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Everything posted by oscillik

  1. https://www.theverge.com/2019/10/16/20918208/google-stadia-controller-wireless-tv-chromecast-ultra-cloud-gaming haha Google Stadia.
  2. Ehhh, DOOM 2016 was developed and came out whilst id were under Bethesda…I know Bethesda get a shitty rap (I don't know from experience, I don't really play any games of theirs) but id Software are treated as pretty much an independent studio from what I've seen. I could get surprised this time around though…maybe Bethesda are throwing their weight around. They'd be pretty stupid to mess with what they've got though. As for Willits, yeah he left in July. I think there's only Kevin Cloud left from the original DOOM crew
  3. Basically, even if the game released when 3D Realms last worked on it, it would've been a bit of a tone deaf game. Duke3D was definitely a product of its time. And whilst Gearbox really haven't earned any respect after the endless bullshit that seems to come from their direction, I really don't blame them for Duke Nukem Forever being a flop — that was all on 3D Realms for taking the piss for years, and reigniting the hype machine every so often. With regards to DOOM Eternal, the fact that the Switch isn't going to be a launch platform anymore is a big deal…when DOOM 2016 came out on the Switch it seemed to be a big thing, and for them not to launch on that console doesn't look good. Also the Invasion Mode not being there at launch is another thing — I personally couldn't care less, I won't be enabling that shit. But it's something they were hyping up and seemed to want as a part of the game from the get-go. Haha, Hunt Down The Freeman
  4. Ehhh, I dunno man… 3D Realms spent years dicking around with the game and not actually doing much at all. From the looks of it, when Gearbox got hold of it, there was only so much you could do to make it anywhere near coherent. I remember when I played the game in 2001 thinking that it looked like a game that should've come out in 2005 or something…sure enough, when looking back at the development history and the behind the scenes bonus footage that was included with the game, the last time 3D Realms actually did any half-assed work on it was between 2006-2009. I think that ultimately the game was a victim of 3D Realms just announcing the game way too early — it was in this time period where the complexity of developing a game was quite a leap (don't forget Duke Nukem 3D came out around the same time as Quake, Duke 3D having sprite enemies and Quake having polygonal 3D enemies). It's quite clear that 3D Realms bit off more than they could chew with the development of this game, and by the time they picked up any speed with one games engine, it was superseded by better technology which would've made all their efforts seem lame. I think a lot of people forget that 3D Realms were an indie developer. There weren't that many people involved with Duke Nukem 3D. At the end of 3D Realms (before it's become what it is today): You look at the end credits for games these days, and they go on for fucking ages (the recent Deus Ex games spring to mind) It also seems pretty clear Valve have fallen victim to a similar issue — the whole point of the Half-Life series being released in Episodes was to help mitigate the time between releases, but the gap just ended up being as much as a normal full blown iteration, and then all of a sudden nothing. I can totally understand why Valve have canned any further work on the game. The hype for the next Half-Life is too big. Anyway, I'm sure I'm not saying anything there that people here didn't already know or think themselves about it all. I'm not too bothered about the delay to DOOM Eternal, however I am concerned — a delay that long, announced this close to the intended release date is not a good sign. On top of that, they already know for a fact that they're not going to be able to launch on Nintendo Switch and the game is going to launch without a much-hyped gameplay mode.
  5. DOOM Eternal is delayed ? But at least those of us who pre-order will get the first official PC release of DOOM 64
  6. This part says differently, though I guess everyone will have to just wait and see if they've bought yet another device with a design defect.
  7. That video is one of the most egregious examples of everything wrong with YouTube, gaming culture, and Brexit.
  8. I got Mooncrash and the other DLC as part of a package, it was on offer on Humble Bundle I think? Definitely well worth the money I spent on it, I reckon there's at least another playthrough or two out of this game. Brigador was on my radar because Makeup And Vanity Set did the soundtrack for it. I still need to get hold of that one too.
  9. I just finished my first playthrough of Prey. At first, the thing that annoyed me about this game was the whole thing of "You have to go and do A. Oh but now you need to do B so you can then do A. And now you also have to go and do C before you can do B, before you can do A". But I persevered with it, and I'm glad I did. Not only is the game storyline interesting, but I'm also fascinated by how this came to be out of the ashes of Prey 2 (which, by the looks of what it was originally meant to be, also didn't have anything to do with the original Prey from 2006).
  10. A My Bloody Valentine and BoC collaboration, being distributed via Valve's distribution system Steam. MBV Time + BoC Time + Valve Time = ∞
  11. Installing the new Prey now (I'm old school, I have the original Prey too and it's fucked up that there's no way to discern between the two in Steam)
  12. Finally completed Rage 2. The game in and of itself is pretty fun to play, especially when you have all the weapons and abilities. That ending is fucking shite though, just as shite as the first Rage. I guess it's cursed? DOOM ETERNAL AWAITS…
  13. Nah that's not accurate at all, in my opinion. It's not even running on an id Software game engine (most people assume it's id Tech 6, but it isnt). The gunplay doesn't feel similar, the game mechanics are different, etc. It does, however, feel like an evolution of what Rage was, but much better. The scenery just looks great, and the skies in particular are rather nice, especially at dusk.
  14. But my method of accessing the board at the time of the fuck up is via iPhone. Your solution is therefore fucking useless. Thank you very much.
  15. How can I hit the Esc key on my iPhone?
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