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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by tec

  1. Anyone played Amnesia? Free this week on PS Plus, the graphics look a bit pants but could be fun.
  2. When I saw it at the IMAX a kid loudly asked his Dad if Han was dead after he got stabbed and fell into the void. I will be seeing this months after its release, hopefully in a near empty cinema. Why are they the worst place to see films in?
  3. Are fans of that show now the lamest group of fandom? Do we finally have someone to look down on?
  4. A Dark Song - Steve Oram in another signature kinda funny, kinda scary role. They had an idea and fully committed to it despite the potential lol at the end. This was pretty good.
  5. Yeah cos yanks are literally incapable of producing intelligent music. How dare they even consider tarnishing the holy IDM i went to america once. it was terrible. I went to America once. I saw a lot of fat people.
  6. The quorn sausage rolls are very enjoyable and don't contain gristle.
  7. I bought a copy of his book with a picture drawn on a post-it note which he planted in various bookstores. Awesome. This is cool, thanks.
  8. tec

    Now Reading

    Have fun! I spent two months last year reading it, and loved it (even the Lydia Joyce chapter). Book 2 is my favourite, and I was sad when it ended. edit: also lol: I found the first volume in a charity shop for cheap, I'm fairly sure that like Only Revolutions it will sit on my shelf gathering dust.
  9. Any decent podcasts that are fictional horror? I've got true crime coming out my arse.
  10. tec

    Now Reading

    I thought the letters from his mother were the best part but as that's at the end you may not wish to go that far.
  11. tec

    Now Reading

    Just finished Johnny Marr's autobiography, despite the cringe there's a reason why Morrissey will always get more attention. Dull. October is horror month so I will finally be reading me some Clive Barker. Beginning with The Book of Blood.
  12. We're digging for wolfing our treasure.
  13. I was pleased to see this too, he's usually spot on.
  14. Finished Mad Max, like Alien Isolation it's as enjoyable as the films.
  15. tec


    The moment when he realises he's in the wrong house is gold.
  16. Made the mistake of reading about that creep Harry Knowles and disappeared down various links and ended up on his review of Blade 2. Burn the internet.
  17. Still playing Mad Max. Really enjoy it but I don't think it's ever going to end.
  18. I'm approaching this one with caution, The Loved Ones get decent reviews but I thought it was pretty bad.
  19. Colossal - or the dangers of the nice guy being friendzoned. It's hard to feel sympathy for those that haven't evacuated Seoul but otherwise I liked it. Anne Hathaway runs exactly like Wendy from The Shining.
  20. It was, just thinking about MRX's contribution raises a smile.
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