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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by tec

  1. What Happened to Monday? - I never would have found this if I hadn't been curious what the director of Dead Snow was doing. Who thought that was a good title? By no means a masterpiece I still enjoyed it. it's a bit Children of Men, a bit Matrix, a bit Soylent Green. And Noomi Rapace plays seven characters and she's cool.
  2. I think it was Richard Herring on twitter that said how at the end of games like Sim City or Roller Coaster Tycoon when you get fed up or pissed off you'd just try and trash everything. That's Trump now, who'll be dead in a few years.
  3. Can anyone recommend metal similar to Inter Arma? I like my stuff to sound like a Lovecraftian monster rising from the sea.
  4. tec


    It's not beyond the realm of possibility for Nadine to change her mind so your wish may still be fulfilled, you heartless bastard. That scene with the log lady was too real, had a few tears.
  5. Is that aimed at the beer and snack food companies that will send him to an early grave?
  6. I could watch him and Sammy Davis Jnr all day.
  7. tec


    Mental, I used to be friends with this girl. We went to the same school and everything, never had her down for future dank fame.
  8. tec


    Holy crap, the FBI agent who starts shouting uncontrollably at his colleague made me laugh out loud. Amazing scene. I was so freaked by Sarah Palmer I forgot this hilarious moment, and the look on Gordon Cole's face when he's on the phone to Lucy. I'm so glad with this series that they didn't just cover the same old ground and every week I don't have a clue what delightful madness I'm about to witness. Although, that cockney accent proper messed with me loaf, a right old slap across the boat race.
  9. Let me know how you get on with Penda's Fen, it wasn't my cup of tea but I was maybe watching it with the wrong expectations.
  10. Ah come on, the background music didn't do him any favours but otherwise he seemed alright.
  11. Got Mad Max, they got the tone from the films nailed and really enjoying it so far.
  12. It might be too late for my brain to be functioning properly but I didn't mind the song, that jacket won't do him any favours though.
  13. Fairly sure I saw it a few months ago but if I had a gun to my head I still couldn't tell you anything that happened. Had a google and realised I'm thinking about Julia's Eyes, please ignore me.
  14. tec


    I would love a season 4 but having to write Albert Rosenfield out of the plot will be a heart-breaker.
  15. A lot of it was definitely intention, the honorifics getting bigger as the film goes on was a lol.
  16. tec


    Could that have been evil Coop driving out of town after nearly running that guy at the end off the road? After visiting Sarah?
  17. tec


    No way Harry Dean ever spoke to that much in an interview.
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