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Everything posted by zero

  1. I see he brought "MAGA" back. I thought he moved past MAGA and was onto KAG. Shouldn't MAGA be something new now? MAGA largely implied America had gone to shit under Obama. If he made it great and has now gone back to shit again, what does that imply?
  2. ^ smart. donnie's following the lead of the great crime boss Tony Montana and building himself a mask empire. he's establishing trade routes, determining where to best distribute product, and using corrupt cops to take down competition.
  3. I never got this either. Why ruin the taste/smell of your herbs with cigarette tobacco? I remember asking a friend who did this why, and his answer was something like "because I get too high if I smoke weed by itself." Isn't getting high the point though?
  4. I think the US should just split into 2 countries, since, y'know, that's worked out so well for those other places ? We could name them The United States of Sanity and Trumpzania. The test to determine "sane" could be one question - do you watch fox news?
  5. did y'all know that 360,000 Americans die in swimming pools every year? 360,000!!!! wait, what? at least that's what stupid ass doctor phil says: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/dr-phils-argument-for-reopening-the-economy-we-dont-shut-down-the-country-for-car-accidents-and-swimming-pool-deaths-2020-04-17
  6. lol punky brewster. wonder who the target audience is now. kids or people who watched it as a kid, coming back to stare at the milf she turned into.
  7. would be hilarious if he picked AOC. creepy uncle Joe wouldn't be able to resist smelling that head of long, dark, beautifully washed hair
  8. ^ yes. the last 2 episodes have had that BB level of intensity. really good writing. and the actress playing Kim is just killin' it with her performance. she went from being slightly annoying in the earlier seasons to a total bad ass. can't wait to see how this all wraps up! although it's going to suck knowing we're probably going to get a major cliffhanger after next episode, followed by a year or longer wait...
  9. one time thing I think. I read they may do another at a later time. knowing trump, he will probably wait until October so he can spin it to his advantage just before the election. "here's free money, love donald"
  10. donald's scheme to buy votes worked - stimulus money arrived in the bank account today. thank you donald trump, for giving me money directly from of your own pocket so I will vote for you.
  11. it's a 4 year long snl episode directed by Vlad Putin
  12. Biden - I don't really care for him, don't think he is a great candidate, and don't think he has a better chance than any of the others to win the election... BUT I will vote for him since his name is not donald j. trump. I would vote for a pile of dog shit over trump though.
  13. well he finally did it...after probably a year of secretly hoping someone else would come along (except Bernie): https://www.politico.com/news/2020/04/14/obama-endorsement-2020-joe-biden-185464
  14. right, but for some reason we're on page 754 of this thread. we keep talking about him even though it's just same stupid donald shit, different day. he is never going to change, and for that - I reluctantly give credit to the lying salesman. his theatrics and nonsensical outbursts have for better or worse kept our attention. he's like a court jester. a clown that acts so ridiculously, you can't help but watch in amusement/horror/confusion. I've said before, I wish the media would stop giving him so much coverage, as that just eggs the whole thing on. they cover him 24/7 so the shit show is documented in (I guess) hopes he doesn't get away with anything...yet here we are almost 4 years and numerous potential career-ending political scandals later and he's gotten away with it all. I just don't know if I can take 4 more years of listening to his bullshit. I blame the American voting public probably more than I blame donald for where we are today. he was a corrupt businessman and well known liar before 2016, and the fact that so many people believed his outright lies, exaggerations, etc. and think that his current behavior is acceptable is very unsettling. it shows that despite modern technology & a wealth of history to look back on, human beings can still be easily conned into believing in lies when they think it will somehow benefit them personally.
  15. fucking bats. nothing but disease carrying winged rats. corona is all their fault. donnie needs to tell the MAGA army to shoot all of 'em.
  16. 2020...the year when wearing a replica face hugger mask out in public is totally normal
  17. Baffling, I know. Of all the potential dem candidates, we end up with what feels like a stale, leftover piece of white bread that has been sitting in the same place on the shelf since 1975. I think the dems should go the celebrity route next time. Find a bankable movie star who everyone knows and likes. Donald's a prime example that you can be completely ignorant when it comes to politics and still get elected.
  18. My thought is a lot of the "I won't vote" or "3rd party" sentiments being tossed around online right now are gut reactions to the realization Sanders is out. He's been out for awhile now of course, but the stinging reality of him saying "Campaign's over" is upsetting to anyone who was still holding out hope he could pull off a miracle. I think (hope) that once this wears off, most everyone who supported him will switch to Biden. The alternative of having 4 more years of the meglomaniacal wannabe dictator in office is far worse than having Joe the senile 1970's dinosaur at the helm. Yes the choice sucks, but no way in hell should anyone with an ounce of sanity be voting for Trump.
  19. I agree with @markedone about the sound pallette being similar to the last album, but for me that's not a deal breaker. I also agree with others saying this is the best thing he's done in 10 years - since There is Love. I still think Pause is my favorite. Lot of nostalgia with that one. I lost interest after, then came back around with There is Love. The stuff he's released after that has been decent, but I rarely came back to it. This new one has been getting a lot of plays recently, hopefully it holds up over time.
  20. yeah no joke. wildfires, kobe died, corona, AND fucking trump gets re-elected
  21. still boggles my mind that in the past 4 years the dems couldn't come up with anyone halfway decent to run against the most incompetent president in modern American history. IMO every one of the 2020 candidates were flawed in major ways that left their odds at more or less 50/50 vs. trump. really sucks because I don't like Biden either.. but what choice do I have?
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