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Everything posted by oscillik

  1. With an estimated $90,000,000 budget, I don't think there are enough Sonic fans in the world to make this a viable venture.
  2. Very interesting dirt there, thanks for the tip off! I’m on a train so I’ll get sick if I stare at my phone for too long so I can’t go into details without throwing up. Anyway, just look them up online or see if you can still access the WWO forum and see what people have to say Oh wow, they've got their hooks into Ruiner too :( Well, if you go ahead and search for "DJ2Entertainment" and ALL the IPs they've got listed on their site you'll only get the announcements on a bunch of movie sites, but there's no substance to any of those news. And no follow-up news either. We were trying to figure out their business plan at one of the game companies but we aren't sure what they're up to. Maybe they're more interested in getting hold of IPs and then selling them to other production companies? Classic fake-it-till-you-make-it mantra
  3. Very interesting dirt there, thanks for the tip off! I’m on a train so I’ll get sick if I stare at my phone for too long so I can’t go into details without throwing up. Anyway, just look them up online or see if you can still access the WWO forum and see what people have to say Oh wow, they've got their hooks into Ruiner too :(
  4. Man babies that like all that comic-book explosiony CGI shite. I'm sure they'll bring in the big money
  5. Who is this Sonic The Hedgehog film for? Like, seriously — what demographic is it for? Has Sonic become trendy with the kids again? If so, that would explain why the sudden film. But I think most kids are interested in Fortnite and stupid fucking dances. It can't be for the people who first played Sonic, since most of those people are in their 30s. So who is this film for?
  6. You’re missing Kalpol Introl live, you heathen.
  7. Looking forward to both of these, didn't realise Dusk was gonna be finished so soon.
  8. yeah graphics and animations are clunky af, but there is a certain charm...or maybe i'm just biased from the day i first started to appreciate DE. I mean I'm more than willing to look the other way, considering how everything else just falls into place. I've seen one too many games with nice graphics and... yeah, just nice graphics... that's your take on the graphics? electronic old men? I think it's just the nostalgia thing. I grew up with DOOM,, and Duke Nukem 3D, and Half-Life, and Quake. And I fucking love those games to bits. But I realise that, especially with Half-Life, if you're a young gamer and you didn't experience the game when it was released and you're looking back at it, it is kinda clunky. I just think Deus Ex flew right past my radar at the time (and I don't think I was able to run the game with any degree of speed back in the day). I'll try again sometime, because I really loved the recent games. It'd be nice to fill in some of the storyline gaps. But for now, I'm content with being clued up enough on the lore from the modern games (I know there's not LOADS of references to the original game, but there's enough in the new ones to get a feel for it).
  9. I still need to try getting into the original Deus Ex — I have tried twice now, and I still can't really get past the first mission. Not because of any lack of ability, it's just...the graphics mayne :(
  10. It is, without a doubt, the scariest game I've ever played.
  11. I recently replayed Alien: Isolation too! Game is still solid, and legitimately fucking scary to play (and this is on a PC, without the fancy Kinect / PS4 mic stuff). From what I've read, quite a few of the games on the PlayStation Classic are the PAL versions. Fucking stupid. Like all of these 'classic' systems (except the Analogue stuff), they're cashgrabs.
  12. Cleaning the records is a moot point, since if it were an issue with “dirty records” it wouldn’t be a consistent issue on the right channel - it would be affecting both channels.
  13. Strong surface noise and crackle in the right channel only. Left channel unaffected. It’s not that hard to imagine...
  14. Can you post snippets of original record and the two replacements where the audio quality drops please I gotta say, it’s concerning how desperate you seem to be for a recording of the issue…
  15. That looks pristine ! If you're feeling brave (and when it's finally released) look into getting a Vampire v4 for it: Haven't seen the vampire video yet or know what it does, but perhaps a gotek device to replace your floppy drive could be an option to have/play a large set of games etc from a usb stick? The Vampire is kinda like an accelerator board, but not....as I understand it, it's an FPGA that takes the 68060 instruction set and improves on it (they dub it the non-existent 68080), as well as implementing other features of the Amiga custom chipset. There's contention in the community as to whether it's classed as emulation or not... I'd considered a Gotek, but I think for the most part for games I'll set up a WHDLoad system and load them from disk images. I actually quite like having to use floppies again.
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