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Everything posted by zero

  1. would love to see that turtle fuck mcconnell put out to pasture. way past his time. can't believe he's been in congress since 1984. he went totally off the rails during the Obama years, and there's no sign he is ever going to have a sane point of view ever again.
  2. I only watched the clip from yesterday when he got into the spat with the asian american reporter, didn't watch the whole press conference. now it makes sense that she asked him why he needs to turn US testing numbers into a contest. look at this shit. he had banners made to stroke his ego. where's the one that says America leads the world in covid deaths?
  3. last I heard was that Obama turned himself into a hobgoblin, and was spotted prancing around the forests of Arkansas cancelling healthcare coverage
  4. or you could remove the British references and title it "why do some human beings not like donald trump" and it would be just as accurate.
  5. I wonder if large bars/clubs/venues will ever go back to normal after corona. can't see anyone in the near future wanting to be packed into a hot, dark indoor venue surrounded by potential virus spreaders. maybe this is the point in time where the spacesuit raver look becomes the fashionable norm
  6. donnie was this close to quoting donnie darko's "go back to china, bitch" line yesterday. if you watch the clip, you know that's exactly what he was thinking. https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-52627604/trump-spars-with-asian-american-reporter-over-nasty-question
  7. what kind of peppers? as you know, it's been pretty warm here this spring, so I've noticed plants/veggies have been reacting in kind. our chili peppers grew super quick and yielded already, eggplant getting there, and of course tomato plants shot up with nicely formed green tomatoes hanging. mint was already mentioned, but green onions/scallions are almost always guaranteed to grow super quick. garlic is also a very easy veggie to grow.
  8. rather, fake news journalists need to start throwing shoes at him. poop vs. shoes. oil vs. water. we could do this for millennia...
  9. it was all a publicity stunt that went wrong, and now here we are. howard stern gave a good interview last year where he mentioned this: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/05/09/magazine/howard-stern-change.html
  10. this was a pretty awesome headline to read earlier today, haven't thought of Axl in awhile: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/may/07/axl-rose-steve-mnuchin-twitter-spat-us-liberia-flags-mix-up
  11. I bet the next round of trump bucks will look like this:
  12. you actually make the US sound pretty attractive in that exciting sci-fi description you've got going there...
  13. hey these guys pulled a donald! bank fraud, identity theft, lying, scamming the government, mortgage fraud...right up his alley! they claimed to have owned restaurants with dozens of staff in order to get corona business bucks, when in fact it was all made up. these are exactly the kind of "best people" donald needs working for him: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/05/05/coronavirus-men-charged-with-fraud-over-cares-act-ppp-small-business-aid.html
  14. I say give king donald and the maga army the entire central part of the country...from north dakota down to oklahoma...no one cares much about that section anyway. and build a wall to keep those drug dealing Canadian rapists out...
  15. just wanted to say you're not alone man. big Iradelphic fan here. the beats weren't as huge as what he'd done before and I guess that didn't please some folks, but it still had the undeniably Clark sound you mentioned. for me, I don't ever think he'll be able to top Body Riddle. that IMO is his masterpiece and what elevated him from just another artist on the warp roster to established boss.
  16. thanks. I remember banshee. watched a few episodes when it first came out and lost interest. but yeah, I get the Dexter comparison. antihero hiding in plain sight with some completely over the top/impossible plots.
  17. re-watching season 4 of Dexter - the one with Lithgow in it. He is obviously the best part of this season and I forgot how little of him we see in the first few eps. I haven't watched it since it aired 10+ years ago, but I remember thinking it was...better? the whole show seems so cheesy/campy now.
  18. the 2020 election has some serious kink to it. a creepy touchy feely serial hair sniffer vs. a russian hooker golden shower lovin' mushroom man...choose your poison.
  19. either that, or he's suffering from permanent eye & brain damage from all the time he and donald spent starring into the sun together.
  20. maskgate continues for ol' mikey. a reporter that was travelling with him tweeted that the hospital did tell him he needed to wear a mask. the clown administration responded by barring the reporter and now demands an apology from him: https://www.businessinsider.com/pence-threatened-reporter-proved-knew-mayo-clinic-mask-rule-2020-5 I'm starting to think that mike pence has trouble understanding english. he always looks like some confused tourist who just wandered off from his tour group, doesn't speak a lick of english. that stone faced, blank stare he does is the exact same look someone gives when you speak to them in a language they don't get. look at this fucking guy. confused as shit. habla ingles mikey? hello?
  21. somebody (donald?) must have told him to wear a mask today: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/30/coronavirus-vice-president-mike-pence-wears-mask-after-criticism.html
  22. that's the best great success story I've ever heard in my entire life
  23. someone needs to warn trump so he can use space force to fight off those corona producing evil aliens. corona aliens vs. space force vs. spac hand luke
  24. donnie's been walking back all the stupid stuff he said yesterday. the lysol/bleach thing was apparently just a joke:
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