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Everything posted by zero

  1. 100% agree. I was being somewhat flippant in my reply to zkom
  2. here's how crazy donnie is - someone could show him that picture and he'd think it's real. he'd use it as ammo to go on some seriously mentally ill rant about how childish and immature Obama is, and how he's racist, a horrible person, etc... his supporters would believe it too, and this would further fuel their hatred toward Obama, which then trickles down to minority groups, foreigners, and anyone who isn't white, fat, angry, and wearing a stupid red hat with a heil trump shirt on.
  3. yep, if we can get free wifi there, then count me in.
  4. one of my wife's friends lives in Shanghai and she said her kids are just now able to return to school there after schools being shut down for almost a year. they shut down toward end of last year, a few months before it all hit the fan in the US/Europe. no online learning option either the whole time. not like online learning is a great option for young kids, but at least it's something.
  5. doubt it. guys like that are rarely the ones that covid affects. if the karmic laws of the universe worked the way they should, then covid would only affect dumbasses, drunks, karens, trump supporters, etc., but we know that's not how things work. instead, it gets the elderly, the infirm, and the front line medical workers trying to help those in need. but hey, don't listen to some random guy on the internet. best to keep a cool head and if you start experiencing symptoms, then you know what to do.
  6. which is just another flat out lie, as the empire state building became the defacto tallest after the WTC towers collapsed.
  7. https://samprekop.bandcamp.com/album/comma I'm a big The Sea & Cake fan, this is nothing like that. no vocals and I like the addition of beats on some of the tracks, something I felt was lacking on his last album.
  8. knowing trump, I'd expect him to praise the 9/11 attacks today. "a beautiful moment for our country" or some other insane trumpism that tries to twist a disaster into a positive. @dcom posted a really good article here recently, and one thing the author stated is that trump isn't thinking, he's selling. he is constantly in sales mode, and we all know sales people are prone to embellish, bend the rules, turn negatives to positives, and lie in order to get what they need in order to get paid.
  9. ha! melania didn't even bother. donnie looks like he's about to have a stroke.
  10. it's infuriating knowing that the big 3 (thanks to the CRTC) are holding the Canadian population hostage when it comes to paying out the ass for cell phone packages. I was with Telus and think I was paying $70-$80/month for 1 phone? and it was a crap plan at that. down here, as I'm sure you've heard, cell plans are dirt cheap. hate to rub it in, but I pay $50/month for 2 phones with unlimited talk/text and 10gb data on no contract.
  11. zero


    maybe it's just me, but for some reason I think celebrities back in the '80s looked older, probably due to in part to more smoking/partying. that and the fact that a 25 year old back then carried himself differently, i.e. more like a man than the 25 year olds of today...who have been psychologically growth stunted thanks to heavy internet usage.
  12. that probably doesn't mean as much to people outside Canada, who have no idea how shitty the cell phone plan choices are. when I lived there I hated being stuck choosing between Bell / Telus / Rogers and their offshoots. that and any time I you use your phone in the US, it is mind bogglingly expensive.
  13. still won't matter though. he could be on tape openly mocking all his supporters, laughing at what a con job he's pulled on all them, and saying he hopes they all die from corona virus, and they'd still flock to his rallies and vote en masse for him.
  14. zero


    yeah that was cringe. I'd also suspect that a good chunk of people watching this won't even realize that's a pink floyd cover. one actor I have a hard time taking seriously is Jason Momoa. maybe it's that smirk he always seems to use quite a bit.
  15. ah yes, "land development" as it's called. raze anything that isn't making any money, in order to put something there that makes money. the american fucking dream in a nutshell, dudes. I mean are those beautiful, old, gentle, life-preserving trees making any money? no! so fuck 'em. rip them out and lay down sod (sod company gets paid), fertilizer (fertilizer company gets paid), water it (utility company gets paid), then have landscapers come in to manicure it (boss gets paid, illegal immigrants doing the labor get next to nothing - oh yeah, those are the good kind of illegals. you know, the ones that cook our cheesborgers and cut our grass. the wall is designed to only keep out drug dealers and rapists. the rest are ok. well maybe they are, maybe some aren't. we'll see). oh no. I feel bubbling up inside a long winded leftist rant coming on. watmm what have you done to me. thanks @cyanobacteria
  16. they ripped out trees because they were providing too much shade? wtf is wrong with these people.
  17. "and on the 5th day, god created internet repairmen. angellic beings sent from the heavens to restore outages, so human beings can continue wasting time online."
  18. lap dog mike pence has been waiting a long, long time for this to happen to his owner. you know every bite of every burger donald takes, mike is just praying a sizable chunk gets lodged in the orange esophagus. 2024 can't get here soon enough for 'ol mikey.
  19. exactly. he doesn't have to get away with it. senate R's could've stepped up and put an end to this failed experiment a long time ago, but they continually look the other way, from each "bombshell" report to the next, while the kindergartner salesman throws tantrums and breaks the law. and this circus sideshow donald is creating about voting twice, voter interference, etc., is all part of his dumb luck M.O. to discredit the election results should he lose. I think I may have mentioned this already several pages back (can't keep track anymore since we're basically all saying the same things over and over), but the real shit show is going to be between Nov. 2020 - Jan. 2021, when the "fairness" of this whole election gets debated non-stop, and no doubt will be thrown to the lawyers & courts to tear into. meanwhile the salesman will continue to do his thing, and fuck up anything in his way that makes a shred of sense.
  20. ^ and because of that, we are in the situation we're currently in. thanks Obama...
  21. the guy can't direct anymore to save his life, so he just keeps fiddling with his past work. it's sort of odd that whenever "greatest film directors of all time" is mentioned, his name somehow pops up in there. sure, he directed 4 classics back in the '70s, 2 in the early '80s, then mostly crap after that. The Rainmaker was a decent movie, but in no way a classic film. I hated Dracula, largely because of Keanu's performance though. that has to be one of the worst casting decisions of all time. I thought one of his come back films "Tetro" with Vincent Gallo started off ok, but lost interest quickly. even his wine is fairly pedestrian. but hey, I'm no wine snob and drink the cheap stuff. was drinking some of his chardonnay last night even.
  22. his obsession with Obama is so bizarre. I mean everything the guy does is bizarre, but this one sticks out a little. I can't even remember what led to the whole birth certificate debacle in the first place. did Obama enact some law that was going to affect one of his casinos or something? or is it just that Obama is like the antithesis of everything donald stands for - he's intelligent, articulate, and thoughtful, none of which are adjectives I'd say anyone has ever used to describe trump. and I bet he was into the fake Obama porn that was floating around pornhub years ago. watching fake Sarah Palin ride fake Obama reverse cowgirl style must have been quite appeasing for young donald...
  23. he was sent by self-centered, internet mind-fucked, gullible, god-fearing, bigoted americans, who believe that Obama (aka the black devil) destroyed this country because he didn't give them what they think they're entitled to. their skewed belief system that has been fed ultimately by facebook comments falsely propagates their fantastical thinking. they live not in the same realm of thought as you or I, they truly are living as mentally confused lost souls. God has nothing to do with this. bigotry and hatred have everything to do with it. and then out of the blue, a washed up spinster appears on tv one day and announces he is here to save them (and make this land great again!), in the year of our lord, two thousand and sixteen...
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