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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by tec

  1. tec


    Fuck sake. Might keep posting until we get a new page. Maybe not, forget the posts join together. Sorry.
  2. I was certain that the freaks over at Cinemageddon would be able to sort you out with Psychovision but even they don't have it, sorry.
  3. hahahaha, I've got that in a folder of films to watch somewhere. I put it off every time I browse in there. It was on Netflix so my girlfriend and I thought "fuckit" and put it on. I regret it. I need a good horror movie. If you find one let me know, watched A Lonely Place To Die, it closed Frightfest film festival but isn't a horror at all, just Deliverance without the hilarious rape. The Other Side Of The Door isn't good and is probably a bit racist but has a couple of fun jump scares. There's a Belgian film you might be interested in then... It's not horror either but it's kinda fucked. Calvaire http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0407621/ I'm a big fan of Calvaire, two friends went to a ghastly nightclub in Magaluf and recreated the dance the locals in the pub do.
  4. Episode 3 was pretty poor, I've not had the energy to go further but will do out of my love for the graphic novels.
  5. hahahaha, I've got that in a folder of films to watch somewhere. I put it off every time I browse in there. It was on Netflix so my girlfriend and I thought "fuckit" and put it on. I regret it. I need a good horror movie. If you find one let me know, watched A Lonely Place To Die, it closed Frightfest film festival but isn't a horror at all, just Deliverance without the hilarious rape. The Other Side Of The Door isn't good and is probably a bit racist but has a couple of fun jump scares.
  6. tec

    Now Reading

    Totally, it's nuts. Sadly even some of what you posted gets a bit lost on me, almost like my brain just freezes and says "you fucking what mate?". There's a book called How to Teach Quantum Physics To Your Dog which I'm going to pick up soon.
  7. tec

    Now Reading

    What aspects of QM did you have problems understanding? (Just curious) Basically all of it. I typed some stuff that was going to go here but I'm not even sure that was right. Observable particles acting differently when they are unobserved, all that, the book does a good job of explaining Schrodinger's Cat but science was never my strong point despite a love of space and the universe. It is a frustrating combination.
  8. tec

    Now Reading

    Haha I've read that too, quite fun but even simple speak can't help me with quantum physics.
  9. tec

    Now Reading

    Finished the first of the dark is rising sequence, I know it's for young adults but it kept being referenced in folklore books so thought I'd give it a go. Very enjoyable, but not sure if it's enjoyable enough to read the other four that follow. Anyone delved further?
  10. I know it's a bit shit but I've been falling asleep to Z Nation recently and really enjoying it.
  11. Aye, just reinforces how bland a lot of these films are now too. So many neat little character quirks have vanished, watching it back seeing the parents get stoned is great.
  12. tec

    Now Reading

    ^ I always felt like I came to that too late, in my teens I would have been all over it but in my mid-20's I was a jaded motherfucker and thought it was quite irritating.
  13. tec

    Now Reading

    I got a second-hand copy of Electric Eden, described as new on eBay but it appears to have been thrown down multiple stairs and the spine has a few cracks so I'll probably get it from a shop, getting bad vibes from this one. I don't speak to many people.
  14. tec

    Now Reading

    Hearing that it's a good book if you wish to learn about how to tie a knot is quite off-putting but then Leviathan by Mastodon is great so I don't know who to believe, one day I'll get round to it.
  15. tec

    Now Reading

    Sweet, some author mentioned this on her reading list at the AV Club recently and sung its praises too, do you need to know much about folk? I have a fairly decent knowledge but fear this may be too niche. link http://www.avclub.com/article/elizabeth-hand-her-5-favorite-books-about-music-234658
  16. dude please.. please don't.
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