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Satans Little Helper

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Everything posted by Satans Little Helper

  1. I can completely understand his sentiment. I have had plenty of situations where I have lost my cool. And even though that might be for a good reason, the thing which matters is his effectiveness. Fauci has a lot of weight on his shoulders. If he loses his cool and doing so risks convincing the people who are still on the fence, he's got a problem. It's his role to convince those on the fence. With an outburst like that - even if it's justified - he risks losing his effectiveness. This is huge part of what officials in the public eye have to deal with on a regular basis, btw. Respectfully respond to any crazy prejudices and beliefs out there. What he did here was similar to Hillary Clinton standing on a stage and calling Trump supporters out for deplorables. Regardless of the truthfulness of that statement, from a political perspective it's an ineffective statement. It's a tight line these people have to walk. Clintons comment didn't had the same emotional load as Faucis. And was perhaps meant as a bit of a joke even. And that backfired. So even jokingly putting Paul back into his place with a comment like that (the eye doctor thing), will go wrong. Paul is an elected official. It's his job to ask critical questions. Fauci should have kept his elephant-skin jacket on. No matter what. If an elected official walks into the senate with a snowball in his hand, arguing climate change is a hoax, going on a personal rant wont be doing any good. Even if the supporters would love to see it that way. It's better to look at the Brits for this stuff, imo. The Brits have a beautiful tradition of wittiness which can work wonders in situations like these. They can just respectfully outwit someone in arguments like this. Keep their cool. And between the lines crush their opponent without losing the perception of being respectful. (I'm an admirer of the British wittiness culture) This was way too much text, wasnt it? O well. I spend some time typing it. Now I have to submit it :S
  2. oof. although i have to say that paul's argument isn't far fetched either. grants were given to that lab for types of experiments where virusses are allowed/made to evolve. Even though the grants had nothing to do with experiments on virusses related to covid, it was an investment in the kind of research which might prove to be problematic in the context of covid. i can understand both perspectives, tbh. and both have a core of truth to them, i believe. this is not an either/or thing as far as im concerned. but the emotional response from fauci didn't help him to make his case, imo. i'm sure people will slash me for this, but that's how it can go in life i guess.
  3. Yeah. He's not beating around the bush. Right on the nose. Lovely stuff.
  4. Looks like a penis. But I'm not sure about the black lines. Is it supposed to be a strap-on penis? Or a fake nose in the form of a penis? Also, penis.
  5. The interesting thing about birds though, is they're essentially dinosaurs. Millions years older than our part of the tree of life. I'm 100% sure they're aliens without us even being aware!
  6. Shocked but not surprised about the recent news on spyware software (Pegasus) sold by a private company. And sold to governments (as far as we can tell at this point in time). Also shouldn't be surprised these techniques originate from Israeli Intelligence agencies. Welcome to the digital world, I guess. *looks at mobile phone with a small sense of fear* https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jul/20/pegasus-project-turns-spotlight-on-spyware-firm-nso-ties-to-israeli-state https://www.theguardian.com/news/2021/jul/19/edward-snowden-calls-spyware-trade-ban-pegasus-revelations
  7. Only if BCM can't lock the merged thread, please. Kinda defeat the purpose if he could still lock the merged thread.
  8. I heard he's pissed about not being allowed into Canada during the lockdown. Especially painful because he needed some new flannel shirts. Now, his only option is denim. He seriously needs more flannel shirts!
  9. BCM locked it. He can lock his own threads. Complete corona lockdown! ?
  10. "If you can't take the heat, please go to the kitchen" - producer Hell's Kitchen
  11. Too bad the blackmail leverage is still way too powerful to just throw away. If you'd be Putin, you'd be sure to keep things going as they currently are. The "effort to impact" ratio is far too good! Trump is a political goldmine for Putin. huhu goldmine huhu
  12. I'd think the Peterson-argument is about the difference between investing in adapting to a changing climate, or investing in an attempt to bring the situation back to what it was. I might be wrong of course. But this distinction is relevant, I'd argue. And it makes a big difference whether policies are aimed at adapting (and reducing further damage) or "attempts to engineer the climate back to where it was and keep it there". Personally, I don't believe in the latter. (which is where i hope the "not in top-50" comes from) We're beyond a couple trigger points, at this point. It's too late to engineer our way back in climate time.
  13. BCM, the original fearmongerer. All heil BCM!
  14. Should we fear you? I thought you were opposed to all the fear mongering?
  15. Why don't you just take a break? Go outside. Take a little holiday. Thanks to all those people getting vaxxinated, countries can open up as well. Nice moment to get outside again. ;D
  16. the data shows conspiracy fruitcakes are associated with political extremes. left and right. and a lack of trust in institutions. which you could argue, goes opposite to the socalled "prefers central authority". there's nothing inherently better about leftist conspiracies then rightist. and there's no real reason to assume prevalence is bigger on one end of the political extremes. perhaps certain subjects belong more on certain ends of those political extremes. But in the world of populism, left and right loose meaning very easily.
  17. just create a new one. i'd call it the "please BCM, don't be a chicken and have some covid!" thread
  18. I have no issues with people who already had covid and survived to not go for a shot of vax. Thing is though, there are still plenty people who didnt have covid and who cant be arsed to got a vax shot either. So in terms of public discussion, it's kinda strange to freely go out and argue against taking a vax as if it's complete waste. Generally speaking that is. Even though you're arguing from a very specific context. And also note there are plenty people who think they had it, but didn't. Want to give them an excuse as well? The racism and environment issues are strawmen, as far as i'm concerned. Different and separate issues. With vastly different impact on societies and need vastly different solutions. I do agree though that in each of those, we all carry a bit of responsibility. But if you make some blanket statement like "I didn't see people doing jack", it is just that: a blanket statement. There are plenty people who did. And probably plenty who didn't. But I don't think that's an excuse for doing jack when it comes to this pandemic though. Not sure why you even need to bring that shit up? Need an excuse? Does that validate your position? Also, solving an issue like racism or the environment is way more complex than this pandemic. It basically takes two shot of vax. That's it. And still people are crying like sensitive snowflakes with their personal freedom being taken. It's two f-ing shots, bunch of cry babies. And it's free. If those shots would solve racism and save the environment as well, they probably still cry. and make these nonsense arguments. I mean, have valid concerns.
  19. There's always a bunch of fruitcakes with some "alternative ideas". Sometimes it's better that way. And sometimes it just isn't. When it comes to getting rid of this pandemic, it just isn't. But fruitcakes will be fruitcakes. So we just have to accept that. And make sure that the majority does what is right for all. Looking at the US, currently, half of the population being (fully) vaccinated is an issue that needs to be addressed. What I have no tolerance for though is the kind of cynical attitude where people justify their inaction with the excuse that they don't believe a large enough sample of the population will get vaccinated anyways. So it wouldn't make sense to be vaccinated themselves either. That's just some self-fulfilling BS. If you're a functioning adult you understand the responsibility you have in being part of a greater good. Or part of the ambition. That's a rather self-serving misrepresentation of why national policies are the way they currently are. The goal is not "zero covid" you tinfoil capped moron. The goal is to be able to re-open society. And yes, everyone is well aware that covid won't go anywhere soon. But if we manage to re-open societies and get a better grip on the pressure on the healthcare systems, that should be an outcome we could all be happy with. No matter where you stand on getting vaxxed or not. Currently though, our best and most quick way out of this lockdown is through people being vaxxinated. Simple as that. And no, this is not an argument against effective treatments. But those treatments will not get us out of the current lock down. It's really that simple. This virus spreads too quick. And given the features of the delta variant, it looks like it evolves into versions spreading ever more quickly. The only alternative is to have everyone infected/resistent. If that's you idea of a better alternative, you can explain that to all relatives of covid related deaths. And also give a shout out to the people working in your healthcare system. Because you're basically giving them the middle finger.
  20. Here's another opinion: the publicly/governmentally funded space programs seem to have had their biggest push in development and innovation years/decades ago. Many of those programs have been cut in one way or another. So it kind of makes sense for commercial programs to spice things up a bit. Even if this kind of innovation is more commercially driven, it still is innovation. And this helps in a number of ways. One of them being there's more opportunity for more people to put in their expertise and creativity to help push these innovations. Simply because there will be more people active in this field. This will help drive innovation. And there's more opportunity for people to become active in this field. I'd rather have them building newer/better/faster space ships than to work at some bank.
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