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Everything posted by oscillik

  1. I just tried it out, and I gotta be honest — I'll likely be uninstalling it. Screen space available to see the threads is vastly smaller than if you load the website in Safari, it's really quite slow to load forums / sub-forums / threads, and it doesn't seem to have as granular a selection with regards to the unread content streams.
  2. Thanks man. I rewatched Eraserhead the other day, so more monochromes should be coming. Summer lends itself more to colour work, for obvious reasons!
  3. Max Payne 3 is the best one. Not sure why you're talking about it being disappointing due to not being open world — neither of the prior games were open world.
  4. Just spoke with Ade — the album is basically done, and will hopefully be coming out this side of 2020. He's eager to get it released so he can get to work on new stuff again.
  5. COVID is fucking up a lot of stuff right now. Don't forget, Skam is a pure indie. I think it might be too optimistic to hope that it will be coming this year.
  6. Aliens: Colonial Marines is the single highest grossing game Sega have ever been invovled with, and garners fantastic reviews from everyone who plays it.
  7. Chrome on iOS, like all other browsers available for iOS are just wrappers for WebKit So you really can't rely on alternative browsers on iOS for testing purposes, unfortunately
  8. So this shit is showing up randomly in the middle of threads as I'm scrolling now.
  9. Fair enough, I know who it was and the feds are being called as I type
  10. Also that confirms that Tapatalk is still involved in this site in some way or other, despite it being a cesspool of shite!
  11. Circle avatars force the subject of the image to be completely centralised in order to view the subject properly. Circular avatars have very poor leeway for creative framing. In exactly the same way that vertical video is a fucking heresy.
  12. on any theme except WATMM Classic, all avatars are forced to be circular. Correction: of course you wouldn't notice a difference because you're using The Brothers theme. So okay, the lame BoC theme has rounded square avatars, whilst all others have circular avatars
  13. What about that post did you not understand?
  14. WATMM classic needs to come back. With the square profile pics too.
  15. Great. Now it's back to stupid circular profile pictures.
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