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Satans Little Helper

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Everything posted by Satans Little Helper

  1. would be surprised if he even allows himself to conform to such expectations. i'd expect him to just post nonsense stoned stuff. which is probably just the same anyways. if i can believe freud.
  2. posting here asks for a judgment in itself though f-ing cringe thread dis
  3. In all fairness, it goes both ways. Claiming someone did horrific stuff asks for some strong backup, imo. And I'd consider those claims as unnecessary as asking for irrefutable evidence on a music forum. Admittedly though, it's easy to make such claims in "casual" conversations. And to an extent, people should be free to do so. But once people go there (making strong claims of guilt), it's also fair to ask (demand!?) people to back-up those claims. And yes, that brings plenty cringe. Completely agree. But again, it goes both ways. Don't think it's fair to just point the finger towards BT.
  4. that's what i would prefer as well, btw. It's the schrodingers cat state. Both can be true. But it's better to remain impartial. Or consciously ignorant perhaps. Because you can't know. With a healthy amount of suspicion. Without being judgmental. The schrodingers cat metaphor makes the most sense to me. But I'm not quite sure if that idea translates well to other people.
  5. i believe mj used the term duck sauce. but i don't have proof of that.
  6. Not saying it was OK. About commonality: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methaqualone https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Cosby#Sexual_assault_cases Don't think I've said anything silly, tbh. It was a popular recreational drug. If I remember correctly, he had multiple contacts with a lot of these women. Again, not saying it was OK. But I do think, you could argue the use of these drugs weren't out of the ordinary at that point in time. Even if the circumstances in which Cosby did were highly suspect. To say the least. (I don't have the facts, so I won't bother with pretending to know more) Is this a discussion about having a discussion? Or are we going to split hairs about something we probably largely agree on?
  7. Anyone heard First Peng? Or Third? Just wondering.
  8. At his age, that doesn't surprise me. Why even bother with therapy? He comes from a different day and age where stuff he did might have been close to the norm, tbh. I see this more as a societal/generational issue, than something which is purely in the hands of some individual. As far is I'm concerned, the question shouldn't be why he's free again. Or why he hasn't shown remorse. But the question should be why he wasn't put behind bars way earlier. Because guys doing stuff like that should be caught way sooner. Being resentful about Cosby is a waste of energy, as far as I'm concerned. Or about Jacko. Which is a completely different story, imo. Everything surrounding Jacko is wacko. Not just the man himself. I'm not going to bother to burn my fingers on that one.
  9. I'd expected to read he'd died when I opened this thread. Instead, he's free!? Silver lining is that it costs less tax money to keep him alive from now on. Less burden on the tax payer is good. /libertarian
  10. I don't get it. Vaccines are annoying and clingy?
  11. Thankfully *not* available in digital format ?
  12. Please don't keep us hanging! Personally, I'm afraid I can't be bothered about hearing 2 guys spitting opinions about Ae. If I want to hear an opinion, I'll go for a Fandango Needledrop youtube. So, I'll pass.
  13. 1 "Read the Rules!" 2 "Has read the rules!" 3 "I AFX" 4 "Jazzband" 5 "First encounter with teh Bat" 6 "First rolling LOL" 7 "I Capitalism" 8 "I Communism" 9 "Bitcoins are for sheeple" 10 "Owner of AFX NFT" 11 "Happy Monday veteran" 12 "No social life" 13 "No real life, only AFX" 14 "Consciousness close to being fully docked into WATMM" edit: for the right wingers change 8 to "First Bukkake"
  14. Thanks! I missed out the first time. What's the difference between the Feed Forward vinyl version and the digitals? Can't find them on Bandcamp. But Hardwax and Bleep carry some digitals. https://hardwax.com/?search=sandwell+district https://bleep.com/search/query?q=sandwell+district
  15. phlaps written and phuqed by richard d james those typical rdj innuendo's
  16. Didn't even know Tresor had its own bandcamp. My digital wallet just got a bit lighter again.. ?
  17. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/why-the-two-party-system-is-wrecking-american-democracy/
  18. I'm sure this is on topic. Somehow.
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