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Everything posted by oscillik

  1. I got Mooncrash and the other DLC as part of a package, it was on offer on Humble Bundle I think? Definitely well worth the money I spent on it, I reckon there's at least another playthrough or two out of this game. Brigador was on my radar because Makeup And Vanity Set did the soundtrack for it. I still need to get hold of that one too.
  2. I just finished my first playthrough of Prey. At first, the thing that annoyed me about this game was the whole thing of "You have to go and do A. Oh but now you need to do B so you can then do A. And now you also have to go and do C before you can do B, before you can do A". But I persevered with it, and I'm glad I did. Not only is the game storyline interesting, but I'm also fascinated by how this came to be out of the ashes of Prey 2 (which, by the looks of what it was originally meant to be, also didn't have anything to do with the original Prey from 2006).
  3. A My Bloody Valentine and BoC collaboration, being distributed via Valve's distribution system Steam. MBV Time + BoC Time + Valve Time = ∞
  4. Installing the new Prey now (I'm old school, I have the original Prey too and it's fucked up that there's no way to discern between the two in Steam)
  5. Finally completed Rage 2. The game in and of itself is pretty fun to play, especially when you have all the weapons and abilities. That ending is fucking shite though, just as shite as the first Rage. I guess it's cursed? DOOM ETERNAL AWAITS…
  6. Nah that's not accurate at all, in my opinion. It's not even running on an id Software game engine (most people assume it's id Tech 6, but it isnt). The gunplay doesn't feel similar, the game mechanics are different, etc. It does, however, feel like an evolution of what Rage was, but much better. The scenery just looks great, and the skies in particular are rather nice, especially at dusk.
  7. But my method of accessing the board at the time of the fuck up is via iPhone. Your solution is therefore fucking useless. Thank you very much.
  8. How can I hit the Esc key on my iPhone?
  9. Streaming is absolutely not a preservation resource — releases get edited or just absolutely deleted from streaming libraries so often. We had a preservation resource. Twice. RIP OiNK and What.CD
  10. Yeah, I'd probably say it's not worth the cost and time of travel it'll take you to get from London to Manchester and then back again in the same day. Don't get me wrong, it's an awesome exhibit, but it's gonna cost you serious money and time to make it there, it'll easily take up a whole day. Probably not worth it, unless you're more of a fan of Lynch than me.
  11. I don't understand your posts, man. Firstly you say how you don't understand the hate, but then you write a big long post detailing the reasons why people are hating on it and also dismissing those reasons, but then say you want to genuinely know why people hate on it? If you feel like there aren't legitimate reasons for people to be boycotting the Epic Games Store, then you're either misinformed, or you're intentionally trolling — I'm thinking you're on the latter there, since you make a comparison to a console system (Microsoft acquiring Double Fine) and one of the main sticking points that people have with Epic Games Store is that they're effectively creating console-like exclusivity on what is meant to be an open platform. At the end of the day, it's capitalism and if people don't like it, they don't like it — and the legitimate way to show that is to boycott the store.
  12. Maybe you should look up the numerous very negative things about Epic Game Store and the way they have sought these exclusives, and the seriously terrible privacy implications.
  13. From what I've read, they've only just started responding to it. It's been an issue plaguing Switch consoles since launch. They're doing the very least they should be doing, and they're doing it pretty late. On top of that, there's also no guarantee that the new Switch Mini or whatever it's called will be free from the same defect — considering that they're only just publicly acknowledging the problem, I would guess that it's going to affect the new console too. They're not the only major conglomerate company to act like this (fucking looking at you, Apple, you fucks) but I'm sure there'll still be plenty of people ready to suck Nintendo's dick in exactly a week's time or less.
  14. If I remember rightly, the Acorn Electron was basically a consumer version of the BBC Micro, which Acorn Computers also manufactured. It ran BASIC, and I had to load games from tapes (like you do with the ZX Spectrum). ARM is something to do with Acorn Computers, too…so yeah, pretty interesting.
  15. Systems I grew up on, in order of use: Acorn Electron Atari 2600 (aka 2600 jr) Nintendo Entertainment System Commodore Amiga 500 and 1200 Sega Mega Drive Super Nintendo Entertainment System Commodore Amiga CD32 Sony Playstation And then, various 386, 486, Pentium PCs that I scrabbled together. All these were systems I used before leaving school (16 here in the UK)
  16. Boards of Canada web-stream, live from the bunker.
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