/23/trump-mental-fitness-cognitive-test-379622
  23. no doubt trump's dirty, but I really wonder how much of the illegal stuff he really is informed about or directly takes part in. we know donald loves real estate and wants tall buildings with his name on top. my guess is that he is presented with something basic, like an opportunity to profit from building a new skyscraper somewhere. donald says great let's do it, then it goes to don jr., Ivanka, or the lawyers to pass it along to the team, where it gets more and more messy and lo and behold oligarch money comes swirling in. the building probably doesn't ever get built and so they move on to the next thing, leaving a minefield of white collar crimes in their wake. meanwhile donald gets to rub shoulders with the other bosses who stroke his ego, and plays dumb when he's questioned on it, since he may not understand the specifics of what's going on (but understands there is something criminal going on)...classic mafiaoso game plan. again, just a guess. I can't see him knowing all about the money laundering & criminal operation side of things well enough to explain it to anyone. not that this excuses him, just my take on it. the real question is what does Putin want exactly?
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