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Everything posted by oscillik

  1. Isn’t a poopypants ticket really just... toilet paper?
  2. My first world achievement and success — being somewhat recognised as being not bad with the clicky-clicky photo making masheen
  3. Yeah, mobile site looks way worse than the previous mobile site, because it's literally just the full site squished to fit smaller screens
  4. I don't know why people keep saying that the entire hour of All End sounds the same, but it isn't funny.
  5. The track fades out and fades back in. It's not a big deal.
  6. no need, i have the internet, i know what you're saying, i often read reviews and yes i do get surprised... don't know if i'm misunderstanding you here but you're telling that, those movies you gave as an example, have got stuck with people? if so, well, there's a great example of nostalgia gone bad... inception? damn that's an awful movie and i bet it only stuck with people who watched it first time in their 15's to 25's... Also, the matrix? every time i re-watch it i think i'm gonna feel the same excitement i felt the first time i watched it when i was 18 only to get extremely disappointed at how bad it is... now, movies like the tarantino ones and the big lebowski do get stuck and age pretty well, but i guess that depends a lot on the genre of the movie in question... btw i don't wanna be misunderstood, i still love Alien, set, costume and sound design, straightforwardness of the concept monster in a dark room, fear of the unknown, parasites, dread of outer space i could go on and on about the things i like, it's just that after reading this thread, there's nothing good left to say about it... last night i watched Aliens, starts pretty good and ends even better, it's a shame what happens in between... maybe i should have watched the theatrical cut... No man. The internet, especially in this day and age, is not the place to have considered and meaningful conversation. But you're clearly gonna continue to dismiss my suggestion, so I see no point in reiterating it. With regard to you saying that those films I listed are a perfect example of nostalgia gone bad…I agree and disagree with you. Yes, things in those films have aged. But then so does everything. I rewatched Fight Club a few nights ago and the part during the midpoint where the movie emulates a spool of film coming loose from the sprockets on the projector…there's a whole generation of viewers that likely won't have any idea what the fuck that is. Does that mean that it was a bad idea to incorporate that visual idea into the film? Not in my opinion it wasn't. There's the joke that Home Alone wouldn't work as a film if it were remade for today's audience because of mobile phones and the internet. Does this mean that the original film is an utter fucking shambles? Again, in my opinion, no. On the flip side though, as a counterpoint to the bit I just mentioned about Fight Club, I think that modern films that incorporate a piece of modern technology such as drones — the recent Blair Witch film comes to mind — if done in a lazy way, or a way that relies too much on it, it is bad. Am I being a hypocrite? Probably. Or maybe there are more issues with Blair Witch than just it's reliance on drones as a plot device. On Alien and Aliens — Alien, as has been said by many, is a slasher film in space at it's core, and Aliens is kinda like sci-fi Vietnam War movie. I think as with many films, when you get the special sauce...the combo of a competent and talented team of movie makers (director, director of photography, costume and set designers, artists, musicians, foley artists, etc) they can make even the simplest of premises shine. I have yet to watch Dark Star, but from what I've read and heard, Alien is kinda like a remake of that but done better. This talk with you might push me to find a copy of it somewhere so I can compare! I do agree with you about Aliens though…the Special Edition has those Acheron scenes that, whilst they help flesh out the detail a bit, are really unecessary to the film. It's been a while since I watched the theatrical cut because of course, I coveted the special edition for so long. But in retrospect I'm inclined to say that the theatrical cut is a better watch. It's interesting to look at the first 4 movies. I know it's been said by someone before (not sure who) but I agree with them — that Fox were kinda treating the Alien franchise as a blank canvas to let a creative team remake the same movie in their own way. It's one of the reasons why I have always liked Alien 3, even when I first saw it back in the early 90s (I would've been like, 11 or something) I fucking adored the absolute bleakness in the tone of the film. I think it definitely is time to let it go though. Which is a shame, because concerning the new films, the David character is great. Not sure if he'd be as compelling out of context from Weyland and the storyline. Anyways, this has been cool.
  7. I got that too, I tried playing it for a bit but couldn't get into it. Something about it that just feels off, something in the movement. I'll give it another try though. DUSK had me wanting to play through from beginning to end, though. I'm also looking forward to Prodeus. I felt iffy about Project Warlock at first too. But after you complete the first episode it turns out the array of environments and enemies throughout the game is much more diverse than it initially appears. Plus you get cool weapon upgrades. I think I left off on E2M7 of Dusk on Cero Miedo about three weeks ago when I got distracted by Risk Of Rain 2. But I might return to it after finishing Project Warlock. As for Prodeus, I just backed them on Kickstarter a few days ago. TBH I feel that indie devs are the true heroes of the game industry these days. I'm for sure gonna return back to Project Warlock, just like I recently did with Wolfenstein: The New Order. Just will need a concerted push from me to do so. DUSK is absolutely my favourite game of last year, deffo recommended. It ticks all the boxes for being a retro inspired game that brings in just enough modern niceties. Most of the games I've own are from indie devs, or at least devs that started out as indies and became venerable and aborbed into something bigger (looking at you id Software). I've got a few games from the stupidly commerical devs, but they're generally not my favourites.
  8. I got that too, I tried playing it for a bit but couldn't get into it. Something about it that just feels off, something in the movement. I'll give it another try though. DUSK had me wanting to play through from beginning to end, though. I'm also looking forward to Prodeus.
  9. not scared, because it's not a scary movie, but horrified, totally, yeah! if not, what's the point of an horror movie... it doesn't even need to be because of something u see on the screen, damn, most of the times it's because of something that's not even there... but dude, you're derailing, everybody says that scenes like the chestburster are disgusting and horrifying but i can't help but laugh at what i see on the screen, tell me a story like that and yes i might get sick and horrified but seeing it on the screen is just laughable... nowadays, the abortion scene on Prometheus is way more horrifying than all of the chestbuster scenes in previous alien movies... now, facehugers, hell yeah, those are nasty! world of warcraft I'm not derailing. Do you think people actually listen to IDM because they think it's intelligent? I think it'd be pretty interesting to get you in a room with some proper horror movie fans, and have a legit conversation with them about why they love that genre. I think you'd be surprised at the answers you get from them. Also, you're watching a film after 40 years of cultural osmosis. Of course things that were (at the time of release) groundbreaking or at the very least refreshing, are now old hat. When other films and TV shows either copy or lampoon a scene in your film, you know it's struck a chord with people. Alien, Terminator, Robocop, Quentin Tarantino films, The Big Lebowski, The Matrix, Inception…countless others. All films that by today's standards have scenes that may not be as action-packed, terrifying, innovative, witty, etc. But they stuck with people. And of course they didn't stick with some people. It's all a matter of taste, and what you get out of a film. For the record, I was never scared or horrified by any of these films. I was watching stuff like this by the time I was 4 or 5 years old. In actual fact, a film that was meant to be a kids film scared me more and gave me recurring nightmares for years afterwards (not gonna say which one though due to the obligatory trolling). I never watched Alien, or Nightmare on Elm Street because I was horrified or scared and was addicted to that feeling. Am I in the minority? I don't think so.
  10. https://github.com/MiSTer-devel/Main_MiSTer/wiki that's the one. never had an amiga so am honestly pretty clueless on all things amiga, but this should be a good opportunity to poke around at one via https://github.com/MiSTer-devel/Minimig-AGA_MiSTer Yeah the MiSTer can do a good Amiga, as far as I know. Amigas are fucking awesome, but then I'm biased, I grew up messing around on them. I'm still a bit sad that the IBM PC architecture took over. I was thinking about this a month or so ago, actually...in the 90s there were all these different home computer architectures floating around, it was great. Now they've all literally been replaced by the IBM PC compatible (even consoles now are running PC architecture hardware). There has been a lot of talk about Apple moving over to ARM based CPUs for their Macintosh computers, and Microsoft has been toying around with ARM too. I think it's time for a change, to be honest. But it's gonna be a bit tumultuous.
  11. I'd love to get hold of a Vampire v4 board for my Amiga 1200, but it'll be silly money when/if it's released, and it'll sell out quicker than a motherfucker. I'll have to make do with my ACA1233n accelerated Amiga 1200
  12. Nah, it's probably some corrupted file or something. Try verifying the files through steam, or uninstall and reinstall the game. I'll try uninstalling then downloading and reinstalling after work tonight. In the meantime I've begun a new playthrough in the original Borderlands GOTY as backup, on high graphics settings. I understand the Enhanced version has new gameplay tweaks as well, but to what degree I'm not certain. I think the biggest one is the on-screen mini-map. I can see how that would be useful, since the original game didn't have that. Fucking annoying to have to keep going into the map to check where you are
  13. Nah, it's probably some corrupted file or something. Try verifying the files through steam, or uninstall and reinstall the game.
  14. Works fine for me, running on latest stable Nvidia drivers…
  15. I recently upgraded both my computers, and tried out Steam In-House streaming again (since I have a main workstation that can handle new games) It's fucking ace. Even over wifi on my router set-up, it's proper nice.
  16. Yeah, we're just gonna have to agree to disagree here, and that's all I'm gonna say on it.
  17. You're telling me I didn't boycott those things? Thanks for that, I guess…
  18. Tencent own a majority stake in Epic Games, so… Also, just the fact that you must be online to play games is reason enough to boycott it. Then on top of that there's this exclusivity thing. Fuck Epic Games. I won't be buying anything on there, and I won't support this exclusivity bullshit.
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