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Everything posted by zero

  1. I would probably plant one of those seeds in a flower pot just to see what happens
  2. the whole thing is WTF. China sending packets of seeds to random people in USA seems like the plot to the beginning of a B-horror movie. the seeds grow into evil corona virus spewing monsters that terrorize the country. crazy orange american leader retaliates by dropping nuclear bombs on them.
  3. 100% correct. I've said it before but if we lived in a sane, rational thinking world, then trump would be polling around 0%. but no, we live in a world filled with people who think they know right vs. wrong more than you or I, and corrupt politicians who lie to get elected in order to serve themselves. the fact that anyone, anywhere would still support him after all this is insane. or maybe I should just adjust my brain to go along with it. bring on the reneducation center.
  4. China's begun its attack on America with...seeds https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/27-states-issue-warnings-about-residents-receiving-unsolicited-seed-packets-n1235094 so no planting, no throwing away, just wait for USDA agents to show up at your door to collect them. I can see this going very, very well...
  5. George Clanton & Nick Hexum from 311 (yes that 311) put out an album together: https://georgeclanton.bandcamp.com/album/george-clanton-nick-hexum
  6. donnie's just waiting for that artifact to be reclaimed by the Kenyan government. plus the darkish tones don't really mesh well with melania's all white christmas tree this year, which donnie and the boys will undoubtedly feast under with quarter pounders w/cheese and overcooked steaks with ketchup + diet cokes...
  7. this is all getting too higher level thinking for the trump thread...let's dumb it back down again
  8. nevermind the whiskey, that's some serious willpower right there to be able to resist eating something after getting thc'd. I don't remember it being a thing back when I was a young buck, but now it makes me hungry AF. maybe the ol' metabolism changed gears after passing the 4-0, I dunno, but I usually end up eating one too many a taco after taking an edible...
  9. hilarious stuff here...donnie rambles on incoherently about how doctors are "amazed" at how smart he is: https://www.politico.com/news/2020/07/23/trump-mental-fitness-cognitive-test-379622
  10. no doubt trump's dirty, but I really wonder how much of the illegal stuff he really is informed about or directly takes part in. we know donald loves real estate and wants tall buildings with his name on top. my guess is that he is presented with something basic, like an opportunity to profit from building a new skyscraper somewhere. donald says great let's do it, then it goes to don jr., Ivanka, or the lawyers to pass it along to the team, where it gets more and more messy and lo and behold oligarch money comes swirling in. the building probably doesn't ever get built and so they move on to the next thing, leaving a minefield of white collar crimes in their wake. meanwhile donald gets to rub shoulders with the other bosses who stroke his ego, and plays dumb when he's questioned on it, since he may not understand the specifics of what's going on (but understands there is something criminal going on)...classic mafiaoso game plan. again, just a guess. I can't see him knowing all about the money laundering & criminal operation side of things well enough to explain it to anyone. not that this excuses him, just my take on it. the real question is what does Putin want exactly?
  11. we got a new puppy recently because I thought it'd be a good idea for my kid to play with, since he's not had a lot of other kid contact since march. OMG this dog is turning into such a PITA. I'm not a dog person and have never trained a dog before, had no idea how much work it is. my wife is a clean freak which makes this so much more stressful. she's paranoid about accidents and it's driving me nuts... we recently changed the dog's food and he reacted by having diarrhea for 2 days or so. the other night around 3am I heard him whining in the laundry room and went in to find 2 messy wet shits all over the floor. led to a massive clean up project and arguing with the wife. the dog's been outside a bit this afternoon and we just discovered he's dug a massive hole in one of the flower beds and is totally muddy. I've been thinking to shell out for a dog training place, but finances are a bit tight right now...ugh, total FWP I know I
  12. ^ lol at the dude in that video saying "that's ridiculous, I mean there's bathrooms all over the place."
  13. makes for a lot of good conspiracy fodder, but yeah, no way is donald somehow playing both sides or secretly obeying Putin's orders or other such fluff. my thought is that both Putin and US intel eye him with amusement - he's a loud, obnoxious, idiot with no values who can be easily persuaded. whoever dangles the biggest carrot in front of him he follows. plus he's incredibly readable, which makes his whole "greatest salesman in the world" shtick so perplexing...every good con man knows you don't go blurting everything out all the time so everyone knows all about you, you hold back and let the grift unfold as naturally as possible while blending in...
  14. did you notice the UK spelling in that blurb? the brits are on to you dude...don't click it
  15. ^ I think I understand what you're getting at (more CBD product consumption = more THC in your system), but from my experience I don't think you'd want to drink a liter of CBD oil. would probably give you more of a headache or stomach ache than a high. the articles online are somewhat vague about it, but I they mention the level of CBD in any of the products out there somehow cancels out any of the THC effects you may feel. edit: if it's for drug testing, I don't think any percentage calculations will get you the truth if you will test positive or not from CBD products. they all mention you may not pass a drug screen, so proceed with caution. can't you buy an at home drug screen test easily nowadays?
  16. @Tim_J pretty sure most, if not all CBD products are marketed that way. i.e. less than 0.3% THC content. all it means is that this shit won't get you high
  17. ^ he's not old enough. need to be at least 70 and totally fucking senile to make it as pres these days...
  18. how did these work out for you? I tried one of those Dixie brand ones, and I thought it was super weak. had another (can't remember the name) a friend brought back from Canada that seemed more potent. I've been sticking to a homemade tincture I made with everclear that's been working well. took a little getting used to and getting the dose right for the effect I'm looking for, but I can get usually 4 hours out of it, maybe more depending on if I ate much beforehand.
  19. Sorta thought Donald would've built the suspense a little more and waited until the last minute to do this...Fall back on "the apprentice" skills and kept us guessing until after the commercial break if he's fired or not. And these are two bizarre looking human beings...that thing on Donald's neck looks like a
  20. good thing donnie very wisely withdrew the US from the WHO, so now he doesn't have to look at all the useless stats and listen to the pointless advice they make up just to make him look bad. and not a chance in hell they're getting any money they're owed from him. don't they know about his casinos?
  21. roger stone is set to report to prison next week from his current house arrest, since the judge & justice dept have denied his whiny complaints that he can't handle incarceration. what will donnie do? he loves to "go with his gut" and prove all the naysayers wrong, so I'd say there's a 99.9% chance he's going to do something stupid, like pardon him, because everyone around him is saying it's a bad idea. and seems this is causing a bit of a rift in donnie's house. Barr is saying don't do it, yet the fox newsers are saying go for it. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/07/09/inside-campaign-to-free-roger-stone-355440
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