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Everything posted by oscillik

  1. How dare you imply that I wouldn't very much like this. You don't know me. You haven't done a points-based assessment to find out if I really really wanna pay £1.69 for your princely collection of Arsepax Twink vinyls.
  2. I would very much like this, and will offer you £1.69. This is a time limited offer.
  3. new boc boc boc boc boc boc boc you're jusst a leetle chicken cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep
  4. If you haven't already played Prey, I highly recommend. Fucking incredible game. I mean the most recent Prey, not the one from the early 2000's
  5. Indeed, I am guilty of the misnomer. The fact that it is deemed a "limited series event", along with what I said about my interpretation should kinda spell it out.
  6. @Joyrex you are just plain wrong — the Atari VCS has been immensely popular…
  7. You need to convert the FLACs to RealAudio (.ra) format for them to work properly on your phone. It's very important that you delete the FLAC files after you have converted them.
  8. Not quite — I've been reading up on the storage architecture that Sony have implemented with the PS5, which is essentially that the M.2 SSD they're using for storage is more akin to RAM, so load times should be non-existant. Not even the PC Master Race can get anywhere near that.
  9. I'm sorry to hear you've had to become an Amazon delivery driver, @Skeletron
  10. Rob Sheridan, the guy who was NIN's art director between 1999-2014, has been doing some VHS / Betamax glitch designed ones. My first order arrived
  11. This is a nice release, I do prefer Refuge Of A Twisted Soul / Live EP era stuff though…they have a certain vibe that really appeals to me. However, this certainly isn't terrible at all. I'm glad there's more to appreciate from the guys
  12. Oh that's easy — esleq doesn't have All End.
  13. You've got some deep-seated issues there, @Schlitze. It's just a record, bro
  14. I dunno if you heard, but there's this pandemic…
  15. HOw dare you refer to them as BoC bros instead of the correct nomenclature, The Brothers
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